Final Approver Step
This job aid shows you how to complete the final approver step of your campus’s Temporary Academic Employment (TAE) workflow.
As the final approver, you have the final responsibility to verify and correct errors before transactions are loaded to Job Data.
Important Reminders
- Review all items before you approve the appointment.
- Review the details in the Empl Stat field to help confirm the correct Empl Record and Action/Reason was selected.
- The appointment details load to Job Data when you check Approve and then click Save & Submit.
- After submission, you receive two automatic PDF reports on separate browser tabs:
- Temporary Academic Employees Error Report
- Temporary Academic Employees Successful Loaded to Job Report.
- Review the reports to ensure that the appointment loaded successfully to Job Data.
- If the transaction fails to load to Job Data, review the error and try to resolve it. For troubleshooting information, refer to: TAE Troubleshooting Guide.
- If you are unable to resolve the error, you must follow the Manual Job Load process.
Search for appointments to approve
Step 1: Navigate to CSU TAE My Approval page.
- Menu > CSU Temp Academic Employment > CSU TAE Approval Workflow > CSU TAE My Approval page

Step 2: Enter Search Criteria to find approvals, then click Search.
- Business Unit and EE group are required.
- Verify that the Business Unit is correct.
- The search returns appointments that you are authorized to approve.

Review and approve appointments
- Carefully review the fields on every tab of the My Approval page.
- IMPORTANT: The fields that you see on these pages vary depending on which EE group you are approving and on campus-specific hidden fields.
Step 1: On the Appt Data tab review the following fields:
- Employee Record Number
- Eff Seq
- Name
- Empl Stat
- Position Nbr
- Job Code
- Grade
- Base Rate
- Dept ID
- Description
- Term
- Session
- Appt Type
- Other Action
- Adjust
- EffDt
- End Dt
- Multi Term Date
- Entitlement
- Actual CompRate
- Term Rate
- Unconditional
- The fields displayed in this example can vary depending on EE group.
- Appt Type should always be populated unless the Other Action field has Termination
- Term and Session should only be populated for AY Job Codes

Step 2: Click the Addl Data tab to open the Additional Data page.

Step 3: Review and update the following fields and checkboxes if necessary:
- New Action
- New Action Rsn
- Pay End Dt
- Return Dt
- AY Duration
- SSI Remaining
- Shift Factor
- PPT Flag
- Item 215
- Comments
- The first 12 columns are common to all pages. Scroll to the right to see the columns in this screenshot.
- New Action, New Actn Rsn: Always confirm that the correct values have populated. Although the system does autopopulate based on system logic, it is still important to review. If the transaction has a mid-process revision, the action/reason does not update. See Revise a TAE Appointment for more information.
- Return DT: This field is required when the Other Action displays one of the Short Work Break values.
- RET CD: Edit if needed.
- If the empl record is new, the retirement code is blank. If you leave the field blank the value populates from the CSU TAE Process Defaults table set up by your campus.
- For existing empl records, the value populates from that empl record in Job Data.
- AY Duration: Edit if needed.
- If the empl record is new, the value populates from the CSU TAE Appt Type table.
- For existing empl records, the value comes from that empl record in Job Data.
- SSI Remaining: Single-digit field. Edit if necessary. For existing empl records, the value comes from that empl record in Job Data.
- Shift Factor: A freeform field that loads to the appropriate field in Job Data.
- PPT Flag: When selected, the Comments load to job and populate in the Personnel Payroll Transaction (PPT).
- Item 215: For a list of values, see the Employment History Remarks entry in the Data Dictionary.
- Comments: Enter any applicable notes. Remember they will only load if the PPT Flag is checked.

Step 4: Click the Notification tab to open the Notification page.

Step 5: Review the information on this page:
- EE Notif Date
- Acknowledged?
- Acknowledged Date
Scroll to the right to see these columns.
- EE Notif Date: The date the notification was sent to the appointee.
- Acknowledged?: whether the notification was acknowledged by the appointee.
- Acknowledged Date: The date on which the appointee acknowledged the notification.

