CHRS Knowledge Base

ESS Life Event Workflow

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This workflow will help guide you through your life event.


This job aid shows employees how to use Self Service to enter life events into eBenefits self-service system.

  • Start the life event.
  • Expand the section for the life event of your choice.
  • Finish and close the life event.


  • The Life Event must be completed within the deadline of your qualifying event or you will not be eligible to change your Benefit Elections.
  • After you start a life event, the system saves your progress. The life event remains open until you complete it, cancel it, or until it expires, even if you close the browser.
  • While a life event is open, you cannot open any new life events.
  • If you have supporting documentation for the life event, have it available for reference.
  • Required steps are marked with an asterisk (*).
  • Some steps are unavailable (grayed out) until you complete other steps.
  • If you want to see after-tax benefit options, contact your Benefits office to let them set that up for you.

Using this job aid

This job aid is a workflow. You can go back and select different answers within this guide by clicking on a question that you answered before. Note that this guide does not save your progress if you close your browser or tab.

Start a life event

Step 1: Click the CSU Life Events tile.

The Life Events page opens.

CSU Life events tile

Step 2: Start the life event:

  1. Select the event type.
  2. Select the As Of Date for life event
  3. Click Start Life Event.
Life event menu choices: Marriage/Registered Domestic Partnership, Birth of a Child, Adoption of a Child, Divorce/Termination of Registered Domestic Partnership, Parent-Child Relationship, Late Enrollment, Employee-Loss of External Coverage, Employee-Gain of External Coverage, Dependent-Loss of External Coverage, Dependent-Gain of External Coverage, Drop All Dependents

Select a life event

Select the life event type that you are starting. If you are not sure which life event to select, see Choosing a Life Event.

With the marriage event, you can add dependents to your medical, dental, and vision plans.

Watch video: Marriage

Watch this video before you begin.

Welcome page

IMPORTANT: If you are not currently enrolled in CSU benefits, do not use this event. Click Cancel and then contact your benefits office.

Step 1: Read the Welcome page.

  • Read the Welcome page carefully.
  • Note any supporting documents that you need to submit to the Benefits Office.
Welcome page

Step 3: Click Next.


Do you want to review your Benefits Summary?

Review Benefits Summary

Benefits Summary

The Benefits Summary step shows your current Benefits. Review this summary to help you decide what you want to change.

Step 1: Review the information on the Benefits Summary page.

Benefits summary page
Optional: Review Benefit Details

Step 1: Optional - Click any of the tiles to review benefit details including covered dependents.

Medical plan tile

Step 2: Click the X in the top right to close the benefit details page.

Close button

Do you want to see benefits summary for a different day?

For example, you might want to see what your benefits currently look like for next year, or you might want to see what you had before to help you decide.

Review Benefits Summary on a different day

Optional: See your benefits on a different date

You can see your benefits on a different date.

Step 1: Change the date.

Step 2: Click Refresh.

My Benefits On date selector

Use this feature to view your benefit enrollments on another date. For example, you can view upcoming changes that are not reflected in your current Benefits Summary.

Click Next

Click the Next button to go to the Start My Enrollment page.

Next button

Start Enrollment

After you start enrollment, you can select benefits for yourself, add dependents, and enroll dependents in your benefits. Not all benefit options are available for all life events.

Important: You cannot enroll in both medical plan and medical flex cash, nor can you enroll in both a dental plan and dental flex cash. If you need to remove one to choose the other, select the waive option.

Step 1: Click Start My Enrollment.

Start My Enrollment button

Step 2: Review the information on the Benefit Enrollment page.

Benefit Enrollment page

Add Dependents

Enter info for your new dependent.

Add dependent name and personal information

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.


Step 2: Click Add/Update Dependent.

Add/Update Dependent

Step 3: Confirm that the dependent does not already exist in the system. If the dependent is an ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner and needs to be changed back to spouse or domestic partner, contact your benefits office so they can make this update.

Step 4: Click Add Individual.

Add individual
  • The Add Individual Dependent/Beneficiary Information page opens.

Step 5: Click Add Name.

Add Name

Step 6: Complete the required fields:

  • First name
  • Last name

The name must be the legal name (on the birth certificate) not the preferred name.

Name fields

Step 7: Click Done.


Step 8: Confirm that the name is spelled correctly. Click the name to edit if it is incorrect.

Name field

Step 9: Complete the Personal Information section:

  • Date of Birth is required
  • Gender is required
  • Relationship to Employee is required.
  • Other fields are optional.
Personal information fields

Step 10: Review the address information. Address defaults to your address.

Add dependent’s National ID

Use this procedure to add your dependent’s National ID (Social Security Number in U.S.).

Step 1: Click Add National ID.

Add National ID

Step 2: Complete the National ID information.


  • Primary is always set to Yes.
  • National ID can be either Social Security Number (SSN) for US citizens or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) for certain nonresident and resident aliens, their spouses, and dependents who cannot get an SSN.
  • Dashes are unnecessary – the system adds them after you leave the field.
National ID fields

Step 3: Click Done.

done button

The national ID is entered.

Save dependent information

At this point, you can add more dependents if applicable. If you have more dependents to add, restart the Add Dependents procedure.

When you are finished adding dependents, use this procedure to save your dependent information.

Step 1: Click Save at the top of the page.

Save button

Your dependent/beneficiary information is saved.

Step 2: Close the Dependent and Beneficiary Information page.

Close button

Your dependent is now added to your record.

IMPORTANT: Adding dependents does not enroll them into the benefit. You must also enroll your dependents into the benefits you want them to have.

What medical benefit do you have?

Add dependents to your Medical Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your medical plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

What kind of Dental Plan do you have?

Add dependents to your Dental Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your Dental plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Dental tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Dental tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 4: Confirm that your benefit status is changed.

  • Your Pay Period Cost might also change.
  • The number of dependents and the Pay Period Cost also changed.
Medical plan changes

Add your dependent to vision care at this time?

Add dependents to your Vision plan

Step 1: Click the Vision tile.

Vision tile

Step 2: Select the dependents to add.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 4: Confirm that your benefit status is changed.

Vision plan changes

Enroll in Flex Spending Health U.S. or increase your contribution?

Flex Spending Health U.S. is also known as Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA). The CSU Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA), a voluntary benefit for eligible employees, offers you the ability to pay for eligible out-of-pocket health care expenses with pretax dollars.

For more information about HCRA-2023.

HCRA Enrollment

Use this procedure to enroll in a Flex Spending Health - U.S.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Flex Spending Health - US tile

Step 2: Click Select to select the Health Care Flex Spending option.

Select button

Step 3: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 4: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 5: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 6: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 7: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Enroll in Flex Spending Dependent Care or increase your contribution?

Flex Spending Dependent Care is also known as Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA).  DCRA provides for the payment of certain dependent care expenses from the employee's pre-tax income, via a special tax-free account set up for this purpose.

For more information about DCRA.

DCRA Enrollment

Use this procedure to enroll in a Flex Spending Health - U.S.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Flex Spending Dependent Care

Step 2: Click Select to select the Health Care Flex Spending option.

