This article provides step-by-step guidance on how employees can request an absence in CHRS. It will cover the process of entering absence requests, selecting the appropriate absence type and ensuring accurate submission.
IMPORTANT: Compensatory time off is handled on the Enter Time page. For more information, see Employee Enter CTO.
Open CSU Time
CSU Time is a central location for managing your time reporting, leave, and absences.
Step 1: If you have multiple Homepages, select the Employee Self Service Homepage.

Step 2: Select the CSU Time tile.

Request absences
Use the same procedure to request future absences or to report past absences.
Step 1: In CSU Time, select Request Absence from the navigation area.

Step 2: From the *Absence Name menu, select the absence type.

Optional: If you have multiple jobs, you must first select the job for which you are requesting the absence.

Step 3: Complete the request fields:
- Absence Name
- Begin Date.
- End Date.
- Verify the Duration.
- Optional: Enter Comments if needed.
Step 4: If the Forecast button is visible, click it. Otherwise, skip this step. The Forecast button is displayed only if you must accrue the absence type.
- Forecast: If this button is visible, you must click Forecast before you submit.
- Your accrued hours are displayed in the Balance Information section.
- Select View Balances to view your sick leave, personal holiday, and vacation balances.

If you do not have enough accrued time, you can reduce your requested absence, then re-forecast.
Step 5: Select Submit from the top right of the page. If you are eligible you can submit. If you are not eligible, you cannot submit.

Step 6: Select Yes to submit the request.
- Your request is submitted for approval.

Step 7: You will see a message that the absence request was submitted successfully.

End of Article
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