Step 6: Click the Approval tab.

Step 7: Review the information on the Approval page.
- Appt Nbr
- Step/Level
- Comments
- Last Approval By
- Last Approval Date
The first 13 columns are common to all pages. Scroll to the right to see these columns.
- Appt Nbr: A system-generated number that is related to that specific appointment.
- Step/Level: The current step number in the workflow.
- Comments: Carefully review the comments field. Optionally add comments for other approvers to see.
- Last Approval By: Shows the person who last approved this appointment.
- Last Approval Date: Shows the date of the last approval.

Step 8: Optional: If you need to change the Employee Record number, check the Unlock box.

- The unlock check box is on the right side of the page. If this box is unchecked, the Empl Rcd field is read-only.
- Employee record numbers are generated automatically and usually do not need to be changed.
Step 9: Approve or Pushback the appointment.
- To Approve, check the box to approve this appointment.
- To Pushback the apointment, refer to the following job aids:
- To revise the appointment, see Revise a TAE Appointment.
- To cancel the appointment, see Cancel an Appointment.
IMPORTANT: For the final approval step, use the Pushback option only to change a field that will be on the appointment notification or if the appointment needs to be canceled. You must select a step prior to when the appointment notification was sent.

Step 10: Click Save & Submit.
- You can submit multiple rows at the same time.
- The appointment information populates the Job Data table.
- The Temporary Academic Employees Error Report and the Load to Job reports open automatically.

What to do next: Review the reports.
Review the reports
When you approve the final step in the workflow, the following reports open automatically on separate browser tabs:
- Temporary Academic Employees Error Report
- Temporary Academic Employees Successful Loaded to Job Report
Step 1: Confirm the reports opened.
- The Temporary Academic Employees Error Report opens on a separate browser tab.

- The CSU TAE Successful Load to Job Report opens on a separate browser tab.

Step 2: Review the Temporary Academic Employees Error Report.
- For troubleshooting information, refer to: TAE Troubleshooting Guide.
- You can also review the CSU TAE Error Report: Navigation: Menu > CSU Temp Academic Employment > CSU TAE Reports > CSU TAE Error Report.

Step 3: Return to the CSU TAE My Approval page.
- Menu > CSU Temp Academic Employment > CSU TAE Approval Workflow > CSU TAE My Approval page

Step 4: Click Search.
- Appointments that did not get loaded to Jobs remain in the Load to Jobs approval step.

Step 5: If there are problems: Resolve the issues that prevented the load to jobs. If you can, resolve the error by updating the fields that you have at your step and then check Approve and click Save & Submit again.
- For troubleshooting information, refer to: TAE Troubleshooting Guide.
- Your available resolutions depend on your access and the nature of the error.
- For transactions you cannot resolve, go to Manual Job Load.
Step 6: Close the browser tab for the report.

Step 7: Review the Temporary Academic Employees Successful Loaded to Job Report.

Step 8: Close the browser tab with for the report.

What to do next:
- If the transactions loaded to job, you are done and the PPT can be printed.
Manual Job Load
If you find a transaction on the Temporary Academic Employees Error Report that you cannot resolve, you need to manually enter the appointment data to Job Data and then select the Manual Job Load option.
Step 1: Manually enter the appointment data to Job Data. Follow the Update an employment instance procedure from the Update Jobs job aid.
- Use the information from the My Approvals page to complete the Job Data update.
Step 2: Return to the My Approvals page.
- Menu > CSU Temp Academic Employment > CSU TAE Approval Workflow > CSU TAE My Approval page

Step 3: Click the Appt Data tab.

Step 4: Click the Other Action field, then select Manual Job Load.
- Manual Job Load removes the row from your approval queue.
- Select this option only after you have entered the appointment data to Job Data.

Step 5: Click the Approval tab.

Step 6: Click Approve check box for that row.

Step 7: Click Save & Submit.

- The transaction is removed from the May Approvals page and will not be included in the Temporary Academic Employees Error Report after 7 minutes.
End of article
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