Select button

Step 3: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 4: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 5: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 6: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 7: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Flex spending account changed

With the birth event, you can add new dependents to your medical, dental, and vision plans.

Watch video: Birth

Watch this video before you begin

Welcome page

IMPORTANT: If you are not currently enrolled in CSU benefits, do not use this event. Click Cancel and then contact your benefits office.

Step 1: Read the Welcome page.

  • Read the Welcome page carefully.
  • Note any supporting documents that you need to submit to the Benefits Office.
Welcome page

Step 3: Click Next.


Birth Date

Step 1: Complete the Birth Date page:

  1. Use the calendar to enter the child's birth date.
  2. Click Submit.
Birth Date page

Birth date must match the Life Event Start Date that you entered at the beginning of the Life Event transaction. If you entered the wrong date for the As Of date when you started this life event then you will need to cancel this life event and start a new one with your child’s birth date as the As Of date.

Step 5: Click OK.

Submit Confirmation

Step 6: Click Next.


Do you want to review your Benefits Summary?

Review Benefits Summary

Benefits Summary

The Benefits Summary step shows your current Benefits. Review this summary to help you decide what you want to change.

Step 1: Review the information on the Benefits Summary page.

Benefits summary page
Optional: Review Benefit Details

Step 1: Optional - Click any of the tiles to review benefit details including covered dependents.

Medical plan tile

Step 2: Click the X in the top right to close the benefit details page.

Close button

Do you want to see benefits summary for a different day?

For example, you might want to see what your benefits currently look like for next year, or you might want to see what you had before to help you decide.

Review Benefits Summary on a different day

Optional: See your benefits on a different date

You can see your benefits on a different date.

Step 1: Change the date.

Step 2: Click Refresh.

My Benefits On date selector

Use this feature to view your benefit enrollments on another date. For example, you can view upcoming changes that are not reflected in your current Benefits Summary.

Click Next

Click the Next button to go to the Start My Enrollment page.

Next button

Start Enrollment

After you start enrollment, you can select benefits for yourself, add dependents, and enroll dependents in your benefits. Not all benefit options are available for all life events.

Important: You cannot enroll in both medical plan and medical flex cash, nor can you enroll in both a dental plan and dental flex cash. If you need to remove one to choose the other, select the waive option.

Step 1: Click Start My Enrollment.

Start My Enrollment button

Step 2: Review the information on the Benefit Enrollment page.

Benefit Enrollment page

Add Dependents

Enter information for your new dependent

Add dependent name and personal information

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.


Step 2: Click Add/Update Dependent.

Add/Update Dependent

Step 3: Confirm that the dependent does not already exist in the system. If the dependent is an ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner and needs to be changed back to spouse or domestic partner, contact your benefits office so they can make this update.

Step 4: Click Add Individual.

Add individual
  • The Add Individual Dependent/Beneficiary Information page opens.

Step 5: Click Add Name.

Add Name

Step 6: Complete the required fields:

  • First name
  • Last name

The name must be the legal name (on the birth certificate) not the preferred name.

Name fields

Step 7: Click Done.


Step 8: Confirm that the name is spelled correctly. Click the name to edit if it is incorrect.

Name field

Step 9: Complete the Personal Information section:

  • Date of Birth is required
  • Gender is required
  • Relationship to Employee is required.
  • Other fields are optional.
Personal information fields

Step 10: Review the address information. Address defaults to your address.

Add dependent’s National ID

Use this procedure to add your dependent’s National ID (Social Security Number in U.S.).

Step 1: Click Add National ID.

Add National ID

Step 2: Complete the National ID information.


  • Primary is always set to Yes.
  • National ID can be either Social Security Number (SSN) for US citizens or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) for certain nonresident and resident aliens, their spouses, and dependents who cannot get an SSN.
  • Dashes are unnecessary – the system adds them after you leave the field.
National ID fields

Step 3: Click Done.

done button

The national ID is entered.

Save dependent information

At this point, you can add more dependents if applicable. If you have more dependents to add, restart the Add Dependents procedure.

When you are finished adding dependents, use this procedure to save your dependent information.

Step 1: Click Save at the top of the page.

Save button

Your dependent/beneficiary information is saved.

Step 2: Close the Dependent and Beneficiary Information page.

Close button

Your dependent is now added to your record.

IMPORTANT: Adding dependents does not enroll them into the benefit. You must also enroll your dependents into the benefits you want them to have.

What medical benefit do you have?

Add dependents to your Medical Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your medical plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

What kind of Dental Plan do you have?

Add dependents to your Dental Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your Dental plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Dental tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Dental tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 4: Confirm that your benefit status is changed.

  • Your Pay Period Cost might also change.
  • The number of dependents and the Pay Period Cost also changed.
Medical plan changes

Add dependents to vision care at this time?

Add dependents to Vision plan

Step 1: Click the Vision tile.

Vision tile

Step 2: Select the dependents to add.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 4: Confirm that your benefit status is changed.

Vision plan changes

Enroll in Flex Spending Health U.S. or increase your contribution?

Flex Spending Health U.S. is also known as Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA). The CSU Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA), a voluntary benefit for eligible employees, offers you the ability to pay for eligible out-of-pocket health care expenses with pretax dollars.

For more information about HCRA-2023.

HCRA Enrollment

Use this procedure to enroll in a Flex Spending Health - U.S.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Flex Spending Health - US tile

Step 2: Click Select to select the Health Care Flex Spending option.

Select button

Step 3: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 4: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 5: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 6: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 7: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Enroll in Flex Spending Dependent Care or increase your contribution?

Flex Spending Dependent Care is also known as Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA).  DCRA provides for the payment of certain dependent care expenses from the employee's pre-tax income, via a special tax-free account set up for this purpose.

For more information about DCRA.

DCRA Enrollment

Use this procedure to enroll in a Flex Spending Health - U.S.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Flex Spending Dependent Care

Step 2: Click Select to select the Health Care Flex Spending option.

Select button

Step 3: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 4: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 5: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 6: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 7: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Flex spending account changed

With the adoption event, you can add new dependents to your medical, dental, and vision plans.

Watch video

Enter Adoption Date

Adoption Date

If your life event is Adoption, you must enter the Adoption Date.

Adoption date must match the As Of date. If you entered the wrong date for the As Of date when you started this life event, cancel this life event and start a new one with your child’s adoption date as the As Of date.


Step 1: Complete the Adoption Date page:

  1. Use the calendar to enter the adoption date.
  2. Click Submit.
Adoption date page

Step 2: Click OK.

Submit confirmation

Step 3: Click Next.


Do you want to review your Benefits Summary?

Review Benefits Summary

Benefits Summary

The Benefits Summary step shows your current Benefits. Review this summary to help you decide what you want to change.

Step 1: Review the information on the Benefits Summary page.

Benefits summary page
Optional: Review Benefit Details

Step 1: Optional - Click any of the tiles to review benefit details including covered dependents.

Medical plan tile

Step 2: Click the X in the top right to close the benefit details page.

