CHRS Knowledge Base

Employee Union Information Opt-Out (Employees)

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This job aid shows employees how to opt out of providing their personal information to their union.

Opt out of employee union information

1. On the Employee Self Service home page, click the CSU Personal Details tile.

CSU Personal Details tile on the Employee Self Service home page

2. Click CSU Employee Opt Out.

CSU Employee Opt Out

The CSU Employee Opt Out page opens.

3. Switch to "Yes" any personal information that you want to Opt out of sharing with your union.

  • In this example, the employee has chosen NOT to share the home address and personal email with the union.
CSU Employee Opt Out - Google Chrome

4. Optional: If you belong to multiple unions, add a row for each union.

  • Select your opt-out options for each union on that row.

5. Click Save.

CSU Employee Opt Out - Google Chrome

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