CHRS Knowledge Base

Request Partial Days Off

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This article is for non-exempt staff and part-time faculty. If your absence is for less than a full day, use the partial days option to calculate the number of hours requested.

IMPORTANT: Compensatory time off is handled on the Enter Time page. For more information, see Employee Enter CTO.

Open CSU Time

CSU Time is a central location for managing your time reporting, leave, and absences.

Step 1: If you have multiple Homepages, select the Employee Self Service Homepage.

Employee Self Service

Step 2: Select the CSU Time tile.

CSU Time tile

Request Partial Day Off (absence)

Use the same procedure to request future absences or to report past absences.

Step 1: In CSU Time, select Request Absence from the navigation area.

Request Absence

Step 2: From the *Absence Name menu, select the absence type.

Absence Name field

Optional: If you have multiple jobs, you must first select the job for which you are requesting the absence.

Job Title: The menu shows the following job information:- Job title- Job row- Department- Pay rate- Manager

Step 3: Complete the request fields:

  1. Absence Name
  2. Begin Date.
  3. End Date.
  4. Verify the Duration.
  5. Optional: Enter Comments if needed.


Request absence fields

Partial Days check Box

Step 1: Click Partial Days.

Partial Days: None link

Step 2: Select which days are partial days.

  • All Days
  • End Day Only
  • Start Day Only
  • Start and End Days
Partial Days menu

Step 3: Enter the number of hours that you are requesting off on the partial days.

Duration in hours

Step 4: Click Done.

  • If you select Start and End days, you can specify separate durations for each.
  • The system updates your Duration total based your selections.

 Step 4: If the Forecast button is visible, click it. Otherwise, skip this step. The Forecast button is displayed only if you must accrue the absence type.

  1. Forecast: If this button is visible, you must click Forecast before you submit.
  2. Your accrued hours are displayed in the Balance Information section.
  3. Select View Balances to view your sick leave, personal holiday, and vacation balances.
Forecast button, balance information, and View Balances link.

If you do not have enough accrued time, you can reduce your requested absence, then re-forecast.

Step 5: Select Submit from the top right of the page. If you are eligible you can submit. If you are not eligible, you cannot submit. 

Submit button

Step 6: Select Yes to submit the request.

  • Your request is submitted for approval.
Are you sure you want to Submit this Absence Request? Yes or No.

Step 7: You will see a message that the absence request was submitted successfully.

image of submitted successfully

End of Article


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