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Maintain Time Reporter Data User Guide

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Maintain Time Reporter Data

User Guide

Last Revised: 11/16/22


Document Title: Maintain Time Reporter Data User Guide
Author: CHRS Project Area
File Reference: Maintain Time Reporter Data User Guide

Revision History

Revision Date Revised By Summary of Revisions Section(s) Revised
8/6/19 Dave Weiler Initial Draft All

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1.0 Process Overview

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2.0 Process Prerequisites

Query is developed. Query must be a “process” query type and only have employee IDs and employee records as the output.

3.0 Process Steps

3.1 Create a new Auto-Enrollment Group

  1. Sign in as an administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Time and Labor > Auto Enrollment > Enrollment Group
  3. Click on the “Add a New Value” tab
  4. Enter an Enrollment group name
    1. The field has a limit of 12 characters. The first two characters must be the two-character campus identifier. The remaining characters can be used (or not used) as the campus sees fit.
  5. Click “Add”
  6. On the Enrollment Group Definition screen enter an effective date of the enrollment group. This enrollment group will only affect job data changes which occur on or after the effective date.
  7. Enter a Description.
    1. The description must begin with the campus identifier used in the group name, followed by any description that is useful to the campus.
  8. Use the lookup field to select the appropriate query.
    1. Queries are used to define the population which should be enrolled. Follow the standard business process for building a query. Query must be a “process” query type and only have employee IDs and employee records as the output. See section 3.7 for steps on creating a query.
  9. Click the “Next” button
  10. On the Enrollment Group Definition section, select the Time Reporter Type.
  11. Based on the selected time reporter type, populate the time reporter template. For instance, if the time reporter type is set as “Elapsed Time Reporter”, set an elapsed time template. If the time reporter type is “Punch Time Reporter”, a punch time template must be set.
  12. Use the lookup and select an available workgroup to assign to this employee group. CAMPUS CAUTION – Make sure that you only select a workgroup that is associated with your campus.
  13. Use a lookup and select a taskgroup. If your campus or this employee group does not require the use of Task Profiles, select the “CSU” taskgroup. CAMPUS CAUTION – Make sure that you only select a taskgroup that is associated with your campus.
  14. OPTIONAL – If a time period ID is not set on the workgroup, or you wish to override the time period on the workgroup, set a time period ID. See section 3.6 for instructions about configuring a workgroup.
  15. Click Next
  16. In the User Preferences section, set the Default Timesheet Display to “Time Reporting Period” if the time reporting period set either in the workgroup or step 14 is “CSUSTCAL”. If this is not done, the timesheet page will not display the SCO calendar periods. If an alternate time period is used, set the appropriate default for the employee group’s user preferences.
  17. OPTIONAL - Set the “Start Day of the Week” to “7 – Sunday” if using a weekly timesheet and your campus would like a weekly timesheet to start on a Sunday.
  18. Set the “Save for Later Option” to “Save For Later Is Not Allowed”
  19. OPTIONAL – If the campus uses Taskgroups and a default is required, set the default Taskgroup under Task Value Defaults using the lookup.
  20. Click the “Submit” button

3.2 Update an existing Auto-Enrollment Group

  1. Sign in as an administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Time and Labor > Auto Enrollment > Enrollment Group
  3. Under the “Find an Existing Value” tab, enter the search criteria and click “Search”.
  4. OPTIONAL - On the Enrollment Group Definition screen, if possible create a new effective dated row of the enrollment group. This enrollment group will only affect job data changes which occur on or after the effective date, so if a correction is required skip this step.
  5. OPTIONAL – Update the Description.
  6. OPTIONAL - Use the lookup field to update the query.
  7. Click the “Next” button
  8. OPTIONAL – Update the time reporter data.
    1. CAMPUS CAUTION – Make sure that you only select a workgroup that is associated with your campus.
    2. CAMPUS CAUTION – Make sure that you only select a taskgroup that is associated with your campus.
  9. Click Next
  10. OPTIONAL – Update the User Preferences
    1. Set the Default Timesheet Display to “Time Reporting Period” if the time reporting period set either in the workgroup is “CSUSTCAL”. If this is not done, the timesheet page will not display the SCO calendar periods. If an alternate time period is used, set the appropriate default for the employee group’s user preferences.
    2. OPTIONAL – If the campus uses Taskgroups and a default is required, set the default Taskgroup under Task Value Defaults using the lookup.

