CHRS Knowledge Base

Replace a TAE Workflow

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This job aid shows campuses how to replace a workflow in a production environment.

Replace a workflow

Use this procedure in a production environment if you need to replace a workflow.

Step 1: Open the Navbar button.

Navbar button

Step 2: Navigate to Menu > CSU Temp Academic Employment > CSU TAE Approval Workflow > CSU TAE WorkFlow Steps

 Step 3: Search existing workflows.

  1. Enter your search criteria.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Review the list of existing workflows.
  • Search existing workflows to ensure your new workflow does not include the same information as an existing one.
  • Note the Effective Date on existing workflows. If you create a replacement workflow, the new workflow must have a greater month and year than the previous workflow
Search Exixting workflow

Step 4: Select the workflow steps to be replaced.

  • The CSU TAE Workflow Steps page opens.
Workflow Steps page

Step 5: Set the Status to Inactive.

  • To reactivate the workflow, you need to return to the search page, clear your buffered selection, and then re-select this workflow.
Set the Status to Inactive

Step 6: Create a replacement workflow.

  • Follow the procedure: Set Up TAE Approval Workflows.
  • Make sure the Effective Date for the new workflow is one month and one year greater than the workflow that you are replacing.
  • Ensure that the new workflow has the correct approvers for each step.

End of Article


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