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Time Entry Approvals Exceptions User Guide

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Time Entry, Approvals, Exceptions

User Guide

Last Revised: 11/16/22


Document Title: Time Entry, Approvals, Exceptions User Guide
Author: CHRS Project Area
File Reference: Time Entry, Approvals, Exceptions User Guide

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1.0 Process Overview

Please refer to the Guidelines for Creating Accessible Documentation, for standards to follow when using this template to create accessible documentation. Please delete this text before starting your document. <Start text here

2.0 Process Prerequisites

Inputs and outputs, dependencies, security roles, training requirements

3.0 Process Steps

3.1 Employee Self Service Timesheet Time Entry

  1. Employee signs in.
  2. OPTIONAL – If necessary, change the tile set to Employee Self Service
  3. Click on the “Time” tile
  4. OPTIONAL – If necessary, click on the “Timesheet” navigation set, then “Enter Time”.
  5. OPTIONAL – If the employee has multiple jobs, select the job which requires time entry.
  6. OPTIONAL – Navigate to appropriate pay period using the arrows next to the date range. Employees should always be able to enter time for the current period. Employees are only allowed to enter time in the prior period for up to five days after the end of the period.
  7. OPTIONAL – Navigate to the appropriate week in the pay period. The timesheet page will only display one week at a time.
  8. Select the Time Reporting Code from the dropdown. See Appendix 6.3 for list of TRCs and descriptions.
  9. Locate the day the employee needs to report hours.
  10. Enter the number of hours worked. IMPORTANT – If the TRC is ADO, enter a “1” to indicate that a single day of ADO was earned.
  11. Click the “Submit” button. Time Admin will be run against the time entered.
  12. Click “Ok” on the confirmation screen.

3.2 Manager Self Service Timesheet Time Entry

  1. Sign in as an approver.
  2. Select the Manager Self Service option from the home page dropdown
  3. Click on the “Team Time” tile
  4. OPTIONAL – Click the Filter Button and set filter criteria, clicking “Done” when done.
  5. Click the “Get Employees” button.
  6. Select the employee from the returned results.
  7. OPTIONAL – If the employee has multiple jobs, select the job which requires time entry.
  8. OPTIONAL – Navigate to appropriate pay period using the arrows next to the date range. Employees should always be able to enter time for the current period. Employees are only allowed to enter time in the prior period for up to five days after the end of the period.
  9. OPTIONAL – Navigate to the appropriate week in the pay period. The timesheet page will only display one week at a time.
  10. Select the Time Reporting Code from the dropdown. See Appendix 6.3 for list of TRCs and descriptions.
  11. Locate the day the employee needs to report hours.
  12. Enter the number of hours worked. IMPORTANT – If the TRC is ADO, enter a “1” to indicate that a single day of ADO was earned.
  13. Click the “Submit” button. Time Admin will be run against the time entered and the generated payable time automatically approved.
  14. Click “Ok” on the confirmation screen.

3.3 Manager Checks Work Study Balances

  1. Sign in as an Approver
  2. Navigate to Navigator > Manager Self Service > CSU Manager Self Service > CSU Work Study Balance
  3. OPTIONAL – Select the Business Unit
  4. OPTIONAL – Select a different pay period
  5. OPTIONAL – Click on the Job/Time & Labor Data Summary to view additional details.

3.4 Employee Self Service Web Clock Time Entry

  1. Sign as employee
  2. OPTIONAL – If necessary, change the tile set to Employee Self Service
  3. Click on the “Time” tile
  4. Click on the “Report Time” link
  5. OPTIONAL – Select the job to report time for using the drop down menu.
  6. Select the Punch Type from the drop down menu. Use “In” to report an in punch and “Out” to report an out punch.
  7. Select the Time Reporting Code from the drop down menu. See table 6.3 for a list of time reporting codes.
  8. OPTIONAL – Click the “View Legal Statement” link to acknowledge
  9. Click the “Submit” button