3.3 Execute Auto-Enrollment Process

  1. Sign in as an administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Time and Labor > Enroll Time Reporters > Auto Enrollments > Process Auto Enrollments
  3. Enter the Run Control ID.
    1. Run control IDs are controlled by campuses. If you do not have a run control ID, follow your campus process for requesting and building one.
  4. Click the “Search” button.
  5. OPTIONAL – Check the “Process Bulk Enrollments” box if you want to enroll all users as of a specific date.
  6. CAUTION - Select the Employees to Process
    1. Selecting “All Employees” will process all employees across all campuses. This option must only be selected by CMS.
    2. If “Select Employees” is selected, the employee ID and record for each employee to be processes must be entered.
    3. If “Process Group Query” is selected, the query must be selected from the lookup. It should be a process query which only returns employee ID and employee Record.
  7. Click the “Run” button to execute the process.

3.4 Manually Create a new row of Time Reporter Data

  1. Sign in as an administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Time and Labor > Enroll Time Reporters > Maintain Time Reporter Data
  3. Enter the search criteria.
  4. Click “Search”
  5. OPTIONAL – Select the employee from the list of returned results.
  6. Click the “+” button to create a new effective dated row.
  7. Set the Effective Date – This date cannot be prior to the employee’s hire date.
  8. Set the Time Reporter Type
  9. OPTIONAL – Set the Elapsed Time Template if the employee is an Elapsed Time Reporter. If not set, the system will use the workgroup default.
  10. OPTIONAL - Set the Punch Time Template if the employee is a Punch Time Reporter. If not set, the system will use the workgroup default.
  11. Set the Time Period ID to “CSUSTCAL”.
  12. Set the Workgroup.
  13. Set the Taskgroup. If the campus does not use Task Profiles, set to “PSNONCATASK”.
  14. Click the “Save” button.

3.5 Manually Update an existing row of Time Reporter Data

  1. Sign in as an administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Time and Labor > Enroll Time Reporters > Maintain Time Reporter Data
  3. Enter the search criteria.
  4. Check the “Correct History” box.
  5. Click “Search”
  6. OPTIONAL – Select the employee from the list of returned results.
  7. OPTIONAL – Use the navigation buttons to locate
  8. OPTIONAL - Set the Effective Date – This date cannot be prior to the employee’s hire date.
  9. OPTIONAL - Set the Time Reporter Type
  10. OPTIONAL – Set the Elapsed Time Template if the employee is an Elapsed Time Reporter. If not set, the system will use the workgroup default.
  11. OPTIONAL - Set the Punch Time Template if the employee is a Punch Time Reporter. If not set, the system will use the workgroup default.
  12. OPTIONAL - Set the Time Period ID to “CSUSTCAL”.
  13. OPTIONAL - Set the Workgroup.
  14. OPTIONAL - Set the Taskgroup. If the campus does not use Task Profiles, set to “PSNONCATASK”.
  15. Click the “Save” button.

3.6 Configure a Workgroup

  1. Sign in as a Campus T&L Administrator.
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Time and Labor > Rules and Workgroups > Workgroup
  3. Click on the Add a New Value tab
  4. Enter a workgroup name – The first three characters of the workgroup name must be the three letter campus identifier.
  5. Click on the “Add” button
  6. Enter an Effective Date
  7. Enter a Description
  8. OPTIONAL – Set a Short Description
  9. Select a Time Type – Exception Time Reporting should be used for employees who are not required to report REG time. Positive Time Reporting should be used for employees who are required to report REG time.
  10. Set a Rule Program – If there is not a campus-specific rule program, use the appropriate CSU-generated one: Hourly, Salaried, Bridge, or Student.
  11. Set a TRC Program – If there is not a campus specific TRC program, use the appropriate CSU-generated one based on the employee type (Hourly, Salaried) and union code.
  12. Set the Holiday Schedule – The holiday schedule will be campus-specific and either a standard or academic holiday schedule.
  13. OPTIONAL – If a workgroup-default work schedule is required, set the Schedule Group to be CSU_SHARE.
  14. OPTIONAL – Set a workgroup-default work schedule ID. This will override the paygroup default, but will be overridden by any schedules assigned directly to the employee.
  15. Click on the Approval / Timesheet Control tab.
  16. Check the “Approve Payable Time” box.
  17. Set the Approval Definition ID to “TLByPosMgmt”.
  18. Set the Timesheet Totals to “Exclude Breaks and Meals”
  19. Ensure that the “Require Employee Sign-Off on Timesheet” box is checked.
  20. Set the Message Set to “29000” – this is the Time & Labor message set
  21. Set the Message Number to “17” – This is the message number for the approved time sheet sign off statement.
  22. Ensure that the “Allow Others to Submit Time For Employee” box is checked.
  23. Ensure that the “Notify Employee of Changes” box is checked.
  24. Click the Save button.

