This guide provides an overview of job creation, but does not go into the step-by-step procedures for creating a job (included in other guides). The purpose of this guide is to establish terminology and prerequisite knowledge.
You must create a job before you can consider applicants for it. The process for creating a job has different starting points, depending on your campus and on the type of job that you are hiring for. This guide provides a high-level overview of the starting points and the overall process for creating a job.
This guide introduces the topics in diagram below. A separate guide provides more detail on each task.
Process Diagram

Job card
- The job card initiates a requisition with specific and relevant details of the job, posting language and requirements, and includes an approval process with notifications and alerts to approver. With a unique ID to represent each requisition, it facilitates central information collection and tracking. The job card also associates users to the requisition by their roles in the recruitment process, such as the Hiring Manager, HR/FA Representative (Recruiter), Search Committee Chair and other key team members.
A common job card is shared for the CSU system. However, each campus can specify which fields to display on the New Job page.
Job card is sometimes used to refer to the New Job page or the Requisition Information form.
Job template A template for pre-populating a Requisition Information form. Job templates add consistency to job creation and reduce the time for completing a Job Requisition Information form.
The job template saves time in job creation, as one only needs to provide specific details of the job, in a pre-established format that populates Job Card fields and advertising details. The template also provides a consistent job posting format. Each campus has its own library of job templates. When creating a new job, the Select a job template page opens first.
New job When creating a job, after selecting a job template, the New Job page opens. The New Job page page has four tabs: Position Information, Notes, Posting, and Documents. These tabs centrally store information related to one requisition.
Position A Position Description (also known as a job description) summarizes the specifications and description duties of a position. It outlines the essential and marginal functions of a position, and describes the physical, mental and environmental demands of the position.
A common Position Description template is shared for the CSU system. However, each campus can specify which fields to display on the position description, in compliance with the CSU Position Description policy.
Position Description function requires an approval process. You can create a requisition from an approved position description.
Requisition Job requisition is used to initiate a recruitment process to fill a new position or a recently vacated position. A department supervisor generally starts a job requisition and a recruiter is usually assigned to manage the recruitment process once the requisition is approved.
Term | Definition |
Job card |
Job template |
New job page |
Position description |
Requisition |
Requisition information form |
Approval |
Position data origin
- Position data is provided by PeopleSoft HCM and informs the Job Card.
- Position Management
- Source of truth/System of record
- Links other imported data and files
- Job template
- Build a library of job templates that can be reused to create and/or open a job which provides the following benefits:
- Adds consistency to creating a job
- Advertising text that can be reused, no need to copy and past from word documents.
- Job template data can populate to the job card
- save time when creating a new job
- Does not require an approval process
- Build a library of job templates that can be reused to create and/or open a job which provides the following benefits:
- Position Description
- Summarizes the important functions of a specific job.
- Outlines duties, responsibilities and specifics in role
- Can identify essential and marginal functions
- Can include specific job duties
- Ability to create new positions or update existing positions
- Can create a requisition from position description
- Requires and approval process
- Job Card
- The job card facilitates the online collection of information relating to the job requistion.
- Fields utilized to collect specific and relevant details of the job.
- A unique ID allows tracking of specific jobs and/or requisitions.
- Includes an approval process with notification and alerts to approver
- Contains key individuals in the requirement process including.
- Hiring manager
- Recruiter
- Search Committee Members and other key team members.
Job creation starting points
There are two main starting points for creating a job.
- New Job link on the Manage jobs page, the Main Menu, or the Hiring Manager Dashboard.
- When you click New Job, you must either select a job template or select no template and then proceed to the New Job page.
- From a position description, where you can click Recruit for Position, which opens the New Job page directly.
Job creation process
The diagram shows the process flow for creating a job from beginning to submission for approval.
- The process below describes the steps in the preceding diagram. Your campus processes determine where you start.
- Start with position description.
- Use an existing position description, or create a new one, then submit the position description for approval.
- The position description is approved.
- Recruit for position – create a new requisition from the position description.
- The position description pre-populates field values on the Requisition Information form.
- Complete the requisition form.
- Submit the requisition for approval.
- Start with a New Job
- Select a job template, or if no suitable template exists, select no template and go on to the New Job page.
- The job template pre-populates field values on the Requisition form.
- Complete the requisition form.
- Submit the requisition for approval.
- Start with position description.
- If you begin with a position description, you can save time by copying a similar position description and saving it as a new one.
- The position description requires an approval process.
- After approval, you must recruit for the position, which begins a new requisition.
- This requisition has another approval process.
- Job templates save time by pre-populating Requisition Information fields, advertising text, and approval process.
End of Article
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