Accept Absence Approval Delegation
This job aid shows you how to accept or deny an approval delegation assignment.
- Absences and payable time are requested by employees and approved by an approver.
- If the approver is absent, approvals are delegated to a proxy.
- The proxy approver receives a notifications to accept ownership of the approvals during a specified time period.
- During the specified time period, approvals are automatically routed to the proxy approver.
Accept Delegation Request
After you receive an email about being a proxy approver, sign in to CHRS.
Step 1: On the Manage Self Service Homepage, click the Approvals tile.
- The Approvals tile shows an item to be approved, indicated by a number in the lower right corner.

Step 2: Click the Delegation of Authority item.
Step 3: Review the delegation information.
- Delegation from
- Delegation to
- From date
- To date
Step 4: Click Approve to accept the delegation request or Deny if you are not available to perform this responsibility.

Step 5: Click Submit.
- Optional: Enter comments before you click Submit.,
What happens next?
- Absence requests from the regular approver are routed to you for approval during the specified time period.
End of Article
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