This job aid shows approvers how to delegate approval.
Transactional Front End (TFE) facilitates job and position changes that require approval. Approvers who go on vacation can delegate their approvals to another user for a time, such as a vacation.
Create a delegation request
Step 1: Navigate to Manage Delegation.
- Menu > Self Service > Manage Delegation

Step 2: Click Create Delegation Request.

Step 3: Complete the From Date and To Date fields.
- Specify the time for which your approval requests will be delegated.

Step 4: Click Next.

Step 5: Select the types of transactions to delegate:
- Job change approvals
- Position change approvals

Step 6: Click Next.

Step 7: Select the delegate.
- By default, your supervisor is your delegate. You can optionally click the link to search for another delegate by name.

Step 8: Click Next.

Step 9: Review the delegation detail, then click Submit.

Step 10: Click OK.

Revoke approval delegation
Use this procedure if you have an active approval delegation that you want to revoke.
Step 1: Navigate to Manage Delegation.
- Menu > Self Service > Manage Delegation

Step 2: Click Review My Proxies.

Step 3: Revoke delegations:
- Select the transactions to revoke.
- Click Revoke.

Step 4: Click Yes – Continue.

Step 5: Click OK.

End of Article
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