- This job aid shows TAE Data Entry Employees how to use the CSU TAE Missing BUSN Email report.
- This report provides TAE Data Entry users a look at who does not have a BUSN Email address.
- TAE Data Entry Users can refer to the report prior to hiring someone new or when they receive the popup message on the CSU TAE Appointment Data Entry Page.
Run CSU TAE Missing BUSN Email report
Step 1: Navigate to CSU TAE Missing BUSN Email report.
- Menu > CSU Temp Academic Employment > CSU TAE Reports > CSU TAE Missing BUSN Email

Step 2: Enter your Business Unit.
- Optionally, you can enter CHRS ID or Campus ID to search for a specific employee.

Step 3: Click Search to view the results.

The search results display.
Step 4: Review the search results.
The report shows the following columns:
- Business Unit: This is your campus
- Employee ID: CHRS Employee ID
- Campus ID: Campus Solution Employee ID
- Employee Name
- Last Updated (days): How long the employee has had no Business Email.

End of article
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