Assign Work Schedules
This job aid shows payroll administrators how to assign work schedules.
Assign a predefined work schedule
Your campus-assigned role determines your navigation path. If the first navigation path is unavailable, use the Alternate Navigation.
Step 1: Navigate to Assign Work Schedule.
- Menu >Global Payroll & Absence Management >Payee Data >Create overrides >Assign Work Schedule
- Alternate Navigation: Menu >Time and Labor >Enroll Time Reporters >Assign Work Schedule

Step 2: Search for the employee.
- Enter search criteria.
- Click Search.
- If the search returns one employee, the Assign Work Schedule page opens, otherwise, select an employee.

Step 3: Click the Plus button to add an Effective Dated row.

Step 4: Enter the Effective Date.

Step 5: From the Assignment Method column, Select Predefined Schedule.
- If the schedule you need to add is not defined, skip to Assign a personal schedule.
- Select Predefined Schedule – Use this if the schedule is already defined in the system.
- Use Default Schedule – Use this option if the employee must be set to the Monday through Friday, 8 hours each day work schedule. No additional information is required to be set when using this option.
- Create Personal Schedule – Use this if the schedule does not currently exist in the system and no action will be taken to have it created.

Step 6: Select the CSU_SHARE schedule group.

Step 7: Use the Lookup to select a Schedule ID.

Step 8: Click Save.

Assign a personal schedule
Before you create a personal schedule, make sure the schedule does not already exist. The schedule ID naming convention helps you make that determination.
Step 1: From the Assignment Method column, select Create Personal Schedule.

Step 2: Select the CSU_SHARE schedule group.

Step 3: Click Create Schedule.

Step 4: Set the schedule details:
- Enter a Description.
- Select the Definition type.
- Confirm Daylight Saving Rule is set to Fixed Time.
- Set Days in Schedule.
- Days in Schedule: Set the “Days in Schedule” to the appropriate number for the work schedule to be created. For example:
- If the schedule is to repeat weekly, set the number to 7.
- If the schedule is bi-weekly, set the number to 14.
- Days in Schedule: Set the “Days in Schedule” to the appropriate number for the work schedule to be created. For example:

Step 5: Optional: Set the default Taskgroup and Time Reporting Template.
- Use these fields only if your campus uses Taskgroups and you want to set a default for the work schedule.

Step 6: Open the Schedule Shifts tab.

Step 7: For each day of the schedule, enter the number of hours to be worked in the “Sched Hrs” field.
- IMPORTANT – Day 1 of the schedule is always the same day as the effective date. For instance, if the effective date of the schedule is Monday, November 25, 2019, then that will be Day 1 of the schedule. If the schedule is weekly or bi-weekly, it is recommended that the effective date be a Sunday.
Step 8: Click OK.

Step 9: Click Save.

- Use effective dates to update the employee’s schedule on those dates.
- For example, if the employee has an interval of two weeks with an alternate schedule, enter a row for the alternate schedule, then enter another row that returns to the standard schedule with the effective date of two weeks after the alternate row.
Appendix: Predefined Schedule Naming Conventions
Standard naming convention
- Working Days + hours
- After each day (or range) the number of hours worked is indicated.

Campus police naming convention
- Police schedules always come in pairs (WK1 and WK2).
- Police schedules always start with PD.
- Hours each day/total hours worked both schedules.
- Working Days
- WK1 or WK2
- N = Sunday, M = Monday, T = Tuesday, W = Wednesday, R = Thursday, F = Friday, and S = Saturday.

Standard naming convention (details)
- The first characters must indicate the FTE expected to be associated with the employee.
- “1.0” must be used for full time work schedules.
- Lower FTEs must not contain a leading zero and must only go to 4 digits past the decimal (ex: .9875, .95, .8).
- There must also be a trailing space.
- The next characters are used to show at-a-glance the number of hours for each day in the week.
- Each weekday is identified with a single letter; N = Sunday, M = Monday, T = Tuesday, W = Wednesday, R = Thursday, F = Friday, and S = Saturday.
- A range of days can be shown using a hyphen.
- After each day (or range) the number of hours worked must be indicated.
- Each day of the week must be covered either by an entry or a range. Ex: M-F8, T-F10, MTR8 W9 F7.
- Any day not listed is assumed to be marked as “Off”. If space allows, include “HRS” at the end as an indicator that the number is the number of Hours.
Campus police schedule naming convention
- Campus Police schedules come in pairs.
- The first two characters of a campus police schedule must always be “PD” followed by a space.
- Then, the number or hours worked each day followed by a slash and the total number of hours covered by both schedules (ex. 12 hours/day over 80 hours would be shown as “12/80”) followed by a space.
- The working days must then be indicated using a single letter: N = Sunday, M = Monday, T = Tuesday, W = Wednesday, R = Thursday, F = Friday, and S = Saturday.
- A range of days can be shown using a hyphen.
- Once the days are in, there must be a space, followed by either WK1 (to indicate the first week) or WK2 (to indicate the second).
- Example: “PD 12/80 N-W WK1”.
End of Article
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