3.5 New Rapid Time Entry by Administrator

  1. Sign in as payroll staff
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Time and Labor > Report Time > Rapid Time
  3. Click on the “Create New Session” tab
  4. Enter a description
  5. Select the template type
  6. Select the Template
  7. Set the processing mode to Addition
  8. Enter an Emplid
  9. OPTIONAL – Enter an Empl Record
  10. Enter a Date
  11. OPTIONAL – enter additional information required by the template. IMPORTANT – Enter accurate time for each day worked. Loading all hours worked in a period on a single day is not allowed.
  12. OPTIONAL – Create new rows using the “Add or Remove Rows” section
    1. Enter the number of rows to add
    2. OPTIONAL – Check the “Copy Down Values from Last Row” box if copies of the last row entered are required.
    3. OPTIONAL – Check the “Increment Date” box to increment the date value for each new row created.
    4. Click the “Add Row(s)” button.
  13. OPTIONAL – Create new rows using the “+” button.
  14. OPTIONAL – Enter or update the data for all newly created rows.
  15. Click the “Submit” button.
  16. Click “OK” on both alerts.
  17. Click the “Process Monitor” link
  18. Verify that the job “TL_RAPIDTIME” completes successfully.

3.6 Manual Time Administration Execution

  1. Sign in as a campus Time & Labor administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Time and Labor > Process Time > Request Time Administration
  3. Enter the Run Control ID. Follow standard campus procedures and conventions for use of Run Controls.
  4. Click Search.
  5. Ensure that “Forecast Payable Time” is unchecked
  6. Ensure that “Use Reported Time for POI” is checked.
  7. Ensure that “Use Current Date” is unchecked.
  8. Set the “Process through Date” to the end of the current SCO pay period.
  9. IMPORTANT – Set either an Emplid or a Group ID with the “include” option. The Time Administration process is shared across all campuses, so it is necessary to only include those affected employees.
  10. Click the “Run” button
  11. Click the “OK” button on the “Process Scheduler Request” screen.
  12. Click the “Process Monitor” link.
  13. Verify that the job “TL_TIMEADMIN” job runs to success.

3.7 Approver approves Payable Time

  1. Sign in as approver
  2. Click the “Approvals” tile
  3. OPTIONAL – Click the “Filter” button and set filtering critera.
  4. Click on the employee from the returned results.
  5. Select all time entries which need approval.
  6. OPTIONAL – Enter any comments
  7. Click the “approve” button
  8. OPTIONAL – Enter any additional comments
  9. Click the “Submit” button

3.8 Administrator Approves Payable Time

  1. Sign in as payroll administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Time & Labor > Approve Time > Request Batch Approval Process
  3. Enter a run control ID
    1. Run control IDs are controlled by the campus. Please follow your campus procedures for creation of a run control, if required.
  4. Enter a “From Date” which describes the beginning of the period which approval is required.
  5. Enter an “End Date” which describes the end of the period which approvals is required.
  6. Enter either an Empl ID & Empl Record or a Group ID
    1. When processing approvals, either emplids or group IDs can be used. Only the employees to be approved (included) must be listed.
  7. OPTIONAL – Click the “+” button to add a new row and repeat step 6 for the new row.
  8. Click the “Run” button
  9. Click the “OK” button to execute the TL_APPRV_AE application engine.
  10. Click on the “Process Monitor” link to go to the process monitor page.
  11. Refresh the page until the job completes.

3.9 Administrator Delegates T&L Roles on Behalf of Approver

If an approver is no longer willing or able to approve Time & Labor entries, an administrator can delegate their transaction roles to another approver. The proxy approver will need to first accept the delegation request using the “Approvals” tile. Once accepted, any transactions submitted will be routed to the proxy approver. The original approver will not receive a copy of the transaction.

  1. Sign in as an administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Workforce Administration > Self Service Transactions > Approvals and Delegation > Add Delegation Request.
  3. Enter the search criteria for the approver that is no longer willing or able to approve Time & Labor Entries (i.e. Original Approver).
  4. Click the “Search” button
  5. OPTIONAL – If multiple rows are returned, click the appropriate row.
  6. OPTIONAL – If there is not an available blank row, click the “+” button to add a delegation row.
  7. Enter the date the delegation should start in the “From Date” field.
  8. OPTIONAL – Enter the predefined end date in the “To Date” field. Leaving this field blank will tell the system that there is no expected end date and that the delegation will be ended manually by an administrator.
  9. Select the Transaction Name of the transaction to be delegated:
    • ManageReportTimeFluid – Manage Reported Time Fluid – Allows the proxy to enter time on behalf of the original approver’s employees.
    • TL_MSS_EE_SRCH_PRD – Manage Approve Payable Time – Allows the proxy to approve payable time for the original approver’s employees.
  10. Enter the employee ID of the proxy approver.
  11. OPTIONAL – If additional transactions are required to be set up, click the “+” button to create a new row, then repeat steps 7-9.
  12. Click the “Save” button. Upon saving the delegation request will be sent to the proxy’s approval tile. This process will not automatically re-route pending approvals to the proxy. Follow process 3.10 to re-route pending approvals if needed.

