CHRS Knowledge Base

Hiring Manager Dashboard

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When you log in to the CHRS Recruiting system, you go to the Home page that shows the Dashboard for your role.

What you will do

Identify functions of the Hiring Manager dashboard.


Dashboards differ among roles. Hiring Managers typically serve a dedicated role in the recruitment process, so their dashboard is streamlined to provide most frequently used page inks where they can gain quick insight on the status of their requisitions and perform their functions easily. Prerequisites and assumptions

  • You must be logged in to the CHRS Recruiting system.
  • You must belong to the Hiring Manager role to see this dashboard.
  • Your browser must have popups enabled for this site. Hiring Manager Dashboard functions

The Hiring Manager dashboard displays function tiles that provide information and links to other pages.


Dashboards differ among roles. Hiring Managers typically serve a dedicated role in the recruitment process, so their dashboard is streamlined to provide most frequently used page inks where they can gain quick insight on the status of their requisitions and perform their functions easily.  

To access Hiring Manager Dashboard:

  • You must be logged in to the CHRS Recruiting system.
  • You must belong to the Hiring Manager role to see this dashboard.
  • Your browser must have popups enabled for this site.


The Hiring Manager dashboard displays function tiles that provide information and links to other pages.  

image of hiring manager dashboard tiles
Tile  Links to other pages 
Position description 
  • Manage position descriptions button links to Manage position descriptions.
  • # Jobs open links to My jobs listing jobs under your name.
  • # Team jobs links to My jobs listing team-created jobs. You must have permission to view team jobs.
  • New job links to Create a new job.
Approvals (May not be applicable) 
  • # Jobs awaiting your approval links to the list of those jobs.
  • # Approved links to a list of recently approved jobs.
  • # Advertisements links to My Sourced Jobs. 
  • This page contains all the jobs that you posted.
  • # Jobs have applicants for review links to Shortlisted applicants.
  • # Applicants assigned to you for review links to My applicants.
Search committee review 
  • # Jobs requiring panel review links to My search committee jobs.
  • # Scheduled interviews links to My events page, showing a list of upcoming events.
  • # Offers awaiting your approval 
  • # New hires links to My new hires. 
  • # New hire tasks links to My new hire tasks.

Using the tiles

Tiles have multiple functions. Some tiles show a number of items that need attention. These display items are actually links to other pages. Clicking on the link goes to a page where you can address those needs.

Permissions affect the interface

Your role might be further refined to provide or restrict certain functions. For example, the New Job button might be disabled for your role if you are not authorized to create new jobs.

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