This job aid shows Payroll administrators how to create and maintain automatic enrollment groups.
- This PeopleSoft 9.2 feature automates enrollment in time reporter data.
- Enrollment groups use custom rules to determine how each employee is added or updated for time reporter data and schedule assignment.
- The CHRS team provides delivered campus-specific baseline enrollment groups based on existing campus workgroups.
- Your campus should plan to review these baseline enrollment groups to ensure they meet your needs.
- You can change the baseline defaults for your campus if necessary by editing the existing enrollment group or by creating new groups.
Create an automatic enrollment group
Step 1: Navigate to Enrollment Group.
- Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Time and Labor > Auto Enrollment > Enrollment Group

Step 2: Click Add New Value.

Step 3: Enter an Enrollment group name.

- The field has a limit of 12 characters. The first two characters must be the two-character campus identifier.
Step 4: Click Add.

- The Enrollment Group page opens.
Step 5: In the Enrollment Group Definition section, complete the following fields:
- Effective date: This enrollment group only effects job data changes on or after this date.
- Description: Must begin with the campus identifier used in the group name, followed by any description that is useful to the campus.
- Query Name: Use the Lookup to select the appropriate query.
Status is Active by default. Short Description is optional.
Step 6: Click Next.

- The Time and Labor Enrollments page opens.
Step 7: In the Enrollment Group Definition section, select the Time Reporter Type.

Step 8: Use the Lookup to select a Time Reporter Template from the corresponding Time Template field.

- Populate the Time Template field that is appropriate for the Time Reporter Type. For example, the Punch Time Reporter type requires a Punch Time Template value.
- The following templates are provided, but your campus might use different templates:
- Punch Time Reporter – CSU_PUNCH
- Elapsed Time Reporter – CSU_ELAPSE
Step 9: Optional: Set a Time Period ID.

- If a time period ID is not set on the workgroup, or you wish to override the time period on the workgroup, set a time period ID.
- IMPORTANT: Set this value to CSUSTCAL if your campus uses the complex calendar mod. CSUSTCAL maps to the PIMS structure.
Step 10: Click the Lookup to select a Workgroup to assign to this employee group.

- IMPORTANT – Only select a workgroup that is associated with your campus.
Step 11: Click the lookup to select a Taskgroup.

- If your campus or this employee group does not require the use of Task Profiles, select the “CSU” taskgroup.
- IMPORTANT – Only select a taskgroup that is associated with your campus.
Step 12: Click Next.

Step 13: The Time Reporting Preferences page opens.
In the User Preferences section, configure the following fields:
- Time Prepopulation Method
- Default Timesheet Display
- Save for Later Option,

- Time Prepopulation Method: If your campus uses task groups, set the Time Prepopulation Method to Task Values.
- Default Timesheet Display: Set to “Time Reporting Period” if the time reporting period is set to CSUSTCAL” either in the workgroup or in step 11. Otherwise, the timesheet page will not display the SCO calendar periods. If you use an alternate time period, set the appropriate default for the employee group’s user preferences.
- Start Day of Week: Must start on Sunday.
- Save for Later Option: Set to Save For Later Is Not Allowed.
- Leave other fields with default values.
Step 14: Optional: Click the Lookup to set the default Taskgroup.

- If your campus uses something other than the default 'CSU' taskgroup, then set the default here.
Step 15: Click Submit.

- You have created an automatic enrollment group.
Create an auto-enrollment query
STOP: If you do not know how to build PeopleSoft queries, do not proceed. Building PeopleSoft queries is beyond the scope of this job aid. Before proceeding, ensure that you are proficient in building PeopleSoft queries. This job aid provides information specific to setting up an auto-enrollment query.
Queries define the population to enroll. Your campus starts with a set of baseline queries, one for each delivered workgroup, but you might need to create more. Use this procedure to define a query if one does not already exist.
Step 1: Navigate to Query Manager.
- Menu > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Manager

Step 2: Click Create New Query.

Step 3: Click Properties.

Step 4: Complete Query Properties fields:
- Enter a Query Name.
- Optional: Enter a Description
- Set the Query Type to Process.
- Set the Owner to Public.
Query Name:
- Must follow the standard query naming convention: TL_AENRL_[campus 2-letter initials]_[string]

Step 5: Click OK.

- You return to the main query page.
Step 6: Add all required records and criteria to define the group you want the auto-enrollment process to populate.
- Do not include effective date criteria.
- IMPORTANT – Ensure that all effective dated logic is removed as the Time & Labor Auto Enrollment leverages the job effective dated row for its logic.
- IMPORTANT – The query must include your campus identifier to ensure that you enroll only employees at your campus.
- In the Fields tab, make sure that only the Emplid and Empl_Rcd fields are returned by the query. No other fields must be returned.

Step 7: Click Save. Your auto-enrollment query is saved.
End of Article
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