Close button

Do you want to see benefits summary for a different day?

For example, you might want to see what your benefits currently look like for next year, or you might want to see what you had before to help you decide.

Review Benefits Summary on a different day

Optional: See your benefits on a different date

You can see your benefits on a different date.

Step 1: Change the date.

Step 2: Click Refresh.

My Benefits On date selector

Use this feature to view your benefit enrollments on another date. For example, you can view upcoming changes that are not reflected in your current Benefits Summary.

Click Next

Click the Next button to go to the Start My Enrollment page.

Next button

Start Enrollment

After you start enrollment, you can select benefits for yourself, add dependents, and enroll dependents in your benefits. Not all benefit options are available for all life events.

Important: You cannot enroll in both medical plan and medical flex cash, nor can you enroll in both a dental plan and dental flex cash. If you need to remove one to choose the other, select the waive option.

Step 1: Click Start My Enrollment.

Start My Enrollment button

Step 2: Review the information on the Benefit Enrollment page.

Benefit Enrollment page

Add Dependents

Enter info for your new dependent

Add dependent name and personal information

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.


Step 2: Click Add/Update Dependent.

Add/Update Dependent

Step 3: Confirm that the dependent does not already exist in the system. If the dependent is an ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner and needs to be changed back to spouse or domestic partner, contact your benefits office so they can make this update.

Step 4: Click Add Individual.

Add individual
  • The Add Individual Dependent/Beneficiary Information page opens.

Step 5: Click Add Name.

Add Name

Step 6: Complete the required fields:

  • First name
  • Last name

The name must be the legal name (on the birth certificate) not the preferred name.

Name fields

Step 7: Click Done.


Step 8: Confirm that the name is spelled correctly. Click the name to edit if it is incorrect.

Name field

Step 9: Complete the Personal Information section:

  • Date of Birth is required
  • Gender is required
  • Relationship to Employee is required.
  • Other fields are optional.
Personal information fields

Step 10: Review the address information. Address defaults to your address.

Add dependent’s National ID

Use this procedure to add your dependent’s National ID (Social Security Number in U.S.).

Step 1: Click Add National ID.

Add National ID

Step 2: Complete the National ID information.


  • Primary is always set to Yes.
  • National ID can be either Social Security Number (SSN) for US citizens or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) for certain nonresident and resident aliens, their spouses, and dependents who cannot get an SSN.
  • Dashes are unnecessary – the system adds them after you leave the field.
National ID fields

Step 3: Click Done.

done button

The national ID is entered.

Save dependent information

At this point, you can add more dependents if applicable. If you have more dependents to add, restart the Add Dependents procedure.

When you are finished adding dependents, use this procedure to save your dependent information.

Step 1: Click Save at the top of the page.

Save button

Your dependent/beneficiary information is saved.

Step 2: Close the Dependent and Beneficiary Information page.

Close button

Your dependent is now added to your record.

IMPORTANT: Adding dependents does not enroll them into the benefit. You must also enroll your dependents into the benefits you want them to have.

What medical benefit do you have?

Add dependents to your Medical Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your medical plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

What kind of Dental Plan do you have?

Add dependents to your Dental Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your Dental plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Dental tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Dental tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 4: Confirm that your benefit status is changed.

  • Your Pay Period Cost might also change.
  • The number of dependents and the Pay Period Cost also changed.
Medical plan changes

Add dependents to your Vision planh at this time?

Add dependents to Vision plan

Step 1: Click the Vision tile.

Vision tile

Step 2: Select the dependents to add.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 4: Confirm that your benefit status is changed.

Vision plan changes

Enroll in Flex Spending Health U.S. or increase your contribution?

Flex Spending Health U.S. is also known as Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA). The CSU Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA), a voluntary benefit for eligible employees, offers you the ability to pay for eligible out-of-pocket health care expenses with pretax dollars.

For more information about HCRA-2023.

HCRA Enrollment

Use this procedure to enroll in a Flex Spending Health - U.S.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Flex Spending Health - US tile

Step 2: Click Select to select the Health Care Flex Spending option.

Select button

Step 3: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 4: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 5: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 6: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 7: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Enroll in Flex Spending Dependent Care or increase your contribution?

Flex Spending Dependent Care is also known as Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA).  DCRA provides for the payment of certain dependent care expenses from the employee's pre-tax income, via a special tax-free account set up for this purpose.

For more information about DCRA.

DCRA Enrollment

Use this procedure to enroll in a Flex Spending Health - U.S.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Flex Spending Dependent Care

Step 2: Click Select to select the Health Care Flex Spending option.

Select button

Step 3: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 4: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 5: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 6: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 7: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Flex spending account changed

Use the Divorce event to remove your spouse or domestic partner and other dependents from your CSU benefits.

If you were enrolled in your spouse's medical or dental benefits and now you need to enroll in CSU benefits:

  1. STOP processing this event.
  2. Cancel this life event.
  3. Start a new life event and select the Employee Loss of External Coverage life event.

Watch video

Welcome page

IMPORTANT: If you are not currently enrolled in CSU benefits, do not use this event. Click Cancel and then contact your benefits office.

Step 1: Read the Welcome page.

  • Read the Welcome page carefully.
  • Note any supporting documents that you need to submit to the Benefits Office.
Welcome page

Step 3: Click Next.


Do you want to review your Benefits Summary?

Review Benefits Summary

Benefits Summary

The Benefits Summary step shows your current Benefits. Review this summary to help you decide what you want to change.

Step 1: Review the information on the Benefits Summary page.

Benefits summary page
Optional: Review Benefit Details

Step 1: Optional - Click any of the tiles to review benefit details including covered dependents.

Medical plan tile

Step 2: Click the X in the top right to close the benefit details page.

Close button

Do you want to see benefits summary for a different day?

For example, you might want to see what your benefits currently look like for next year, or you might want to see what you had before to help you decide.

Review Benefits Summary on a different day

Optional: See your benefits on a different date

You can see your benefits on a different date.

Step 1: Change the date.

Step 2: Click Refresh.

My Benefits On date selector

Use this feature to view your benefit enrollments on another date. For example, you can view upcoming changes that are not reflected in your current Benefits Summary.

Click Next

Click the Next button to go to the Start My Enrollment page.

Next button

Start Enrollment

After you start enrollment, you can select benefits for yourself, add dependents, and enroll dependents in your benefits. Not all benefit options are available for all life events.

Step 1: Click Start My Enrollment.

Start My Enrollment button

Step 2: Review the information on the Benefit Enrollment page.

Benefit Enrollment page

What medical benefit do you have?

Remove dependents from your Medical Plan
  • Use this procedure to remove dependents to your medical plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: Clear the check the box to remove your dependent from the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

What kind of Dental Plan do you have?

Remove dependents from your Dental Plan
  • Use this procedure to remove dependents to your Dental plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Dental tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Dental tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: Clear the check the box to remove your dependent from the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 4: Confirm that your benefit status is changed.

  • Your Pay Period Cost might also change.
  • The number of dependents and the Pay Period Cost also changed.
Medical plan changes

Remove dependents from your Vision plan at this time?

