Run and Review PIP
This job aid shows payroll how to:
- Generate a PIP file
- Review the PIP Generated file
- Optional: PIP Review
- Review PIP Interface Run Status
Payroll Input Process (PIP) is used to transmit pay data to the State Controller’s Office (SCO) without needing to key in both PeopleSoft and PIMS.
New features:
- Users can run in Final mode more than once for the same Run ID.
- You can exclude individual rows from the final result prior to the file being generated..
Before you start
- DO NOT re-run any Pay Run IDs for periods prior to your campus's CHRS conversion date. PIP history for campuses is not converted and the process will try to re-send everything.
- DO NOT send draft run files to the SCO.
- If you run PIP again in Final Mode, make sure to use Exclude Options on the PIP Review page to prevent sending the same employees through multiple times for the same pay period.
Generate a PIP file
IMPORTANT: Run in Draft mode first. Ensure that the information is correct and that the exclude options are set where appropriate, then run in Final mode.
Step 1: Navigate to CSU PIP Process
- Menu > Time and Labor > CSU Time and Labor > CSU PIP > CSU PIP Process

Step 2: Enter a Run Control ID.
- CSU PIP Interface page opens.

Step 3: Enter Report Parameters:
- Run ID (required)
- Business Unit (required)
- Balance ID (optional)

Do not use the following fields:
- Select Process Manually: Do not use this option.
- Incl Retro: This option is not currently available.
- From and thru dates: Do not use these fields.
Balance ID is an optional field. Field values are configured by your campus in the Balance ID tables.
Typical values include:
- CY: Calendar Year
- ST: Student
- AY: Academic Year
If you leave the field blank, the program reads it as: CY
Step 4: In the PIP Interface Process section, set the process statuses to be executed in this run using the menus for each.
- Student Assistant 048
- Absence Without Pay 603
- Positive Attendance 672
- Overtime 673
- Premium 676P
- Shift Diff 676S
- Uniform 676U
- In this example, we are running Positive Attendance 672 as a Draft Run.
- Important: Run only one PIP process at a time. Running multiple processes from a single run control might cause the totals to be wrong, resulting in incorrect payment amounts from the SCO. To clear the process, select the blank option from the menu.
- Draft Run generates a draft file that is intended to be reviewed for accuracy.
- Final Run generates a file that is intended to be transmitted and sets the “TR” status on payable time.
Guideline: Run in Draft mode first to ensure that the values are correct. You can run in Draft mode multiple times.

Step 5: Optional: Enter departments to filter the data to be included in the file.

Step 6 Optional: Enter Job Codes to filter the data to be included in the file.

Step 7 Optional: Include/Exclude EmplIDs. Typically, when you run PIP, you do it for a population of employees. However, there are situations in which an employee has already been run and you need to exclude that employee from the current run. In this situation, you enter the employee's ID and then select Exclude.
A: Select the EmplID
B: Select Include or Exclude
- Optionally select the individual employee records or all records (check box).
- Click Plus to add more rows if needed.

Step 8: Optional: Click Save to save your current run settings.

Step 9: Click Run.
- Process Monitor page opens in a new browser tab.

Step 10: Click Refresh until the Distribution Status is Posted.

Review the PIP Generated file
Step 1: Click the Process Name.
- The process list opens.

Step 2: Click the CSUTL010 Success message.
- The Process Detail opens

Step 3: Click View Log/Trace.
- The file list opens.

Step 4: Open the PDF file or CSV file associated with the report.

Step 5: Review the list of entries.
- Full Name
- Empl ID
- Pay Mon
- Pay Year
- RPT Unit
- Class code
- Serial No.
- Company
- Dept
- Salary Rate
- Hours Paid
- Offset

Optional: PIP Review
- Step 1: Navigate to the CSU PIP Review page using one of these options:
- Click the PIP Review button from the CSU PIP Interface page or use the Navigator.

Optional Navigation: Menu > Time and Labor > CSU Time and Labor > CSU PIP > CSU PIP Review Page
- The PIP Review page opens

Step 3: Enter a Pay Run ID to find a previously run PIP process.

Step 4: Click Search. The search returns a list of results.
Step 5: Review the list of entries.
- Pay Run ID
- Pay Period Begin Date
- Pay Period End Date
- From Date
- Thru Date
- Retro Indicator
- Run Date
- Transaction Code

Step 6: Click on an entry to review the results. The CSU PIP Review page opens.
Step 7: Review the results.
- IMPORTANT: If the Hourly Rate field is blank, that means that the PIP file is not transmitting an override rate. The SCO will use the employee's hourly rate in PIMS.

Step 8: Optional: to exclude the results from future PIP processes, select the appropriate Exclude from PIP option.
- Excld Perm excludes the entry from all future PIP runs. The system tracks values that have been marked as permanently excluded. Use this option with extreme caution.
- Excld Temp excludes the entry from the next PIP run.

Review PIP Interface Run Status
Use this procedure to learn whether PIP was previously run and whether it was in Draft or Final mode.
Step 1: Navigate to CSU PIP Run Status page.
- Menu > Time and Labor > CSU Time and Labor > CSU PIP > CSU PIP Run Status

Step 2: Enter a Pay Run ID.

Step 3: Click Search. The system displays the search results.
Step 4: Click a result to view details.

Step 5: Review the results:
- Run date
- Pay Bgn Dt
- Pay Period End
- From Date
- Thru Date
- Business Unit
- Ret Ind
- PIP Run types
- User ID
- Ret Ind is the retroactive indicator. Retroactive runs are currently unavailable.
- The status displays a separate column for each type of pay run (example, Overtime 673).
- For each PIP run type, the column shows whether the process was run in Draft or Final mode.

End of article
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