CHRS Knowledge Base

Recruiter Dashboard

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This guide introduces you to the features and functions of the HR and Faculty Affairs Dashboard of the CHRS Recruiting system. The HR and Faculty Affairs Dashboard provides an overview of open jobs, applications, and tasks used by HR and Faculty Affairs Representatives.

The HR and Faculty Affairs Dashboard is known as the Recruiter Dashboard in PageUp documentation.

What you will do

Identify functions of the HR and Faculty Affairs Dashboard

HR and Faculty Affairs Dashboard features

The HR and Faculty Affairs Dashboard is the home page for the HR and Faculty Affairs Representatives. The HR and Faculty Affairs Dashboard provides information about current jobs and tasks.

Prerequisites and assumptions

Ensure that your browser supports all of the PageUp features. The following table is from the PageUp Knowledge Portal.

Browser  Version  Operating Systems 
Chrome  Stable Channel Windows / Mac / Android / iOS
Firefox  Release update channel Windows / Mac
Safari  Latest version Mac / iOS
Internet Explorer  11 Windows
Microsoft Edge  Latest version Windows

HR and Faculty Affairs Dashboard layout

The screen capture below shows a typical HR and Faculty Affairs Dashboard.

The table below details the functions on the dashboard.

dashbpard features
What you click  What happens 
Job status filters 
The filter toggles on, indicated by a filled circle. Current jobs shows jobs with that status. For example, you can filter only on Approved jobs.
The filter toggles off, indicated by an outlined circle.
You can have multiple filters on to view jobs in selected states.
Information icon  Information about that job is shown in a popup.
Job title  Opens the job requisition for that job.
Applicants icon  The Applicants page opens showing the applicants that applied for that job.
View link (next to an applicant)  Opens the applicant page for that particular type of applicant. In this example, you can view:
  • New applications.
  • Applications that are assigned to you for review.

What you click  What happens 
A task  The task editor opens. You can view the details or edit the task.
Add button in the tasks area  Opens a new task editor with blank fields. You can add a task for yourself or add a task for someone else. Tasks are simple to-do items.
Workbench  Opens the Workbench page, where you can see a list of applicants and view their resumes. Resumes are then used to create applicant profiles.
Settings  Click the Settings icon to change the display density.

What happens next

From this dashboard, you can do many recruitment tasks:

  • Filter your jobs.
  • View applications.
  • Review items that require your attention first, such as:
    • Alerts
    • Notifications
  • Open or add tasks

End of Article


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