Remove dependents from Vision plan

Step 1: Click the Vision tile.

Vision tile

Step 2: Clear the check box to remove dependents from this plan.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 4: Confirm that your benefit status is changed.

Vision plan changes

Decrease your Flex Spending Health U.S. contribution?

Flex Spending Health U.S. is also known as Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA). The CSU Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA), a voluntary benefit for eligible employees, offers you the ability to pay for eligible out-of-pocket health care expenses with pretax dollars.

For more information about HCRA-2023.

HCRA Enrollment

Use this procedure to enroll in a Flex Spending Health - U.S.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Flex Spending Health - US tile

Step 2: Click Select to select the Health Care Flex Spending option.

Select button

Step 3: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 4: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 5: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 6: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 7: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Decrease your Flex Spending Dependent Care contribution?

Flex Spending Dependent Care is also known as Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA).  DCRA provides for the payment of certain dependent care expenses from the employee's pre-tax income, via a special tax-free account set up for this purpose.

For more information about DCRA.

DCRA Enrollment

Use this procedure to enroll in a Flex Spending Health - U.S.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Flex Spending Dependent Care

Step 2: Click Select to select the Health Care Flex Spending option.

Select button

Step 3: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 4: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 5: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 6: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 7: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Flex spending account changed

Describe this event type and when it applies

Watch video: Parent-Child Relationship

Watch this video before you begin.

Welcome page

IMPORTANT: If you are not currently enrolled in CSU benefits, do not use this event. Click Cancel and then contact your benefits office.

Step 1: Read the Welcome page.

  • Read the Welcome page carefully.
  • Note any supporting documents that you need to submit to the Benefits Office.
Welcome page

Step 3: Click Next.


Do you want to review your Benefits Summary?

Review Benefits Summary

Benefits Summary

The Benefits Summary step shows your current Benefits. Review this summary to help you decide what you want to change.

Step 1: Review the information on the Benefits Summary page.

Benefits summary page
Optional: Review Benefit Details

Step 1: Optional - Click any of the tiles to review benefit details including covered dependents.

Medical plan tile

Step 2: Click the X in the top right to close the benefit details page.

Close button

Do you want to see benefits summary for a different day?

For example, you might want to see what your benefits currently look like for next year, or you might want to see what you had before to help you decide.

Review Benefits Summary on a different day

Optional: See your benefits on a different date

You can see your benefits on a different date.

Step 1: Change the date.

Step 2: Click Refresh.

My Benefits On date selector

Use this feature to view your benefit enrollments on another date. For example, you can view upcoming changes that are not reflected in your current Benefits Summary.

Click Next

Click the Next button to go to the Start My Enrollment page.

Next button

Start Enrollment

After you start enrollment, you can select benefits for yourself, add dependents, and enroll dependents in your benefits. Not all benefit options are available for all life events.

Important: You cannot enroll in both medical plan and medical flex cash, nor can you enroll in both a dental plan and dental flex cash. If you need to remove one to choose the other, select the waive option.

Step 1: Click Start My Enrollment.

Start My Enrollment button

Step 2: Review the information on the Benefit Enrollment page.

Benefit Enrollment page

Add Dependents

Enter info for your new dependent

Add dependent name and personal information

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.


Step 2: Click Add/Update Dependent.

Add/Update Dependent

Step 3: Click Add Individual.

Add individual
  • The Add Individual Dependent/Beneficiary Information page opens.

Step 4: Click Add Name.

Add Name

Step 5: Complete the required fields:

  • First name
  • Last name

The name must be the legal name (on the birth certificate) not the preferred name.

Name fields

Step 6: Click Done.


Step 7: Confirm that the name is spelled correctly. Click the name to edit if it is incorrect.

Name field

Step 8: Complete the Personal Information section:

  • Date of Birth is required
  • Gender is required
  • Relationship to Employee is required.
  • Other fields are optional.
Personal information fields

Step 9: Review the address information. Address defaults to your address.

Add dependent’s National ID

Use this procedure to add your dependent’s National ID (Social Security Number in U.S.).

Step 1: Click Add National ID.

Add National ID

Step 2: Complete the National ID information.


  • Primary is always set to Yes.
  • National ID can be either Social Security Number (SSN) for US citizens or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) for certain nonresident and resident aliens, their spouses, and dependents who cannot get an SSN.
  • Dashes are unnecessary – the system adds them after you leave the field.
National ID fields

Step 3: Click Done.

done button

The national ID is entered.

Save dependent information

At this point, you can add more dependents if applicable. If you have more dependents to add, restart the Add Dependents procedure.

When you are finished adding dependents, use this procedure to save your dependent information.

Step 1: Click Save at the top of the page.

Save button

Your dependent/beneficiary information is saved.

Step 2: Close the Dependent and Beneficiary Information page.

Close button

Your dependent is now added to your record.

IMPORTANT: Adding dependents does not enroll them into the benefit. You must also enroll your dependents into the benefits you want them to have.

What medical benefit do you have?

Add dependents to your Medical Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your medical plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

What kind of Dental Plan do you have?

Add dependents to your Dental Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your Dental plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Dental tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Dental tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 4: Confirm that your benefit status is changed.

  • Your Pay Period Cost might also change.
  • The number of dependents and the Pay Period Cost also changed.
Medical plan changes

Add dependents to vision care at this time?

Add dependents to Vision plan

Step 1: Click the Vision tile.

Vision tile

Step 2: Select the dependents to add.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 4: Confirm that your benefit status is changed.

Vision plan changes

Enroll in Flex Spending Health U.S. or increase your contribution?

Flex Spending Health U.S. is also known as Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA). The CSU Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA), a voluntary benefit for eligible employees, offers you the ability to pay for eligible out-of-pocket health care expenses with pretax dollars.

For more information about HCRA-2023.

HCRA Enrollment

Use this procedure to enroll in a Flex Spending Health - U.S.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Flex Spending Health - US tile

Step 2: Click Select to select the Health Care Flex Spending option.

Select button

Step 3: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 4: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 5: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 6: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 7: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Enroll in Flex Spending Dependent Care or increase your contribution?

Flex Spending Dependent Care is also known as Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA).  DCRA provides for the payment of certain dependent care expenses from the employee's pre-tax income, via a special tax-free account set up for this purpose.

For more information about DCRA.

DCRA Enrollment

Use this procedure to enroll in a Flex Spending Health - U.S.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Flex Spending Dependent Care

Step 2: Click Select to select the Health Care Flex Spending option.

Select button

Step 3: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 4: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 5: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 6: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 7: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Flex spending account changed

If you missed the deadline to enroll in benefits, your right to enroll (or add dependents) will be limited. 

Watch video: Late Enrollment

Watch this video before you proceed.

Welcome page

Step 1: Read the Welcome page.

  • Read the Welcome page carefully.
  • Note any supporting documents that you need to submit to the Benefits Office.
Welcome page

Step 3: Click Next.


Do you want to review your Benefits Summary?

