This job aid shows you how to find CSU TAE Successful Load to Job report. This report shows the transactions that were successfully loaded to Job Data. The same report is generated after the final approver completes the last approval.
- Use this procedure to run the CSU TAE Successful Load to Job report.
- The EE group that you select determines which fields are displayed in the report.
Step 1: Navigate to CSU TAE Successful Job Load TR.
- Menu > CSU Temp Academic Employment > CSU TAE Reports > CSU TAE Successful Load to Job

Step 2: Enter search criteria.
- Business Unit is required.
- EE Group is required
- Empl ID: The CHRS ID for the employee in the transaction.
- User: The Campus ID for the employee in the transaction.
- From and To date encompass when the transaction was loaded.
Step 3: Click Search Criteria.
- The page displays the transactions that were successfully loaded to Job Data.

Step 4: Review the information:
- Name
- Empl ID
- Empl Rcd
- Eff Seq
- Position Nbr
- Dept ID
- Department Description

- Job Code
- Grade
- Action/Reason
- Other Action
- Eff Dt

- End Date
- Pay End Dt
- Multi Term Date
- Expected Return Dt

- Fraction
- Monthly Rt
- Base Rate
- AY Dur
- SSI Remaining

- Shift Factor
- PPT Flag
- Item 215
- PPT Comments

End of Article
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