3.10 Administrator Re-routes T&L approval transaction

If an approver is unable to unwilling to approve a given transaction, it can be re-routed to a different approver using the transaction routing page. It is best practice to inform the approvers ahead of time that the transactions will be re-routed so that they both know to expect the change.

  1. Sign in as an administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Time and Labor > CSU Time and Labor > CSU Transaction Routing
  3. Enter the search criteria. When searching for Time & Labor transactions, it is recommended that the approver emplid is entered and the Approval Process of TL Payable Time is selected. It is also recommended that the Begin and End dates be reviewed to ensure that they encompass all transactions that need to be re-routed.
  4. Select the transactions that need to be re-routed from the returned list.
  5. Select the OPRID of the approver to re-route the transactions to. Use the lookup function if the OPRID is not known. Be aware that if the approver works at multiple campuses, they will have multiple OPRIDs.
  6. OPTIONAL – Enter a Comment in to the “Reassign Comment” field.
  7. Click the “Reassign Selected” button to reassign the transactions. The transactions will immediately move from the “Approval” tile of the original approver to the “Approval” tile of the new approver.

3.11 Administrator ends a delegation

If an approver no longer requires a transaction to be delegated and the delegation either has no end date or the end date has not arrived, it must be cancelled manually by an administrator.

  1. Sign in as an administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Workforce Administration > Self Service Transactions > Approvals and Delegation > Administer Delegation.
  3. OPTIONAL – Enter Search criteria. It is recommended that the original approver’s (i.e. not the proxy) emplid is entered in to the “Delegator” field.
  4. Click the “Search” button.
  5. Select the Delegation transaction (or transactions) to be ended.
  6. Click the “Revoke” button. Upon clicking the button, any newly submitted transactions will no longer be routed to the proxy and will instead be routed to the original approver. This process will not automatically re-route already submitted transactions. Follow process 3.10 to re-route pending approvals if needed.

3.12 Administrator Review Exceptions

  1. Sign in as either an administrator or approver
  2. OPTIONAL – Switch the Manager Self Service Homepage
  3. Click on the “Team Time” tile
  4. Click on the “Manage Exceptions” navigation
  5. OPTIONAL – Change the filter settings to view exceptions.

3.13 Administrator Allow Exceptions

  1. Sign in as an administrator
  2. OPTIONAL – Switch the Manager Self Service Homepage
  3. Click on the “Team Time” tile
  4. Click on the “Manage Exceptions” navigation
  5. OPTIONAL – Change the filter settings to view exceptions.
  6. Locate the exception(s) to be allowed.
  7. OPTIONAL – Click the arrow in the exception row to view more information.
  8. Check the box or boxes of the exception to be allowed.
  9. Click the “Allow” button.

3.14 Administrator creates new rows in a Calendar Year Balance ID Table

  1. Sign in as a payroll administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing Controls > Balance ID Table
  3. OPTIONAL - Enter a Set ID
  4. OPTIONAL – Enter a Balance ID
  5. Click Search
  6. OPTIONAL – Select the Balance ID to be updated
  7. Enter the calendar year to be created and click the “Create” button.
  8. Click the “OK” button on the message indicating that the rows were created successfully.
  9. Locate the first period for the new year created.
  10. Confirm that the Begin and End Dates are set correctly based on the AY or SCO calendar. Update as needed.
  11. Repeat step 10 for periods 2-12.
  12. Click the “Save” button.

3.15 Administrator creates new rows in a non-Calendar Year Balance ID Table

  1. Sign in as a payroll administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing Controls > Balance ID Table
  3. OPTIONAL - Enter a Set ID
  4. OPTIONAL – Enter a Balance ID
  5. Click Search
  6. OPTIONAL – Select the Balance ID to be updated
  7. Click the “+” button to create a new row.
  8. Enter a Year, the period ID (month number), Begin Date and End Date (as defined by either the SCO or AY calendar as needed), the Period Name (Month name), and Abbreviation (3 character month ID).
  9. Repeat steps 8 & 9 for all rows that need to be created.
  10. Click on the “Balance ID Table 2” tab.
  11. Click on the “+” button to create a new row.
  12. Enter a year, the quarter number, the period name (the word “Quarter” followed by the quarter number –

e.g. “Quarter 1”), the abbreviation (the letter Q followed by the quarter number – e.g. “Q1”), the From Period and To Period as defined by the associated quarter (1-3 for Q1, 4-6 for Q2, 7-9 for Q3, and 10-12 for Q4).

