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Assign and Update Schedule User Guide

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Assign and Update Schedule

User Guide

Last Revised: 11/16/22


Document Title: Assign and Update Schedule User Guide
Author: CHRS Project Area
File Reference: Assign and Update Schedule User Guide

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1.0 Process Overview

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2.0 Process Prerequisites

Inputs and outputs, dependencies, security roles, training requirements

3.0 Process Steps

3.1 CMS Administrator creates predefined work schedule

Predefined work schedules are created and maintained by CMS and shared across all campuses. Campuses can request the creation of a predefined work schedule if five or more employees at a single campus use the work schedule. Work schedules follow a specific naming convention outlined here. Campus-specific work schedules are not allowed in CHRS.

  1. Sign in as CMS administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Time and Labor > Schedule Configurations > Schedules
  3. Click on the “Add New Value” tab.
  4. Enter “CSUID” in to the “SetID” field.
  5. Enter the schedule name in the Schedule ID field. If the schedule is for campus police, use section c only to determine the naming convention, otherwise use sections a & b only:
    1. The first characters must indicate the FTE expected to be associated with the employee. “1.0” must be used for full time work schedules. Lower FTEs must not contain a leading zero, and must only go to 4 digits past the decimal (ex: .9875, .95, .8). There must also be a trailing space.
    2. The next characters are used to show at-a-glance the number of hours for each day in the week.

Each week day is identified with a single letter; N = Sunday, M = Monday, T = Tuesday, W = Wednesday, R = Thursday, F = Friday, and S = Saturday. A range of days can be shown using a hyphen. After each day (or range) the number of hours worked must be indicated. Each day of the week must be covered either by an entry or a range. Ex: M-F8, T-F10, MTR8 W9 F7. Any day not listed is assumed to be marked as “Off”. If space allows, include “HRS” at the end as an indicator that the number is the number of Hours.

  1. Campus Police schedules come in pairs. The first two characters of a campus police schedule must always be “PD” followed by a space. Then, the number or hours worked each day followed by a slash and the total number of hours covered by both schedules (ex. 12 hours/day over 80 hours would be shown as “12/80”) followed by a space. The working days must then be indicated using a single letter: N = Sunday, M = Monday, T = Tuesday, W = Wednesday, R = Thursday, F = Friday, and S = Saturday. A range of days can be shown using a hyphen. Once the days are in, there must be a space, followed by either WK1 (to indicate the first week) or WK2 (to indicate the second). Example: “PD 12/80 N-W WK1”
  1. Click the “Add” button
  2. Set the Effective Date to the first available Sunday prior to when the schedule must take effect.
  3. If the work schedule is for Campus Police, use the description field to write out the schedule details.

Otherwise, copy and paste the Schedule ID in to the description field.

  1. Set the “Definition Type” to “Elapsed”.
  2. Enter “7” in the “Days in Schedule” field.
  3. Click on the “Schedule Shifts” tab
  4. In the Shift Details section, for each day (1-7), enter either the scheduled hours or set the “Off Shift” flag based on the schedule requirements. The number of hours should be set if there are a number of hours to be worked in the day. The “Off Shift” flag should be set if there are no hours to be worked in that day.
    1. The “Day” number is based off of the first day of the schedule (i.e. the effective date). So day 1 is the effective date, day 2 is the effective date plus 1, and so on. The reason that the effective day is on a Sunday is so that day 1 of all work schedules is a Sunday.
    2. Be aware that day number drift can occur on leap years resulting in work schedules that no longer line up correctly. In the case that a work schedule is not lining up with the correct days, insert a new effective dated row of the most recent Sunday. Validate that the defined shifts are still correct, then save the row.
  5. Click the “Save” button.

3.2 CMS Administrator Updates a predefined work schedule

  1. Sign in as CMS administrator
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Set Up HCM > Product Related > Time and Labor > Schedule Configurations > Schedules
  3. Enter the search criteria. It is recommended that the SetID of CSUID be used at least.
  4. OPTIONAL – If multiple results are returned, click on the appropriate work schedule.
  5. Insert a new effective dated row by clicking on the “+” sign.
  6. Set the Effective Date to the first available Sunday prior to when the schedule changes must take effect.
  7. OPTIONAL – Update schedule details as needed.
  8. Click on the “Schedule Shifts” tab.
  9. OPTIONAL – Update schedule details as needed.
  10. Click “Save”.