3.7 Create an Auto-Enrollment Query

  1. Sign in as a campus T&L Administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Manager
  3. Click the “Create New Query” link
  4. Click the “Properties” link.
  5. IMPORTANT - Enter a Query Name. The name must follow the standard query naming convention and should start with “TL_AENRL_”.
  6. OPTIONAL – Enter a description.
  7. Set the Query Type to “Process”
  8. Click “OK” to return to the main query page
  9. Add all required records and criteria except for effective date criteria.
  10. IMPORTANT – Ensure that all effective dated logic is remoted as the Time & Labor Auto Enrollment leverages the job effective dated row for its logic.
  11. IMPORTANT – Ensure that there is campus identifier logic in the query. The queries do not have
  12. In the Fields tab, make sure that only the Emplid and Empl_Rcd fields are returned by the query. No other fields must be returned.
  13. Click “Save” to save the query.

3.8 Create a new Taskgroup

  1. Sign in as a campus T&L Administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Time and Labor > Task Configurations > Taskgroup
  3. Click on the “Add a New Value” tab
  4. IMPORTANT - Enter a Taskgroup name – The first two characters of the taskgroup name must be the two-character campus indicator. The remaining characters can be determined by the campus.
  5. Click the “Add” button.
  6. Enter an Effective Date
  7. Enter a description
  8. OPTIONAL – Enter Short Description
  9. CAUTION - Select the Task Template ID. Be aware that task templates are shared across campuses.

Verify that you are selecting the correct one.

  1. Select the Elapsed Time Reporting Template – If a campus-specific Elapsed Time Reporting Template is not available, use the CSU_ELAPSE.
  2. Select the Punch Time Reporting Template – If a campus-specific Punch Time Reporting Template is not available, use the CSU_PUNCH.
  3. CAUTION – Select a task profile ID. Be aware that task profiles are shared across campuses. Verify that you are selecting the correct one.
  4. OPTIONAL – Add an additional row and Task Profile ID if needed.
  5. Click the “Save” button.

3.9 Create a new Task Profile

  1. Sign in as a campus T&L Administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Time and Labor > Task Configurations >

Task Profile

  1. Click on the “Add a New Value” tab
  2. IMPORTANT - Enter a Task Profile ID – the first two characters of the Task Profile ID must be the twocharacter campus indicator. The remaining characters can be determined by the campus.
  3. Click the “Add” button.
  4. Enter an effective date
  5. Enter a description
  6. OPTIONAL – Enter a short description
  7. CAUTION – Select a Task Template ID. Be aware that Task Templates are shared across campuses.

Verify that you are selecting the correct one.

  1. Set the allocation type.
    1. Allocation by Quantity - Select to enter a quantity (hours, units, or amount) for each task. The system will convert the number you enter into a percentage, based on the total quantity you enter for all tasks. This option is similar to the Allocation by Percentage option, but rather than entering a percentage you enter a number that the system converts to a percentage.
    2. Allocation by Percentage - Select this option to specify the percentage of hours, units or amounts the system should allocate to each reported task.
    3. Allocation Equally All Tasks - Select this option to automatically allocate hours, units, or amounts equally among all the tasks you report. The system determines the allocation when time is reported or created.
  2. OPTIONAL – Depending on what allocation type, assign the allocation information on the Allocation Information tab.
  3. Click on the ChartFields tab.
  4. Enter a combination code. Task profiles should only use combination codes for cost allocation.
  5. OPTIONAL – Enter any additional elements that are required by the template.
  6. Click the “Save” button.

3.10 Create a new Task Template

  1. Sign in as a campus T&L Administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Time and Labor > Task Configurations > Task Template
  3. Click on the “Add a New Value” tab
  4. IMPORTANT - Enter a Task Template ID – The first two characters of the Task Template ID must be the two-character campus indicator. The remining characters can be determined by the campus.
  5. Click the “Add” button.
  6. Enter a description.
  7. OPTIONAL – Enter a Short Description.
  8. IMPORTANT – Make sure that the “Commitment Accounting” box is unchecked.
  9. OPTIONAL – Assign HR Task Elements required by the campus.

a. Time & Labor and Performance Management Elements are not used.

  1. Set the Combo Code element to “Required”.
  2. Click “Save”

3.11 Configure a new Time Reporter Template

  1. Sign in as a campus T&L Administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Time and Labor > Time Reporting > Time Reporting Template
  3. Click on the “Add a New Value” tab
  4. IMPORTANT - Enter a Time Reporting Template ID – The first three characters must be the threecharacter campus indicator. The remaining characters can be determined by the campus.
  5. Enter a Description
  6. Select the appropriate Template Type.
  7. Set the Time Reporting Elements as required by the campus business process.
    1. The only required Time Reporting Element is that Time Reporting Code (TRC) be set to

“Required”. All other elements are up to campus discretion. See PeopleSoft Human Capital Management 9.2 Online Help in the PeopleSoft Hosted Online Help for additional information on the defined fields.

