CHRS Knowledge Base

Helpful Tips

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This guide includes general tips and tricks that you should know when you are working with the CHRS Recruiting system.

What you will do

  • Review browser compatibility
  • Enable pop-ups
  • Access the Main Menu
  • Identify mandatory fields
  • Use binocular and magnifying glass field search
  • Manage multiple pages of information
  • Print a page
  • Recognize expandable information boxes

Review browser compatibility

Ensure that your browser supports all of the PageUp features. The following table is from the PageUp Knowledge Portal.

Browser  Version  Operating Systems 
Chrome  Stable Channel Windows / Mac / Android / iOS
Firefox  Release update channel Windows / Mac
Safari  Latest version Mac / iOS
Internet Explorer  11 Windows
Microsoft Edge  Latest version Windows

Enable pop-ups

Many browsers include pop-up blockers. Sometimes, these pop-up blockers are on by default. Pop-up blockers prevent some CHRS Recruiting interface elements from displaying. You must enable pop-ups for the CHRS Recruiting site in order to use all the features of the system.

Pop-up guidelines

  • If possible, enable pop-ups for the CHRS Recruiting site to avoid security issues when you visit other sites.
  • Consider using a dedicated Chrome browser just for CHRS Recruiting.

Access the Main Menu

The Main Menu provides links to the all of the main pages that you need to access. You open the Main Menu by clicking the menu icon (currently in the top left corner).

Although you can reach the most common pages from your dashboard or from the top navigation bar, the Main Menu provides a common navigation tool from any page. Role effects on Main Menu

Your role determines which links you can see in the Main Menu. How to open the Main Menu

  1. Click the menu button to open the side menu.
menu button
  1. Click the link to the page that you need. For example, New Job.
  2. The blue text in this screen capture is a category for the links below it, not a link itself.
  3. Different user roles have different side menu layouts.
  4. The new page opens.
drop down menu

Identify mandatory fields

When you complete online forms, some fields are mandatory. If you attempt to submit the form with mandatory fields left blank, you will be required to find the field and to provide a value.

Fields can be mandatory for several reasons:

  • CSU policy, federal, or state law
  • PageUp system requirements
  • CSU reporting

How to identify mandatory fields

Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*) on all forms. The position of the asterisk indicates who requires the field.

If you attempt to submit the form without completing all mandatory fields, the form will re-open with mandatory fields marked with a large red asterisk.


  • Become familiar with the forms that you are using.
  • Have any other required data available before you open the form.
  • You can save a draft without completing all of the mandatory fields, but some fields are mandatory, even for drafts.

When you need to select an item from a long list, the field provides a binocular or magnifying glass icon. You can use this icon to open a search window.

Binocular and Magnifying glass fields have nearly identical functionality. When you click the button a window pops up that provides a search interface.

Whether you see binoculars or magnifying glass icons, use them for searching for specific values in a list.

serach field for binocular
search field magnifying glass

How to search

  1. Pop-ups must be enabled for the CHRS Recruiting website in order to use the search functions.
  2. Click the binocular or magnifying glass button.
  3. Enter your search criteria.
  4. Click the Search button (or press ENTER).
  5. Click Okay at the bottom of the window (you might need to scroll down to see it) OR click the Select link next to the item that you want to select.
  6. Use the eraser button to clear the search field.


  • In many cases, you need to use your campus 2-letter prefix to find items specific to your campus.
  • Use the eraser icon to clear the field.
  • You can enter search criteria before you click the binocular or magnifying glass button to search faster.
  • If you do not see a Select link or an Okay button, use the scroll bar to scroll down to find the Okay button.
  • When you search for users, you can search by Preferred Name.
    • Preferred Names can include multiple names in the same field.
    • Use % (percent sign) as a wildcard if you do not know the preferred name format. For example, if someone’s Preferred Name is “Balibalalaikabaklava Smith,” searching for “Smith” will not find this person, but “%Smith” will.

Manage multiple pages of information

Some lists are too long to see in a single page, so lists include controls for navigating and customizing your view.

When to use the list controls

Use the list controls whenever you view a large list of items that cannot be presented on a single page.

How to use the list controls

  • Navigate Pages arrows page forward and back through the list.
  • You can type a page directly into the Jump to page field.
  • Use the Hammer icon to open the settings for the search to configure the following:
    • Columns to display
    • Number of results to display on a page.
example of search fields and settings

If you need to print a page from the CHRS Recruiting system, you can use the print function. The print function prints the entire page. When to print a page

How to print a page

  1. Click the Question mark icon
  2. Select Print.
  3. Specify printer settings.
  4. Click Print.
  5. The page is sent to your printer.

Expandable information box

Some fields have expandable information that you can display by clicking on them. These are sometimes referred to as “blue boxes.” They display data that is related to the field value above it.

How to recognize an expandable information box

Blue boxes are blue shaded regions below the property that include a field value and an expansion arrow.

  • How to expand the information box
    • Click the blue bar under the field to view more information about that field.
example of blue box and arrow button

End of Article


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