Review Benefits Summary

Benefits Summary

The Benefits Summary step shows your current Benefits. Review this summary to help you decide what you want to change.

Step 1: Review the information on the Benefits Summary page.

Benefits summary page
Optional: Review Benefit Details

Step 1: Optional - Click any of the tiles to review benefit details including covered dependents.

Medical plan tile

Step 2: Click the X in the top right to close the benefit details page.

Close button

Do you want to see benefits summary for a different day?

For example, you might want to see what your benefits currently look like for next year, or you might want to see what you had before to help you decide.

Review Benefits Summary on a different day

Optional: See your benefits on a different date

You can see your benefits on a different date.

Step 1: Change the date.

Step 2: Click Refresh.

My Benefits On date selector

Use this feature to view your benefit enrollments on another date. For example, you can view upcoming changes that are not reflected in your current Benefits Summary.

Click Next

Click the Next button to go to the Start My Enrollment page.

Next button

Start Enrollment

After you start enrollment, you can select benefits for yourself, add dependents, and enroll dependents in your benefits. Not all benefit options are available for all life events.

Step 1: Click Start My Enrollment.

Start My Enrollment button

Step 2: Review the information on the Benefit Enrollment page.

Benefit Enrollment page

Do you need to add dependents?

If you are a new hire and you missed your 60 day window to qualify for your NEW event, you can use this event to add new dependents.

Add Dependents

Add dependent name and personal information

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.


Step 2: Click Add/Update Dependent.

Add/Update Dependent

Step 3: Confirm that the dependent does not already exist in the system. If the dependent is an ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner and needs to be changed back to spouse or domestic partner, contact your benefits office so they can make this update.

Step 4: Click Add Individual.

Add individual
  • The Add Individual Dependent/Beneficiary Information page opens.

Step 5: Click Add Name.

Add Name

Step 6: Complete the required fields:

  • First name
  • Last name

The name must be the legal name (on the birth certificate) not the preferred name.

Name fields

Step 7: Click Done.


Step 8: Confirm that the name is spelled correctly. Click the name to edit if it is incorrect.

Name field

Step 9: Complete the Personal Information section:

  • Date of Birth is required
  • Gender is required
  • Relationship to Employee is required.
  • Other fields are optional.
Personal information fields

Step 10: Review the address information. Address defaults to your address.

Add dependent’s National ID

Use this procedure to add your dependent’s National ID (Social Security Number in U.S.).

Step 1: Click Add National ID.

Add National ID

Step 2: Complete the National ID information.


  • Primary is always set to Yes.
  • National ID can be either Social Security Number (SSN) for US citizens or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) for certain nonresident and resident aliens, their spouses, and dependents who cannot get an SSN.
  • Dashes are unnecessary – the system adds them after you leave the field.
National ID fields

Step 3: Click Done.

done button

The national ID is entered.

Save dependent information

At this point, you can add more dependents if applicable. If you have more dependents to add, restart the Add Dependents procedure.

When you are finished adding dependents, use this procedure to save your dependent information.

Step 1: Click Save at the top of the page.

Save button

Your dependent/beneficiary information is saved.

Step 2: Close the Dependent and Beneficiary Information page.

Close button

Your dependent is now added to your record.

IMPORTANT: Adding dependents does not enroll them into the benefit. You must also enroll your dependents into the benefits you want them to have.

Enroll in a medical plan?

Select a Medical Plan

Follow these instructions to select a medical plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: (Optional) Review your options:

  1. Open the ESS Handbook Medical to see CSU Employee resources information on a separate browser tab. You can close this tab when you finish reading the information.
  2. Click the Information icon for a short overview of benefit costs.
  3. Click Overview of All Plans to open a cost breakdown of all plans for comparison.
Medical plan options

Step 3: Click the Select button select a different medical plan. The Select button switches to a check mark.

Selecting a health plan

Do you need to add dependents to your plan?

Add dependents to your Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your medical plan.

Step 1: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Click Done

Step 4: Click Done.


Your health plan tile reflects the changes.

  • Current and New plans shown.
  • Green check mark + Changed
  • Pay period cost
medical plan tile changed

Enroll in a Dental plan?

Select a Dental Plan

Follow these instructions to select a dental plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Dental tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Dental tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: (Optional) Review your options:

  1. Open the ESS Handbook Dental to see CSU Employee resources information on a separate browser tab. You can close this tab when you finish reading the information.
  2. Click the Information icon for a short overview of benefit costs.
  3. Click Overview of All Plans to open a cost breakdown of all plans for comparison.
Dental plan options

Step 3: Click the Select button select a different medical plan. The Select button switches to a check mark.

Selecting a dental plan

Do you need to add dependents to your plan?

Add dependents to your Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your medical plan.

Step 1: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Click Done

Step 4: Click Done.


Your health plan tile reflects the changes.

  • Current and New plans shown.
  • Green check mark + Changed
  • Pay period cost
medical plan tile changed

Add your dependent to vision care at this time?

Add dependents to your Vision plan

Step 1: Click the Vision tile.

Vision tile

Step 2: Select the dependents to add.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 4: Confirm that your benefit status is changed.

Vision plan changes

Describe this event type and when it applies

Watch video

Welcome page

Step 1: Read the Welcome page.

  • Read the Welcome page carefully.
  • Note any supporting documents that you need to submit to the Benefits Office.
Welcome page

Step 3: Click Next.


Do you want to review your Benefits Summary?

Review Benefits Summary

Benefits Summary

The Benefits Summary step shows your current Benefits. Review this summary to help you decide what you want to change.

Step 1: Review the information on the Benefits Summary page.

Benefits summary page
Optional: Review Benefit Details

Step 1: Optional - Click any of the tiles to review benefit details including covered dependents.

Medical plan tile

Step 2: Click the X in the top right to close the benefit details page.

Close button

Do you want to see benefits summary for a different day?

For example, you might want to see what your benefits currently look like for next year, or you might want to see what you had before to help you decide.

Review Benefits Summary on a different day

Optional: See your benefits on a different date

You can see your benefits on a different date.

Step 1: Change the date.

Step 2: Click Refresh.

My Benefits On date selector

Use this feature to view your benefit enrollments on another date. For example, you can view upcoming changes that are not reflected in your current Benefits Summary.

Click Next

Click the Next button to go to the Start My Enrollment page.

Next button

Start Enrollment

After you start enrollment, you can select benefits for yourself, add dependents, and enroll dependents in your benefits. Not all benefit options are available for all life events.

Important: You cannot enroll in both medical plan and medical flex cash, nor can you enroll in both a dental plan and dental flex cash. If you need to remove one to choose the other, select the waive option.

Step 1: Click Start My Enrollment.

Start My Enrollment button

Step 2: Review the information on the Benefit Enrollment page.

Benefit Enrollment page

What medical benefit do you have?

Your current benefits affect your choices.

  • If you have a medical plan, you can add dependents or choose a different plan or both.
  • If you have medical flex cash, you can waive it to select a medical plan.
  • If you have no medical plan, you can enroll in a medical plan.

Change your medical plan?

