In CHRS, campuses do not have access or responsibility to monitor Synchronous or Asynchronous Integration messages or setup. For CHRS, Synchronous and Asynchronous Integration messages are monitored by the CMS team through Nagios.
Nagios reviews CHRS hourly by looking back at both Synchronous and Asynchronous Integration messages for errors that occurred within the last 60 minutes.
When Nagios locates an integration error an alert is generated and a ServiceNow ticket is created and assigned to CMS-CHRS.
When the CMS-CHRS team receives the ticket, the campus will be notified that research regarding the error is being conducted.
Once additional information is collected, the ServiceNow ticket will be updated if the error has been resolved or additional information to guide the campus for further review.
With the CSU IB Monitor, campuses are able to gain VIEW ONLY access into the status of integration configuration along with Synchronous and Asynchronous Integration transaction.
If something on the CSU IB Monitor page, causes concern to a campus, they should open a ServiceNow ticket to CMS-CHRS.
Campuses will have a view only role to view the information on the page. To access the page, campus users will need CHR_PT_IB_SUPPORT.
Menu > PeopleTools > Integration Broker > CSU IB Monitor
Page Details
First image is the full view of CSU IB Monitor page. Below first image are enlarged images of each section of the IB monitor page.

1. IB Error Summary - Asynchronous Transactions
- integration between CHRS and CFS uses Asynchronous messages
- Errors generally will occur during the campuses LCD processing or if one of the systems are down
- Rate per minute shows the number of transactions occurring for this message type within a minute

2. IB Error Summary - Synchronous Transactions
- integration between CHRS and CS uses Synchronous messages
- Rate per minute shows the number of transactions occurring for this message type within a minute

3. Domain Status
- Indicates if the Application Server Path is active

4. Node Setup
- Remote Node for CS is no longer needed in CHRS.
- Remote Node for CFS is still needed in CHRS.

5. Service Operation Setup
- Each service operation plays a part in how the bio/demo details flow between CHRS and CS.
- The CSU_CHRS_CS_INTEGRATION Service Operation does not have a Rest Base URL, because it relies on the campus URL located under URL Maintenance. This is also the only Service Operation that goes to CS from CHRS.
- CSU_PROVISION_INT and CSU_SEC_USERID are both Service Operations that have a Rest Base URL with the CHRS database name inside the link. This is also the only Service Operations that come in to CHRS from CS.

6. URL Maintenance
- Each campus must have a URL present with the campus database name displayed in the link itself.

End of Article
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