  1. Repeat steps 12 & 13 for all rows that need to be created.
  2. Click “Save”

3.16 Administrator creates a Pay Run ID

  1. Sign in as a payroll administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing Controls > Pay Run Table
  3. Click on the “Add a New Value” tab
  4. Enter a pay run ID name using the standardized naming convention. As of 8/23/2021, that naming convention is as follows: <2 Character Campus Indicator><4 Character Year><2 Character Month><Remaining 2 characters can be anything except spaces> - Ex. FL202103MS
  5. Enter a Description. Description contents are entirely at campus discretion.
  6. OPTIONAL – Enter a Short Description. Short Description contents are entirely at campus discretion. 7. Click the “Save” button

3.17 Administrator creates a Pay Calendar

Pay Calendars define the begin and end date of a payroll period. They are associated with a pay run ID which is used with LCD and PIP activity. Campuses are responsible for creating and maintaining their own Pay Calendars. There must exist pay calendars to cover the entirety of a given calendar year, especially with ACD calendars.

  1. Sign in as a payroll administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing Controls > Pay Calendar Table
  3. Click on the “Add a New Value” tab
  4. Enter the Company
  5. Enter the Pay Group
  6. Enter the Pay Period End Date as defined by the associated SCO or ACD payroll period.
  7. Click the “Add” button
  8. OPTIONAL – Enter a Pay Run ID
  9. Enter a Pay Period Begin Date as defined by the associated SCO or ACD payroll period. 10. Click “Save”

3.18 Administrator generates a PIP file for transmission

  1. Sign in as a payroll administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Time and Labor > CSU Time and Labor > CSU PIP > CSU PIP Process
  3. Enter a run control ID
    1. Run control IDs are controlled by the campus. Please follow your campus procedures for creation of a run control, if required.
  4. Enter the appropriate Pay Run ID in the “Run ID” field. IMPORTANT – Never re-run any Pay Run IDs for periods prior to the campus' CHRS conversion date. PIP history for campuses is not converted and the process will try to re-send everything.
  5. OPTIONAL – Enter a Balance ID to bound the returned values by Balance ID
  6. OPTIONAL – Enter a Business Unit
  7. OPTIONAL – Enter a from date to bound the data to be included in the file
  8. OPTIONAL – Enter a thru date to bound the data to be included in the file
  9. OPTIONAL – Check the “Incl Retro:” box if the run requires the gathering of entries from prior periods.

NOTE: this option may not be available on all runs.

  1. Set the process statuses to be executed in this run using the drop downs for each.
    1. Draft Run generates a draft file that is intended to be reviewed for accuracy.
    2. Final Run generates a file that is intended to be transmitted and sets the “TR” status on payable time.
  2. OPTIONAL – Enter departments in the “Include Departments” section to bound the data to be included in the file.
  3. OPTIONAL – Enter job codes in the “Include Job Codes” section to bound the data to be included in the fi1l1e.
  4. OPTIONAL – Enter emplids & empl records in the “Include/Exclude EmplIDs” section to bound the data to be included in the file.
  5. Click the “Run” button to execute the PIP File generation process(es).

3.19 Administrator Reviews the PIP Generated Data

  1. Sign in as a payroll administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Time and Labor > CSU Time and Labor > CSU PIP > PIP Review Page
  3. Enter search criteria into the Search Criteria fields
  4. Click Search
  5. Click on the desired entry from the search results.
  6. Review the returned results
  7. OPTIONAL – If the result should be excluded from the final file, select the appropriate option from the “Exclude from PIP” dropdown.
    1. Excld Perm – This will set the exclusion flag on the data preventing it from being transmitted in this, or any subsequent run.
    2. Excld Temp – This will set a temporary exclusion flag on the data preventing it from being transmitted in this run, but will be picked up in subsequent runs.
  8. Click “Save” to save any changes.

4.0 Process Output

Where does the data go, what are the next steps?

Reporting info – Data validation steps?