Select a Medical Plan

Follow these instructions to select a medical plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: (Optional) Review your options:

  1. Open the ESS Handbook Medical to see CSU Employee resources information on a separate browser tab. You can close this tab when you finish reading the information.
  2. Click the Information icon for a short overview of benefit costs.
  3. Click Overview of All Plans to open a cost breakdown of all plans for comparison.
Medical plan options

Step 3: Click the Select button select a medical plan. The Select button switches to a check mark.

Selecting a health plan

Do you need to add dependents to your plan?

Add dependents to your Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your medical plan.

Step 1: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 2: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Your health plan tile reflects the changes.

  • Current and New plans shown.
  • Green check mark + Changed
  • Pay period cost
medical plan tile changed

Step 1: Click Done.


Your health plan tile reflects the changes.

  • Current and New plans shown.
  • Green check mark + Changed
  • Pay period cost
medical plan tile changed

Add dependents to your existing plan?

Add dependents to your Medical Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your medical plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Select a medical plan?

Waive Medical Flex Cash

You must waive Medical Flex Cash to enroll in a Medical plan.

Step 1: Click the Medical Flex Cash tile.

Medical Flex Cash tile

Step 2: Click to Select the Waive option.

Select button for Waive

Step 3: Click Done.


Select a Medical Plan

Follow these instructions to select a medical plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: (Optional) Review your options:

  1. Open the ESS Handbook Medical to see CSU Employee resources information on a separate browser tab. You can close this tab when you finish reading the information.
  2. Click the Information icon for a short overview of benefit costs.
  3. Click Overview of All Plans to open a cost breakdown of all plans for comparison.
Medical plan options

Step 3: Click the Select button select a medical plan. The Select button switches to a check mark.

Selecting a health plan

Do you need to add dependents to your plan?

Add dependents to your Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your medical plan.

Step 1: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 2: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 1: Click Done.


Your health plan tile reflects the changes.

  • Current and New plans shown.
  • Green check mark + Changed
  • Pay period cost
medical plan tile changed

Select a medical plan?

Select a Medical Plan

Follow these instructions to select a medical plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: (Optional) Review your options:

  1. Open the ESS Handbook Medical to see CSU Employee resources information on a separate browser tab. You can close this tab when you finish reading the information.
  2. Click the Information icon for a short overview of benefit costs.
  3. Click Overview of All Plans to open a cost breakdown of all plans for comparison.
Medical plan options

Step 3: Click the Select button select a medical plan. The Select button switches to a check mark.

Selecting a health plan

Do you need to add dependents to your plan?

Add dependents to your Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your medical plan.

Step 1: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 2: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Your health plan tile reflects the changes.

  • Current and New plans shown.
  • Green check mark + Changed
  • Pay period cost
medical plan tile changed

Step 1: Click Done.


What kind of Dental Plan do you have?

Your current benefits affect your choices.

  • If you have a dental plan, you can select a plan,  add dependents or both.
  • If you have dental flex cash, you can waive it to select a dental plan.
  • If you have no dental plan, you can enroll in a dental plan.

Change your dental plan?

Select a Dental Plan

Follow these instructions to select a dental plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Dental tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Dental tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: (Optional) Review your options:

  1. Open the ESS Handbook Dental to see CSU Employee resources information on a separate browser tab. You can close this tab when you finish reading the information.
  2. Click the Information icon for a short overview of benefit costs.
  3. Click Overview of All Plans to open a cost breakdown of all plans for comparison.
Dental plan options

Step 3: Click the Select button select a different medical plan. The Select button switches to a check mark.

Selecting a dental plan

Do you need to add dependents to your plan?

Add dependents to your Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your medical plan.

Step 1: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 2: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Your Dental plan tile reflects the changes.

  • Current and New plans shown.
  • Green check mark + Changed
  • Pay period cost
dental plan tile changed

Step 1: Click Done.


Select a dental plan?

Waive Dental Flex Cash

You must waive Dental Flex Cash to enroll in a Dental plan.

Step 1: Click the Medical Flex Cash tile.

Medical Flex Cash tile

Step 2: Click to Select the Waive option.

Select button for Waive

Step 3: Click Done.


Select a Dental Plan

Follow these instructions to select a dental plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Dental tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Dental tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: (Optional) Review your options:

  1. Open the ESS Handbook Dental to see CSU Employee resources information on a separate browser tab. You can close this tab when you finish reading the information.
  2. Click the Information icon for a short overview of benefit costs.
  3. Click Overview of All Plans to open a cost breakdown of all plans for comparison.
Dental plan options

Step 3: Click the Select button select a different medical plan. The Select button switches to a check mark.

Selecting a dental plan

Do you need to add dependents to your plan?

Add dependents to your Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your medical plan.

Step 1: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 2: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 1: Click Done.


Select a dental plan?

Select a Dental Plan

Follow these instructions to select a dental plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Dental tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Dental tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: (Optional) Review your options:

  1. Open the ESS Handbook Dental to see CSU Employee resources information on a separate browser tab. You can close this tab when you finish reading the information.
  2. Click the Information icon for a short overview of benefit costs.
  3. Click Overview of All Plans to open a cost breakdown of all plans for comparison.
Dental plan options

Step 3: Click the Select button select a different medical plan. The Select button switches to a check mark.

Selecting a dental plan

Do you need to add dependents to your plan?

Add dependents to your Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your medical plan.

Step 1: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 2: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 1: Click Done.


Add dependents to vision care at this time?

Add dependents to Vision plan

Step 1: Click the Vision tile.

Vision tile

Step 2: Select the dependents to add.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 4: Confirm that your benefit status is changed.

Vision plan changes

Increase your contribution to Flex Spending Health U.S.?

Flex Spending Health U.S. is also known as Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA). The CSU Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA), a voluntary benefit for eligible employees, offers you the ability to pay for eligible out-of-pocket health care expenses with pretax dollars.

For more information about HCRA-2023.

Change HCRA amount

Use this procedure to enroll in a Flex Spending Health - U.S.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Flex Spending Health - US tile

Step 2: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 3: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 4: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 5: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 6: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Increase your contribution to Flex Spending Dependent Care?

Flex Spending Dependent Care is also known as Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA).  DCRA provides for the payment of certain dependent care expenses from the employee's pre-tax income, via a special tax-free account set up for this purpose.

For more information about DCRA.

Change DCRA Contribution

Use this procedure to change your contribution to Flex Spending Dependent Care.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Dependent Care tile.

Flex Spending Dependent Care

Step 3: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 4: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 5: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 6: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 7: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Flex spending account changed

If you gained external coverage, you can reduce or remove Benefits that you no longer need.

Watch video

Welcome page

IMPORTANT: If you are not currently enrolled in CSU benefits, do not use this event. Click Cancel and then contact your benefits office.

Step 1: Read the Welcome page.

  • Read the Welcome page carefully.
  • Note any supporting documents that you need to submit to the Benefits Office.
Welcome page

Step 3: Click Next.


Do you want to review your Benefits Summary?

