This job aid shows employees at full eBenefits campuses how to view their Benefits confirmation statements.
Print your Benefits Confirmation Statement
Your Benefits Confirmation Statement is ready after your benefits are finalized and enrolled by a nightly process.
1. Click the Benefit Statements tile on your Employee Self Service Homepage.

2. Select Confirmation Statement from the Statement Type menu.

3. Click the statement row.

All your future statements will be shown here in addition to the current statement. If you do not see a statement row:
• Go to the CSU Benefits Summary tile and enter the applicable effective date. If you still do not see a confirmation statement, your benefits have not been finalized yet or the benefits office has not yet generated your benefits confirmation statement.
4. Click Expand All to see the statement details.

5. Optional: click Print View to print a copy of the statement.

6. Close the statement.

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