5.0 Testing

Where to find the test scripts for this (UFT)

6.0 Appendix

Useful tables, glossaries, translations

6.1 List of Exceptions

6.2 List of Validations

6.3 List of Timesheet TRCs

OF6 Planned Holiday Pay @ 1.5
1.5 OF6 0
OTPR Overtime Paid @ 1.5 1.5 OTP 0
REG Regular Hours Worked 1 REG 0
CTST Comp Time Earned @ 1.0 1 HRS 0
CTPR Comp Time Earned @ 1.5 1 HRS 0
CTO Comp Time Taken 1 REG 0
CTOPD CTO Paydown 1 OTS 0
HG5 Planned Holiday Pay @ 1.0 1 HG5 0
HG6 Planned Holiday Pay @ 1.5 1.5 HG6 0
OTST Overtime Paid @ 1.0 1 OTS 0
OF5 Planned Holiday Pay @ 1.0
1 OF5 0
ASBES Asbestos HazMat Handling Diff 1 AS3 3
ADO Additional Day Off Earned 1 HRS 0
AEADJ ADO Earned Adjustment 1 HRS 0
ATADJ ADO Negative Adjustment 1 HRS 0
ADOT Additional Day Off Taken 1 REG 0
SHE08 Shift - Evening R08 (.23) 1 E08 0.23
SHE1 Shift - Evening R10 (1.50) 1 S10 1.5
SHG06 Shift - Graveyard R06 (2.30) 1 G06 2.3
SHG99 Shift - Graveyard Cadet (.28) 1 G99 0.28
SHGRV Shift - Graveyard CSUEU
1 GCS 2.3
SHN08 Shift - Night R08 (2.20) 1 N08 2.2
SHN10 Shift - Graveyard R10 (2.50) 1 G10 2.5
SHS06 Shift -Swing R06 Diff (1.30) 1 S06 1.3
SHS99 Shift - Swing Cadet Diff (.23) 1 S99 0.23
SHSWG Shift - Swing CSUEU (1.35) 1 SCS 1.35
SHSUN Shift - Sunday R10 (2.50) 1 U10 2.5
SHU06 Shift - Sunday R06 Diff (1.30) 1 S06 1.3
CBWK Callback Worked 2.5 Unit 10 2.5 CBW 0























6.4 List of Rules

Long Descr
CSU BRIDGE CSUT008 Default REG for blank TRC Defaulting TRC Rule.

This rule will assign any hours without a Time Reporting Code (TRC) to the REG TRC.
CSU BRIDGE CSUC112 Delete Meal
Payable Time to 1/10th
TRC Removal Rule.

Remove entries for the FL TRC from Rules working table (TL_IPT1). This will ensure the TRC is not included in Payable Time.

Warning: Any TRC used in this template will not be included in Payable Time and will not be sent to a payroll system.

A common use of this rule template would be to clean up Accumulators that are loaded into TL_IPT1.
6 hours
Exception Rule: No Break.

When the sum of hours worked from Punch Types
(In), is more than 6 hours without a break, create Exception CSUX103.

This template can be used to inform managers if Time Reporters are working too many hours without a break
1.25 hours
Exception Rule: Missing Punch Monitoring.

When a Time Reporter reports more than 1.25 hours for the following punch types (Meal), create exception CSUX102.
CSU BRIDGE CSUT101 Student > 40 hours for week Exception Rule: Excessive (over)time.

Create exception CSUX101 when a Time Reporter reports more than 40 total hours of (OTPR, REG) during the rule period .

This template could be used as a rule to warn that a time reporter is approaching Overtime for the specified period.
CSU BRIDGE CSUT100 Long IN punch
> 12 hours
Exception Rule: Missing Punch Monitoring.

When a Time Reporter reports more than 12 hours for the following punch types (In), create exception CSUX100.
CSU BRIDGE CSUT001 Exception
Over 40 Hours
Exception Rule: Excessive (over)time.

Create exception TLX90001 when a Time Reporter reports more than 40 total hours of (ADOT, CIT, CTO, CTST, DOCK, FL, HOL, HT, JD, ML, MPA,
ODL, OTST, PDL, PH, PL, REG, SL, SLD, SLF, UTN, UTR, VA) during the rule period .

This template could be used as a rule to warn that a time reporter is approaching Overtime for the specified period.
CSU HRLY CSUT008 Default REG for blank TRC Defaulting TRC Rule.

