This job aid is part of the Securing Data Workflow.
Static group members are explicitly assigned to the group.
Step 1: Navigate to Static Group.
Menu > Set Up HCM > Security > Time and Labor Security > Static Group

Step 2: Click the Add a New Value tab.
- Optionally, you can also add your permission list to an existing static group.

Step 3: Enter a Time Reporter Group ID.
- The group name must start with your campus 2-letter initials.
- Maximum of 7 characters.
Step 4: Click Add.
- The Selection Criteria page opens.

Step 5: On the Selection Criteria page, enter values for the following fields:
- Description
- Short Description.

Step 6: Complete the Set Parameters section:
- Record: Job
- Field Name: COMPANY
- Field Value: [Your Campus]
- CSU Requirements:
- All fields with asterisks are required.
- All group ID must have Job.
- Fieldname Company must be your campus value (if you do not include this value, the data will pull from all campuses)
- Use the Plus (+) button to add campus requirements, if needed.

Step 7: Click Add to Group to create the WHERE clause.

Step 8: Verify the WHERE clause

Step 9: Open the Security by Group tab.

Step 10: Click the Search icon to open the Row Security Permission List Lookup.

Step 11: Search for and then select your permission list.

Step 12: Click Save.
Your permission list is associated with a static group.
Appendix: Additional Articles to Secure Data:
- Create and configure a row-level permission list
- Set up Organization Defaults
- Authorize Data by Department Tree
- Authorize Data by Permission List
- Assign Row Level Permission List to a User
- Refresh Security Join Tables
- Authorize Data by Dynamic Group
- Refresh Dynamic Group
- Authorize Data by Static Group
- Authorize Data by TL Permission List Security
End of Article
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