Employee Name: Willow TAE
Employee ID: 100000366
Empl Rcd#: 4
This letter constitutes an offer of additional employment in English, as a Substitute Instructional Facul, Range 2. This offer automatically expires at the end of the period stated below and does not establish consideration for subsequent appointments or any other appointment rights. All referenced Articles are contained in the collective bargaining agreement: https://www.calstate.edu/csu-system/faculty-staff/labor-and-employee-relations/Pages/unit3-cfa.aspx
Detailed Appointment Information #1 | ||
Term: Spring 2024 | Start Date: 02/06/2024 | End Date: 02/23/2024 |
Lab Rate: 55.00 | Estimated Hours: 2 | Total Compensation: 110.00 |
Detailed Appointment Information #2 | ||
Term: Spring 2024 | Start Date: 02/06/2024 | End Date: 02/23/2024 |
Lecture Rate: 79.00 | Estimated Hours: 3 | Total Compensation: 237.00 |
The provisions contained in this offer of employment, the California Education Code, the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the California State University and the California Faculty Association (CFA), and the policies and procedures of CSU Stanislaus and the policies and procedures of California State University (all of which are incorporated herein by reference) shall constitute the entire terms of your appointment. For more information related to temporary academic employment and campus resources we invite you to visit: https://www.csustan.edu/faculty-affairs
The following message is from the California Faculty Association: You are represented by the California Faculty Association, a union of more than 28,000 professors, lecturers, librarians, counselors and coaches who teach in the California State University system. In classrooms on the 23 CSU campuses, CFA members work hard to teach our students. To join, as an active member with rights to vote andengage fully on behalf of yourself and others, go to: https://www.calfac.org/join-cfa/
This offer of employment supersedes any other communications between you and the university with respect to the terms of your appointment. Any promises or statements of inducement made by any agent or representative of the university that are not contained in this offer of employment shall not be valid or binding on the university.
Dory Finding
Dean College of Human &Soc Sci
End of Example
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