Review Benefits Summary

Benefits Summary

The Benefits Summary step shows your current Benefits. Review this summary to help you decide what you want to change.

Step 1: Review the information on the Benefits Summary page.

Benefits summary page
Optional: Review Benefit Details

Step 1: Optional - Click any of the tiles to review benefit details including covered dependents.

Medical plan tile

Step 2: Click the X in the top right to close the benefit details page.

Close button

Do you want to see benefits summary for a different day?

For example, you might want to see what your benefits currently look like for next year, or you might want to see what you had before to help you decide.

Review Benefits Summary on a different day

Optional: See your benefits on a different date

You can see your benefits on a different date.

Step 1: Change the date.

Step 2: Click Refresh.

My Benefits On date selector

Use this feature to view your benefit enrollments on another date. For example, you can view upcoming changes that are not reflected in your current Benefits Summary.

Click Next

Click the Next button to go to the Start My Enrollment page.

Next button

Start Enrollment

After you start enrollment, you can select benefits for yourself, add dependents, and enroll dependents in your benefits. Not all benefit options are available for all life events.

Important: You cannot enroll in both medical plan and medical flex cash, nor can you enroll in both a dental plan and dental flex cash. If you need to remove one to choose the other, select the waive option.

Step 1: Click Start My Enrollment.

Start My Enrollment button

Step 2: Review the information on the Benefit Enrollment page.

Benefit Enrollment page

What medical benefit do you have?

Do you want to waive your medical plan?

Waive medical plan

Step 1: Click the Medical Tile.

Medical tile

Step 2: Select the Waive option.

Waive option

Step 3: Click Yes.

Warning - you have selected to waive coverage. All your enrolled dependents will be de-selected. Select Yes rot continue, No to keep your current selection.

Step 4: Click Done.

Done button

What kind of Dental Plan do you have?

Do you want to waive your dental plan?

Waive dental plan

Step 1: Click the Dental Tile.

Dental tile

Step 2: Select the Waive option.

Waive option

Step 4: Click Done.

Done button

Remove your dependent to vision care at this time?

Remove dependents from your Vision plan

Step 1: Click the Vision tile.

Vision tile

Step 2: Deselect the dependents to remove.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 4: Confirm that your benefit status is changed.

Vision plan changes

Decrease your Flex Spending Health U.S. contribution?

Flex Spending Health U.S. is also known as Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA). The CSU Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA), a voluntary benefit for eligible employees, offers you the ability to pay for eligible out-of-pocket health care expenses with pretax dollars.

For more information about HCRA-2023.

HCRA Enrollment

Use this procedure to enroll in a Flex Spending Health - U.S.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Flex Spending Health - US tile

Step 2: Click Select to select the Health Care Flex Spending option.

Select button

Step 3: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 4: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 5: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 6: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 7: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Decrease your Flex Spending Dependent Care contribution?

Flex Spending Dependent Care is also known as Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA).  DCRA provides for the payment of certain dependent care expenses from the employee's pre-tax income, via a special tax-free account set up for this purpose.

For more information about DCRA.

DCRA Enrollment

Use this procedure to enroll in a Flex Spending Health - U.S.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Flex Spending Dependent Care

Step 2: Click Select to select the Health Care Flex Spending option.

Select button

Step 3: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 4: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 5: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 6: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 7: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Flex spending account changed

Update Medical Flex Cash

For Birth events, you can change your Medical Flex Cash amount.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click a tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical Flex Cash tile

Step 2: Select an option.

Select button for Dental flex cash

Step 3: Enter Non_CSU Insurance Information:

  1. Toggle Coverage through Another Subscriber.
  2. Enter Medical Subscriber social security number (if applicable).
  3. Enter Medical Carrier.
  4. Enter Policy Number.
Non-CSU Insurance Information

Step 4: Click Done.


Update Dental Flex Cash

For Birth events, you can change your Dental Flex Cash amount.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click a tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Dental Flex Cash tile

Step 2: Select an option.

Select button for Dental flex cash

Step 3: Enter Non_CSU Insurance Information:

  1. Toggle Coverage through Another Subscriber.
  2. Enter Dental Subscriber social security number (if applicable).
  3. Enter Dental Carrier.
  4. Enter Policy Number.
Non-CSU Insurance Information

Step 4: Click Done.


Your dependent has lost external coverage, so you can add that person to your benefits.

Watch video

Watch this video before you proceed.

Welcome page

Step 1: Read the Welcome page.

  • Read the Welcome page carefully.
  • Note any supporting documents that you need to submit to the Benefits Office.
Welcome page

Step 3: Click Next.


Do you want to review your Benefits Summary?

Review Benefits Summary

Benefits Summary

The Benefits Summary step shows your current Benefits. Review this summary to help you decide what you want to change.

Step 1: Review the information on the Benefits Summary page.

Benefits summary page
Optional: Review Benefit Details

Step 1: Optional - Click any of the tiles to review benefit details including covered dependents.

Medical plan tile

Step 2: Click the X in the top right to close the benefit details page.

Close button

Do you want to see benefits summary for a different day?

For example, you might want to see what your benefits currently look like for next year, or you might want to see what you had before to help you decide.

Review Benefits Summary on a different day

Optional: See your benefits on a different date

You can see your benefits on a different date.

Step 1: Change the date.

Step 2: Click Refresh.

My Benefits On date selector

Use this feature to view your benefit enrollments on another date. For example, you can view upcoming changes that are not reflected in your current Benefits Summary.

Click Next

Click the Next button to go to the Start My Enrollment page.

Next button

Start Enrollment

After you start enrollment, you can select benefits for yourself, add dependents, and enroll dependents in your benefits. Not all benefit options are available for all life events.

Important: You cannot enroll in both medical plan and medical flex cash, nor can you enroll in both a dental plan and dental flex cash. If you need to remove one to choose the other, select the waive option.

Step 1: Click Start My Enrollment.

Start My Enrollment button

Step 2: Review the information on the Benefit Enrollment page.

Benefit Enrollment page

Do you need to add a new dependent to the system?

Add Dependents

Enter info for your new dependent.

Add dependent name and personal information

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.


Step 2: Click Add/Update Dependent.

Add/Update Dependent

Step 3: Confirm that the dependent does not already exist in the system. If the dependent is an ex-spouse or ex-domestic partner and needs to be changed back to spouse or domestic partner, contact your benefits office so they can make this update.

Step 4: Click Add Individual.

Add individual
  • The Add Individual Dependent/Beneficiary Information page opens.

Step 5: Click Add Name.

Add Name

Step 6: Complete the required fields:

  • First name
  • Last name

The name must be the legal name (on the birth certificate) not the preferred name.

Name fields

Step 7: Click Done.


Step 8: Confirm that the name is spelled correctly. Click the name to edit if it is incorrect.

Name field

Step 9: Complete the Personal Information section:

  • Date of Birth is required
  • Gender is required
  • Relationship to Employee is required.
  • Other fields are optional.
Personal information fields

Step 10: Review the address information. Address defaults to your address.

Add dependent’s National ID

Use this procedure to add your dependent’s National ID (Social Security Number in U.S.).