3.3 Scheduler with CHR_AM_Scheduler role Assigns a new schedule to an Employee

  1. Sign in as a scheduler
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Payee Data > Create Overrides > Assign Work Schedule
  3. OPTIONAL - Enter search criteria
  4. Click the “Search” button
  5. OPTIONAL – Select the appropriate entry from the search results.
  6. Click the “+” button on any row to create a new, blank effective dated row.
  7. Enter the effective date of the new schedule assignment.
  8. Select the appropriate option from the “Assignment Method” dropdown:
    1. Select Predefined Schedule – Use this if the schedule is already defined in the system. If this method is selected, set the Schedule Group to “CSU_SHARE” and the select the appropriate schedule from the “Schedule ID” lookup.
    2. Use Default Schedule – Use this option if the employee must be set to the Monday through Friday, 8 hours each day work schedule. No additional information is required to be set when using this option.
    3. Create Personal Schedule – Use this if the schedule does not currently exist in the system and no action will be taken to have it created. Ensure that the Schedule Group is set to CSU_SHARE. Then click on the “Create Schedule” link. Use the following steps to create the personal schedule:
      1. Enter a Description
      2. Select the Definition Type; “punch” should be used for a punch schedule and “elapsed” should be used for an elapsed schedule.
      3. Ensure that the Daylight Saving Rule is set to “Fixed Time”
      4. Set the “Days in Schedule” to the appropriate number for the work schedule to be created. For instance, if the schedule is to repeat weekly, set the number to 7. If the schedule is bi-weekly, set the number to 14.
      5. OPTIONAL – Set the default Taskgroup and Time Reporting Template. If your campus uses Taskgroups and would like to set a default for the work schedule, it can be done here.
      6. Click on the “Schedule Shifts” tab.
      7. For each day of the schedule, enter the number of hours to be worked in the “Sched Hrs” field. If that is a defined off-day (i.e. the employee is not to work that day), check the “Off Shift” box. IMPORTANT – Day 1 of the schedule is always the same day as the effective date. For instance, if the effective date of the schedule is Monday, November 25, 2019,

then that will be Day 1 of the schedule. If the schedule is weekly or bi-weekly, it is recommended that the effective date be a Sunday.

  1. Once all days have been defined with either scheduled hours or “Off Shift”, click the OK button.
  1. Click the “Save” button.

3.4 Scheduler with CHR_TL_Scheduler role Assigns a new schedule to an Employee

  1. Sign in as a scheduler
  2. Navigate to Main Menu > Time and Labor > Enroll Time Reporters > Assign Work Schedule
  3. OPTIONAL - Enter search criteria
  4. Click the “Search” button
  5. OPTIONAL – Select the appropriate entry from the search results.
  6. Click the “+” button on any row to create a new, blank effective dated row.
  7. Enter the effective date of the new schedule assignment.
  8. Select the appropriate option from the “Assignment Method” dropdown:
    1. Select Predefined Schedule – Use this if the schedule is already defined in the system. If this method is selected, set the Schedule Group to “CSU_SHARE” and the select the appropriate schedule from the “Schedule ID” lookup.
    2. Use Default Schedule – Use this option if the employee must be set to the Monday through Friday, 8 hours each day work schedule. No additional information is required to be set when using this option.
    3. Create Personal Schedule – Use this if the schedule does not currently exist in the system and no action will be taken to have it created. Ensure that the Schedule Group is set to CSU_SHARE. Then click on the “Create Schedule” link. Use the following steps to create the personal schedule:
      1. Enter a Description
      2. Select the Definition Type; “punch” should be used for a punch schedule and “elapsed” should be used for an elapsed schedule.
      3. Ensure that the Daylight Saving Rule is set to “Fixed Time”
      4. Set the “Days in Schedule” to the appropriate number for the work schedule to be created. For instance, if the schedule is to repeat weekly, set the number to 7. If the schedule is bi-weekly, set the number to 14.
      5. OPTIONAL – Set the default Taskgroup and Time Reporting Template. If your campus uses Taskgroups and would like to set a default for the work schedule, it can be done here.
      6. Click on the “Schedule Shifts” tab.
      7. For each day of the schedule, enter the number of hours to be worked in the “Sched Hrs” field. If that is a defined off-day (i.e. the employee is not to work that day), check the “Off Shift” box. IMPORTANT – Day 1 of the schedule is always the same day as the effective date. For instance, if the effective date of the schedule is Monday, November 25, 2019, then that will be Day 1 of the schedule. If the schedule is weekly or bi-weekly, it is recommended that the effective date be a Sunday.
      8. Once all days have been defined with either scheduled hours or “Off Shift”, click the OK button.
  9. Click the “Save” button.

4.0 Process Output

Where does the data go, what are the next steps?

Reporting info – Data validation steps?

5.0 Testing

Where to find the test scripts for this (UFT)

6.0 Appendix

Useful tables, glossaries, translations


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