This rule will assign any hours without a Time Reporting Code (TRC) to the REG TRC.
CSU HRLY CSUC112 Delete Meal TRC Removal Rule.

Remove entries for the FL TRC from Rules working table (TL_IPT1). This will ensure the TRC is not included in Payable Time.

Warning: Any TRC used in this template will not be included in Payable Time and will not be sent to a payroll system.

A common use of this rule template would be to clean up Accumulators that are loaded into TL_IPT1.
Payable Time to 1/10th
6 hours
Exception Rule: No Break.

When the sum of hours worked from Punch Types
(In), is more than 6 hours without a break, create Exception CSUX103.

This template can be used to inform managers if Time Reporters are working too many hours without a break
1.25 hours
Exception Rule: Missing Punch Monitoring.

When a Time Reporter reports more than 1.25 hours for the following punch types (Meal), create exception CSUX102.
CSU HRLY CSUT100 Long IN punch
> 12 hours
Exception Rule: Missing Punch Monitoring.

When a Time Reporter reports more than 12 hours for the following punch types (In), create exception CSUX100.
CSU HRLY CSUC109 CTO with Shift Exception Rule: Excessive (over)time.

Create exception CSUX105 when a Time Reporter reports more than 0 total hours of (S$E08, S$E1, S$E2, S$G06, S$G99, S$GRV, S$N08, S$N10,
S$S06, S$S99, S$SUN, S$SWG, S$U06, SHE08,
SHE1, SHE2, SHG06, SHG99, SHGRV, SHN08, SHN10, SHS06, SHS99, SHSUN, SHSWG, SHU06) during the rule period .

This template could be used as a rule to warn that a time reporter is approaching Overtime for the specified period.
CSU HRLY CSUC108 All Day Shift Exception Rule: Excessive (over)time.

Create exception CSUX104 when a Time Reporter reports more than 4 total hours of (S$E08, S$E1, S$E2, S$G06, S$G99, S$GRV, S$N08, S$N10,
S$S06, S$S99, S$SUN, S$SWG, S$U06, SHE08,
SHE1, SHE2, SHG06, SHG99, SHGRV, SHN08, SHN10, SHS06, SHS99, SHSUN, SHSWG, SHU06) during the rule period .

This template could be used as a rule to warn that a time reporter is approaching Overtime for the specified period.
CSU HRLY CSUT003 Daily Hours
Exceed 16
Exception Rule: Excessive (over)time.

Create exception TLX90003 when a Time Reporter reports more than 16 total hours of TRC(s) (ADOT, CIT, CTO, CTST, DOCK, FL, HOL, HT, JD, ML, MPA, ODL, OTST, PDL, PH, PL, REG, SL, SLD, SLF, UTN, UTR, VA) for a day.

This template can be used to warn a manager as to when Time Reporters are reporting an excessive amount of hours.
CSU HRLY CSUT001 Exception
Over 40 Hours
Exception Rule: Excessive (over)time.

Create exception TLX90001 when a Time Reporter reports more than 40 total hours of (ADOT, CIT, CTO, CTST, DOCK, FL, HOL, HT, JD, ML, MPA,
ODL, OTST, PDL, PH, PL, REG, SL, SLD, SLF, UTN, UTR, VA) during the rule period .

This template could be used as a rule to warn that a time reporter is approaching Overtime for the specified period.
CSU SALARIED CSUC001 Sal < 1.0 FTE using OTST,
If a salaried employee with an FTE < 1.00 uses
TRC's OTST or OTPR, an exception will be created. Note: For employees with multiple jobs, this rule takes into account the employee's combined total FTE.
CSU SALARIED CSUC109 CTO with Shift Exception Rule: Excessive (over)time.

Create exception CSUX105 when a Time Reporter reports more than 0 total hours of (S$E08, S$E1, S$E2, S$G06, S$G99, S$GRV, S$N08, S$N10,
S$S06, S$S99, S$SUN, S$SWG, S$U06, SHE08,
SHE1, SHE2, SHG06, SHG99, SHGRV, SHN08, SHN10, SHS06, SHS99, SHSUN, SHSWG, SHU06) during the rule period .

This template could be used as a rule to warn that a time reporter is approaching Overtime for the specified period.
CSU SALARIED CSUC108 All Day Shift Exception Rule: Excessive (over)time.