Step 1: Click Add National ID.

Add National ID

Step 2: Complete the National ID information.


  • Primary is always set to Yes.
  • National ID can be either Social Security Number (SSN) for US citizens or an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) for certain nonresident and resident aliens, their spouses, and dependents who cannot get an SSN.
  • Dashes are unnecessary – the system adds them after you leave the field.
National ID fields

Step 3: Click Done.

done button

The national ID is entered.

Save dependent information

At this point, you can add more dependents if applicable. If you have more dependents to add, restart the Add Dependents procedure.

When you are finished adding dependents, use this procedure to save your dependent information.

Step 1: Click Save at the top of the page.

Save button

Your dependent/beneficiary information is saved.

Step 2: Close the Dependent and Beneficiary Information page.

Close button

Your dependent is now added to your record.

IMPORTANT: Adding dependents does not enroll them into the benefit. You must also enroll your dependents into the benefits you want them to have.

What medical benefit do you have?

Add dependents to your Medical Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your medical plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

What kind of Dental Plan do you have?

Add dependents to your Dental Plan
  • Use this procedure to add dependents to your Dental plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Dental tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Dental tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: Check the box to enroll your dependent in the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 4: Confirm that your benefit status is changed.

  • Your Pay Period Cost might also change.
  • The number of dependents and the Pay Period Cost also changed.
Medical plan changes

Add dependents to vision care at this time?

Add dependents to Vision plan

Step 1: Click the Vision tile.

Vision tile

Step 2: Select the dependents to add.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 4: Confirm that your benefit status is changed.

Vision plan changes

Increase your contribution to Flex Spending Health U.S.?

Flex Spending Health U.S. is also known as Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA). The CSU Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA), a voluntary benefit for eligible employees, offers you the ability to pay for eligible out-of-pocket health care expenses with pretax dollars.

For more information about HCRA-2023.

Change HCRA amount

Use this procedure to enroll in a Flex Spending Health - U.S.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Flex Spending Health - US tile

Step 2: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 3: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 4: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 5: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 6: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Flex Spending Health - U.S.

Increase your contribution to Flex Spending Dependent Care?

Flex Spending Dependent Care is also known as Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA).  DCRA provides for the payment of certain dependent care expenses from the employee's pre-tax income, via a special tax-free account set up for this purpose.

For more information about DCRA.

Change DCRA Contribution

Use this procedure to change your contribution to Flex Spending Dependent Care.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Dependent Care tile.

Flex Spending Dependent Care

Step 3: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 4: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 5: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 6: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 7: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Flex spending account changed

Your dependent has recently gained benefits. Use this opportunity to reduce or remove benefits.

Watch video

Welcome page

Step 1: Read the Welcome page.

  • Read the Welcome page carefully.
  • Note any supporting documents that you need to submit to the Benefits Office.
Welcome page

Step 3: Click Next.


Do you want to review your Benefits Summary?

Review Benefits Summary

Benefits Summary

The Benefits Summary step shows your current Benefits. Review this summary to help you decide what you want to change.

Step 1: Review the information on the Benefits Summary page.

Benefits summary page
Optional: Review Benefit Details

Step 1: Optional - Click any of the tiles to review benefit details including covered dependents.

Medical plan tile

Step 2: Click the X in the top right to close the benefit details page.

Close button

Do you want to see benefits summary for a different day?

For example, you might want to see what your benefits currently look like for next year, or you might want to see what you had before to help you decide.

Review Benefits Summary on a different day

Optional: See your benefits on a different date

You can see your benefits on a different date.

Step 1: Change the date.

Step 2: Click Refresh.

My Benefits On date selector

Use this feature to view your benefit enrollments on another date. For example, you can view upcoming changes that are not reflected in your current Benefits Summary.

Click Next

Click the Next button to go to the Start My Enrollment page.

Next button

Start Enrollment

After you start enrollment, you can select benefits for yourself, add dependents, and enroll dependents in your benefits. Not all benefit options are available for all life events.

Step 1: Click Start My Enrollment.

Start My Enrollment button

Step 2: Review the information on the Benefit Enrollment page.

Benefit Enrollment page

What medical benefit do you have?

Remove dependents from your Medical Plan
  • Use this procedure to remove dependents to your medical plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Medical tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Medical tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: Clear the check the box to remove your dependent from the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

What kind of Dental Plan do you have?

Remove dependents from your Dental Plan
  • Use this procedure to remove dependents to your Dental plan.

Step 1: On the Benefits Enrollment page, click the Dental tile to open enrollment options for that benefit.

Dental tile
  • The benefit enrollment page opens.

Step 2: Clear the check the box to remove your dependent from the benefit.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 4: Confirm that your benefit status is changed.

  • Your Pay Period Cost might also change.
  • The number of dependents and the Pay Period Cost also changed.
Medical plan changes

Remove your dependent to vision care at this time?

Remove dependents from your Vision plan

Step 1: Click the Vision tile.

Vision tile

Step 2: Deselect the dependents to remove.

Enrolled check boxes

Step 3: Click Done.

  • You return to the Benefit Enrollment page.

Step 4: Confirm that your benefit status is changed.

Vision plan changes

Decrease your Flex Spending Health U.S. contribution?

Flex Spending Health U.S. is also known as Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA). The CSU Health Care Reimbursement Account (HCRA), a voluntary benefit for eligible employees, offers you the ability to pay for eligible out-of-pocket health care expenses with pretax dollars.

For more information about HCRA-2023.

HCRA Enrollment

Use this procedure to enroll in a Flex Spending Health - U.S.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Flex Spending Health - US tile

Step 2: Click Select to select the Health Care Flex Spending option.

Select button

Step 3: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 4: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 5: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 6: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 7: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Decrease your Flex Spending Dependent Care contribution?

Flex Spending Dependent Care is also known as Dependent Care Reimbursement Account (DCRA).  DCRA provides for the payment of certain dependent care expenses from the employee's pre-tax income, via a special tax-free account set up for this purpose.

For more information about DCRA.

DCRA Enrollment

Use this procedure to enroll in a Flex Spending Health - U.S.

Step 1: Click the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile

Flex Spending Dependent Care

Step 2: Click Select to select the Health Care Flex Spending option.

Select button

Step 3: Click Spending Account Worksheet.

Annual pledge field. Flexible Spending Account Worksheet button

Step 4: Complete the worksheet

  1. Enter the Annual Pledge value.
  2. Click Calculate.
Calculate button

Step 5: Click Done to close the worksheet.

Done button

Step 6: Click Done to close the Flex Spending - U.S. page.

Done button

Step 7: Confirm the updates shown on the Flex Spending Health - U.S. tile.

Flex spending account changed

You just want to drop some or all of your dependents for any reason.

Watch video

Watch this video before you proceed.

Welcome page

Step 1: Read the Welcome page.

  • Read the Welcome page carefully.
  • Note any supporting documents that you need to submit to the Benefits Office.
Welcome page

Step 3: Click Next.


Do you want to review your Benefits Summary?