CHRS Knowledge Base

Resubmit a Canceled Absence

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This article provides instructions on how to request a new absence for the same time period as a canceled request. Employees will learn the step-by-step process to locate a canceled absence, update the details (such as changing the end date), and resubmit the request for approval.

Open CSU Time

CSU Time is a central location for managing your time reporting, leave, and absences.

Step 1: If you have multiple Homepages, select the Employee Self Service Homepage.

Employee Self Service

Step 2: Select the CSU Time tile.

CSU Time tile

Resubmit canceled absence

Step 1: In CSU Time, select View Requests.

View requests
Job title and absence name fields

Step 2: Select the canceled absence.

Canceled absence

Step 3: Update the Absence Name, Begin Date, or End Date as needed.

Absence name, begin date, end date fields

Step 4: Click Forecast.


Step 5: Click OK.

Successfully Forecasted - You have enough balance to cover this Absence Request. OK button.

Step 6: Click Submit in the top right of the page.

Submit button

End of Article


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