Create exception CSUX104 when a Time Reporter reports more than 4 total hours of (S$E08, S$E1, S$E2, S$G06, S$G99, S$GRV, S$N08, S$N10,
S$S06, S$S99, S$SUN, S$SWG, S$U06, SHE08,
SHE1, SHE2, SHG06, SHG99, SHGRV, SHN08, SHN10, SHS06, SHS99, SHSUN, SHSWG, SHU06) during the rule period .

This template could be used as a rule to warn that a time reporter is approaching Overtime for the specified period.
Holiday Rule.

Pay the following Time Reporters (Salaried) 8 hours of TRC NOHOL for holiday pay.

Payable time will be generated for the target TRC in addition to the incoming TRC for quantities that exceed the defined limit. Positive Time Reporters are paid for all holidays, even if there is no reported time in the Period.
CSU SALARIED CSUC105 Holiday Credit
- E99
Holiday Rule.

Pay the following Time Reporters (Hourly, Salaried) 8 hours of TRC HCRE for holiday pay.

Payable time will be generated for the target TRC in addition to the incoming TRC for quantities that exceed the defined limit. Positive Time Reporters are paid for all holidays, even if there is no reported time in the Period.
Holiday Rule.

Pay the following Time Reporters (Salaried) 1 hours of TRC ADO for holiday pay.

Payable time will be generated for the target TRC in addition to the incoming TRC for quantities that exceed the defined limit. Positive Time Reporters are paid for all holidays, even if there is no reported time in the Period.
Holiday Rule.

Pay the following Time Reporters (Salaried) 1 hours of TRC ADO for holiday pay.

Payable time will be generated for the target TRC in addition to the incoming TRC for quantities that exceed the defined limit. Positive Time Reporters are paid for all holidays, even if there is no reported time in the Period.
Exceed 16
Exception Rule: Excessive (over)time.

Create exception TLX90003 when a Time Reporter reports more than 16 total hours of TRC(s) (ADOT, CIT, CTO, CTST, DOCK, FL, HOL, HT, JD, ML, MPA, ODL, OTST, PDL, PH, PL, REG, SL, SLD, SLF, UTN, UTR, VA) for a day.

This template can be used to warn a manager as to when Time Reporters are reporting an excessive amount of hours.
Over 40 Hours
Exception Rule: Excessive (over)time.

Create exception TLX90001 when a Time Reporter reports more than 40 total hours of (ADOT, CIT, CTO, CTST, DOCK, FL, HOL, HT, JD, ML, MPA,
ODL, OTST, PDL, PH, PL, REG, SL, SLD, SLF, UTN, UTR, VA) during the rule period .

This template could be used as a rule to warn that a time reporter is approaching Overtime for the specified period.
CSU_STUDENT CSUT008 Default REG for blank TRC Defaulting TRC Rule.

This rule will assign any hours without a Time Reporting Code (TRC) to the REG TRC.
CSU_STUDENT CSUT002 Students > 20
Hrs per week
Exception Rule: Excessive (over)time.

Create exception TLX90002 when a Time Reporter reports more than 20 total hours of REG during the rule period .

This template could be used as a rule to warn that a time reporter is approaching Overtime for the specified period.
> 12 hours
Exception Rule: Missing Punch Monitoring.

When a Time Reporter reports more than 12 hours for the following punch types (In), create exception CSUX100.
CSU_STUDENT CSUT101 Student > 40 hours for week Exception Rule: Excessive (over)time.

Create exception CSUX101 when a Time Reporter reports more than 40 total hours of (OTPR, REG) during the rule period .

This template could be used as a rule to warn that a time reporter is approaching Overtime for the specified period.
1.25 hours
Exception Rule: Missing Punch Monitoring.

When a Time Reporter reports more than 1.25 hours for the following punch types (Meal), create exception CSUX102.
6 hours
Exception Rule: No Break.

When the sum of hours worked from Punch Types
(In), is more than 6 hours without a break, create Exception CSUX103.

This template can be used to inform managers if Time Reporters are working too many hours without a break
Payable Time to 1/10th
CSU_STUDENT CSUC112 Delete Meal TRC Removal Rule.

Remove entries for the FL TRC from Rules working table (TL_IPT1). This will ensure the TRC is not included in Payable Time.

Warning: Any TRC used in this template will not be included in Payable Time and will not be sent to a payroll system.

A common use of this rule template would be to clean up Accumulators that are loaded into TL_IPT1.









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