This job aid shows you how to find and run TAE Approval History report. This report shows which transactions have been submitted for approval, actions performed, and the dates notifications are sent and acknowledged.
This report is a useful resource for auditing and troubleshooting.
Step 1: Navigate to CSU TAE Approval History.
- Menu > CSU Temp Academic Employment > CSU TAE Reports > CSU TAE Approval History

Step 2: Enter search criteria:
- Business Unit (campus)
- EE Group
- Empl ID
- Job Code
- Campus ID
- Department
- From Date
- To Date
- Term
- Appt Nbr
- Business Unit and EE group are required fields.
- Empl ID: The CHRS ID for the employee in the transaction.
- User: The Campus ID for the employee in the transaction.
- From and Through Dates refer to the effective date of the appointment, not the date when the approval occurred.
- There is no field to search for transactions approved by a specific approver.

Step 3: Click Search.
- The page displays the results.

Step 4: Select the tab to see specific columns or click the button to show all columns.
- Appt Data
- Addl Data
- Act Pay Data
- PPT Data
- Appt Log
- Each tab shows different columns.

Step 5: Optional: Click the button to download to Excel.
- Click Show All Columns before you click Export to Excel to ensure you have all of the data in your spreadsheet.

Notes for this report
If multiple transactions are submitted for the same employee but the seq# are not in numerical order when the transaction is loaded to job, the seq# will be updated by the Component Interface load to be in numerical order but the TAE Approvals History page will not update with the updated seq# value.
End of Article
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