  1. OPTIONAL – Set the values under Approval Locations as required by the campus.
  2. Define the Timesheet Controls. The following values are required, but all other values are up to campus discretion.
    1. Set the Save For Later Option to “Save For Later Is Not Allowed”
    2. Set the Submit Option to “Confirm”
    3. Set the Real Time Rules to “Enable in All Views”
    4. Set the Apply Schedule to “Do Not Enable in Manager View”.
    5. Set the Absence Events to “Hide Section”.
    6. Set the Absence Balances to “Hide Section”
    7. Set the Leave and Comp Time to “Hide Section”.
  3. Click the “Save” button.

3.12 Configure a new Rule Program

  1. Sign in as a campus T&L Administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Time and Labor > Rules and Workgroups > Rule Programs
  3. Click on the “Add a New Value” tab
  4. IMPORTANT - Enter a Rule Program ID – The first three characters must be the three-character campus indicator. The remaining characters can be determined by the campus.
  5. Click “Add”
  6. Enter an Effective Date
  7. Enter a Description
  8. OPTIONAL – Enter a Short Description
  9. Enter “1” in to Process Order
  10. Enter Rule ID “CSUT003” – This rule is required for all Rule Programs.
  11. OPTIONAL - Click the “+” to add a new row
  12. OPTIONAL – Enter additional rules in the program using the following steps (repeat as many times as required):

a. Enter a process order – this is the order in which the rules are processed by Time Admin. b. Enter a rule ID

c. OPTIONAL – Add a new row by clicking the “+” button.

  1. Click the “Save” button.

3.13 Configure a new TRC Program

  1. Sign in as a campus T&L Administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Time and Labor > Time Reporting > TRC Program
  3. Click on the “Add a New Value” tab
  4. IMPORTANT - Enter a TRC Program ID – The first two characters must be the two-character campus indicator. The remaining characters can be determined by the campus.
  5. Click “Add”
  6. Enter an Effective Date
  7. Enter a Description
  8. Enter TRCs in the program using the following steps (repeat as many times as required): a. Enter a TRC
    1. OPTIONAL – Change the TRC Access level:

i. Manager and Administrator only – TRC can only be set on the timesheet through

Manager Self Service or Rapid Time ii. Administrator only – TRC can only be set through Rapid Time iii. No restrictions – TRC can be set on any time reporting page.

  1. OPTIONAL – Set the Ordering Sequence for the TRCs. This will set the order the TRCs are listed in any drop down. Any TRCs left un-numbered will be displayed in alphabetical order.
  2. OPTIONAL – Click the “+” sign to add an additional row.
  1. Click the “Save” button.

3.14 Configure a new Rapid Time Template

  1. Sign in as a campus T&L Administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Time and Labor > Time Reporting > Rapid Time Template
  3. Click on the “Add a New Value” tab
  4. IMPORTANT - Enter a Rapid Time Template name – The first two characters must be the two-character campus indicator. The remaining characters can be determined by the campus.
  5. Click “Add”
  6. Enter a description
  7. Select a Template Type
  8. Select the required Time Template Definition options for the template – these are the values that will be required to be entered when time is entered.
  9. Click the “Save” button.

3.15 Configure Time & Labor Security for Row Security Permission Lists

  1. Sign in as a campus T&L Administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Set Up HCM > Security > Time and Labor Security > TL Permission List


  1. Enter search criteria
  2. Click “Search”
  3. OPTIONAL – Select the appropriate result from the list of returned results.
  4. Depending on who will be assigned this permission list, set the following values: a. Administrative Staff
    1. Check the “Allow Prior Period Time Entry” Box
    2. Enter “365” in the “Days Grace Allowed” field – This will allow administrators to enter time up to one year prior. Time must not be entered in to the system prior to that.
    3. Check the “Allow Future Time Entry”
    4. Enter “365” in the “Future Days Grace Allowed” field – This will allow administrators to enter time up to one year in the future. Time must not be entered in to the system prior to that.

b. Employees/Approvers/Timekeepers

  1. Check the “Allow Prior Period Time Entry” box
  2. Enter “5” in the “Days Grace Allowed” field – This will allow employees, managers, and time keepers 5 grace days after the end of a pay period to enter time to be paid.
  3. Ensure that the “Allow Future Time Entry” box is unchecked – Employees, Approvers, and Timekeepers are not supposed to enter time before it is worked.
  1. OPTIONAL – Enter a Time Reporter Group – This should be used as follows:
    1. Employees – Blank
    2. Approvers – Assign one or more dynamic groups which return the employees that the user has approval authority over.
    3. Timekeepers – Assign one or more dynamic groups which return the employees that the user is responsible for timekeeping.
    4. Administrative Staff – Assign one or more dynamic groups which return the employees that the user is responsible for supporting.
  2. Click the “Save” button.

4.0 Process Output

Where does the data go, what are the next steps?

Reporting info – Data validation steps?

5.0 Testing

Where to find the test scripts for this (UFT)

6.0 Appendix

Useful tables, glossaries, translations


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