This document shows how to run CSU Security reports:
- Run CSUSEC01: Locked Accounts
- Run CSUSEC02: Unassigned Permission Lists
- Run CSUSEC03: Unassigned Roles
- Run CSUSEC04: Operator Ids and Assigned Roles
- Run CSUSEC05: Role, Permission List and Pages
- Run CSU Security Audit Reports (CSUSEC06, CSUSEC07, CSUSEC08)
- View a report
For more information: CSU Access Control and Segregation of Duties Procedures.
Run CSUSEC01: Locked Accounts
This report lists the Operator ID, Name, Last update Time and Operator for accounts that are locked.
Step 1: Navigate to CSU User ID Reports.
- Menu > CSU Security Reports > CSU User ID Reports

Step 2: Select or add a Run Control ID.
- Enter your Run Control ID
- Click Search
- If you have a run control ID, use the Search button to find it. Otherwise, click Add a New Value to create a new run control ID.
Step 3: Run the report:
- Specify whether to run All USERIDs or Department USERIDs
- If you select All USERIDs, the report will return all USERIDs for your campus.
- Select a Business Unit
- Select a Department
- Click Run.
Step 4: Complete the Process Schedule Request:
- Select the CSUSEC01 report.
- Click OK.
Do not select the CSU Security Monthly Report. This report runs centrally on a monthly basis for auditing security changes. It is visible only to the Campus Security Administrator. If you need to run it outside of the normal schedule, open a ServiceNow ticket.
- The report process runs.
- What to do next: View the Report.
Run CSUSEC02: Unassigned Permission Lists
This report is a list of Permission Lists and their descriptions that have not been assigned to any roles.
Step 1: Navigate to CSU Unassigned Role/Perm Lists.
- Menu > CSU Security Reports > CSU Unassigned Role/Perm Lists

Step 2: Select or add a Run Control ID.
- Enter your Run Control ID
- Click Search
- If you have a run control ID, use the Search button to find it. Otherwise, click Add a New Value to create a new run control ID.
Step 3: Click Run.

Step 4: Complete the Process Scheduler Request
- Select CSUSEC02
- Click OK.
You can run CSUSEC02 and CSUSEC03 simultaneously.
Do not select the CSU Security Monthly Report. This report runs centrally on a monthly basis for auditing security changes. It is visible only to the Campus Security Administrator. If you need to run it outside of the normal schedule, open a ServiceNow ticket.
- The report process runs.
- What to do next: View the Report.
Run CSUSEC03: Unassigned Roles
This report is a list of Roles and their descriptions that have not been assigned to any Operator IDs.
Step 1: Navigate to CSU Unassigned Role/Perm Lists.
- Menu > CSU Security Reports > CSU Unassigned Role/Perm Lists

Step 2: Select or add a Run Control ID.
- Enter your Run Control ID
- Click Search
- If you have a run control ID, use the Search button to find it. Otherwise, click Add a New Value to create a new run control ID.
Step 3: Click Run.

Step 4: Complete the Process Scheduler Request
- Select CSUSEC03
- Click OK.
You can run CSUSEC02 and CSUSEC03 simultaneously.
Do not select the CSU Security Monthly Report. This report runs centrally on a monthly basis for auditing security changes. It is visible only to the Campus Security Administrator. If you need to run it outside of the normal schedule, open a ServiceNow ticket.
- The report process runs.
- What to do next: View the Report.
Run CSUSEC04: Operator Ids and Assigned Roles
This report is a list of Operator Ids, descriptions [Names], and the Roles assigned.
Step 1: Navigate to CSU User ID Reports.
- Menu > CSU Security Reports > CSU User ID Reports

Step 2: Select or add a Run Control ID.
- Enter your Run Control ID
- Click Search
- If you have a run control ID, use the Search button to find it. Otherwise, click Add a New Value to create a new run control ID.
Step 3: Run the report:
- Specify whether to run All USERIDs or Department USERIDs
- If you select All USERIDs, the report will return all USERIDs for your campus.
- Select your Business Unit
- Select your Department (if applicable)
- Click Run.
Step 5: Complete the Process Schedule Request:
- Select the CSUSEC04 report.
- Click OK.
Do not select the CSU Security Monthly Report. This report runs centrally on a monthly basis for auditing security changes. It is visible only to the Campus Security Administrator. If you need to run it outside of the normal schedule, open a ServiceNow ticket.
- The report process runs.
- What to do next: View the Report.
Run CSUSEC05: Role, Permission List and Pages
This report is a list of Roles, their assigned Permission Lists, the Permission Lists Menu Names, Bars, Component Names, Page Names, authorized actions, and display only value. Run this report as needed on single users or by department.
Step 1: Navigate to CSU User Roles Pages Report.
- Menu > CSU Security Reports > CSU User Roles Pages Report

Step 2: Select or add a Run Control ID.
- Enter your Run Control ID
- Click Search
- If you have a run control ID, use the Search button to find it. Otherwise, click Add a New Value to create a new run control ID.
Step 3: Run the report:
- Select Single USERID.
- Do not run All USERIDs, the resulting search would severely affect system performance.
- Search for and select the USERID.
- Click Run.
Step 4: On the Process Scheduler Request, select the CSU Roles Pages Report process to run.
Do not select the CSU Security Monthly Report. This report runs centrally on a monthly basis for auditing security changes. It is visible only to the Campus Security Administrator. If you need to run it outside of the normal schedule, open a ServiceNow ticket.
Step 5: Click OK.

- The report process runs.
- What to do next: View the Report.
Run CSU Security Audit Reports
Run these reports as part of a regular audit. These reports are typically run together.
- CSUSEC06 is a list of modifications made to Operator Ids.
- CSUSEC07 is a list of the modifications made to Permission Lists.
- CSUSEC08 is a list of modifications made to Roles.
Step 1: Navigate to CSU Security Audit Reports.
- Menu > CSU Security Reports > CSU Security Audit Reports

Step 2: Select or add a Run Control ID.
- Enter your Run Control ID
- Click Search
- If you have a run control ID, use the Search button to find it. Otherwise, click Add a New Value to create a new run control ID.
Step 3: On the Security Audit record Reports page, use the following settings:
- Do you want to purge data over 120 days? No.
- CSUSEC06 only: Purge data over 0 days.
Step 4: Click Run.

Step 5: Complete the Process Scheduler Request
- Select the active server.
- Select all three reports to run.
- Click OK.
Do not select the CSU Security Monthly Report. This report runs centrally on a monthly basis for auditing security changes. It is visible only to the Campus Security Administrator. If you need to run it outside of the normal schedule, open a ServiceNow ticket.
- The report process runs.
- What to do next: View the Report.
View a Report
Use this procedure to view any of the reports.
Step 1: On the Operator Reports page, click Process Monitor to view the report.
- The Process List opens.

Step 2: From the Process List, identify your report, then click Details.

Step 3: Click View Log/Trace.

Step 4: Click the PDF file to view the report.

End of Article
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