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CHRS Recruiting to PS 9.2 Integration

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CHRS Recruiting to PeopleSoft 9.2 Integration

Revision history

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CHRS Recruiting Training Team Initial Release
8/1/2023 CHRS Training Team New troubleshooting information


This guide is to outline how to processes new hire, rehire and transfer data into CHRS (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2), after a recruitment is completed in CHRS Recruiting.

CHRS Recruiting is the CSU selected recruiting system, built on the CHRS Recruiting cloud application. When an applicant accepts an offer and becomes a new employee, CHRS Recruiting exports the new hire data, collected via the New Employee Data Form, the Offer card and the Job card. This daily export is encrypted and a centralized import process is scheduled to extract this data daily into CHRS.

In CHRS, new hire data will be loaded in a staging table, where new hire data should be reviewed and processed. After that, a new hire loading process is run to create or update the person, person of interest (POI), job, and profile records.

Processing is handled by different teams on different campuses and may include one or more of the following groups:

  • HRIS
  • Employment Services
  • Payroll Services

All processes used for new hire processing are grouped under this navigation: Recruiting > CSU Recruiting Processes > CSU Recruiting Inbound.

Campus Action Required

  • Assign Security Access
  • Integration tasks
  • Import new hire data into the PeopleSoft staging table
  • Review personal and job data in staging table for completeness and accuracy
  • Import new hire data into PeopleSoft tables
  • Troubleshooting

Process diagram

New hire processing flowchart
Term Definition

Applicant ID
A unique identifier from CHRS Recruiting that links the applicant to PeopleSoft User ID for integration purposes. The Applicant ID to User ID mapping is recorded in the EmplID-UserID -ApplicantID table at the end of the new hire person load or job load process, depending on the type of new hire. Applicant ID is for integration use only, and cannot be used to search for applicants within CHRS Recruiting.
Empl ID CHRS employee ID. The Applicant ID to Empl ID mapping is recorded in the Empl ID-UserID-ApplicantID table at the end of the new hire job load process. In CHRS, each employee will have one Empl ID.
User ID CHRS User Profile ID. It consists of campus code and campus ID. The Applicant ID to User ID mapping is recorded in the EmplID-UserID -ApplicantID table at the end of the new hire person load or job load process, depending on the type of new hire. In CHRS, each employee can have multiple user ID, if the employee works at multiple campuses. This ID is used as EmplID in CHRS Recruiting.
Job card The job card initiates a requisition with specific and relevant details of the job, posting language and requirements, and includes an approval process with notifications and alerts to approvers. With a unique ID to represent each requisition, it facilitates central information collection and tracking. The job card also associates users to the requisition by their roles in the recruitment process, such as the Hiring Manager, HR/FA Representative (Recruiter), Search Committee Chair and other key team members.
A common job card is shared for the CSU system within CHRS Recruiting.
New Employee Information Form A form that is used to collect biographic information from the newly hired employee. This form is only triggered by the acceptance of an offer, for individuals who are not currently actively employed on your campus.
A common Base New Employee Information Form is shared for the CSU system within CHRS Recruiting.
Offer card A form that is used for creating the official offer to the applicant. The offer card requires an approval process.
A common offer card is shared for the CSU system within CHRS Recruiting.
OIN/ERN Organizational Instance Number/Employee Record Number
Person of interest (POI) A person who is not a part of your workforce but who is of interest to the organization. Integration from CHRS Recruiting only create one type of Person of Interest - Future Hire ( POI type = 00100).
PIMS Payroll Information Management System. PIMS is a computerized information database for the majority of employees of The California State University (CSU) and California State civil service. Currently, there is no integration between PIMS and PeopleSoft HCM 9.2.
PPT Status PPT stands for PIMS Personnel Transaction. All transactions into PIMS are keyed manually based on the PPTs generated from Peoplesoft. CHRS currently generates a print-out for manually entering employment information into PIMS. PPT Status indicates whether a PPT is to be generated for any given transaction.
Search/match When loading the exported CHRS Recruiting new hire data into the PeopleSoft staging table, an automatic search/match is performed to avoid the creation of a duplicate ID. The search uses Social Security Number (SSN) to identify whether an Employee ID already exists in PeopleSoft.
Staging table CSU_RS_STG table in PeopleSoft to load and retain original New Hire Data that is exported from CHRS Recruiting.
User file Integration file that is generated within PeopleSoft HCM and fed nightly into CHRS Recruiting. It contains information on specific users, including Empl ID, Applicant ID, primary team, primary permission group and position information.

Assigning Security Access

This section describes security access needed for users to process new hires via integration:

  • User role permissions and sensitive data management

User permission roles and sensitive data management

In order to protect sensitive employee data, Social Security Number and Date of Birth fields can be masked for some users with lower level of security. Your ability to view data is determined by your assignment into one of the following permission roles:

  • CSURS_Campus_Administrator – access granted to view and edit all fields on the staging table
  • CSURS_Campus_User – access granted to view partial Social Security Numbers (last four digits) or Date of Birth (MM/DD). Allowed to view and edit all other fields on the staging table.

Users with either permission roles will be able to run new hire processes with no difference.

Campus end users must be assigned to either one of these permission roles before processing new hire data via integration.

How to add the permission role for the user

  1. Navigate to Menu > People Tools > Security > User Profiles.
  2. Select the User ID.
  3. Click the Roles tab.
  4. Click the plus sign (+) to add a new role.
  5. Search for csurs_camp.
  6. Select one role to apply to that user.

7. Click Save.

What happens next

Authorized users can view appropriate level of sensitive data on the New Hire Review table.

Review the staging table data

A regularly scheduled data import process loads new hire data into the PeopleSoft staging table. This process provides default values to the staging table based on business requirements outlined for integration. An ad hoc import process could be run whenever needed.

  • The CHRS Recruiting data export process is scheduled to run at 3:00 p.m. PST.
  • An automatic process is scheduled to import data into CHRS at 3:30 p.m. PST.
  • On rare occasions when an emergency export is generated from CHRS Recruiting outside the above schedule, the import process will need to be manually run to receive the unscheduled output.

After the import, you will need to review the data in the CHRS staging table. The staging table includes all fields that are needed for PeopleSoft 9.2 processing to create or update the person, POI, job and person profile. You have to create a search specific to your need to view new hire data in order to review the information and correct any data errors.

Not all data exported from CHRS Recruiting are shown in the staging table. Some data are collected and exported from CHRS Recruiting and are imported directly into PeopleSoft HCM tables. For example, self-disclosed data such as gender, ethnicity, and emergency contact information are imported, but do not need end user validation, and therefore, are not shown.

When to review the staging table data

Review the staging data after the data import to the staging table, before loading new hire data into CHRS.

Prerequisites and assumptions

  • New hire data was successfully loaded into the staging table.
  • You know how to create searches and Search IDs in PeopleSoft 9.2.
  • You have appropriate permission to view and edit fields.
  • You have the necessary documents for the new employee for verification purposes.

After you create a search, the search criteria are saved for next time.

1. In PeopleSoft, navigate to: Menu > Recruiting > CSU Recruiting Process > CSU Recruiting Inbound Process > New Hire Review

Advanced search interface with User ID shown and fields to enter Search ID and Business Unit

2. Click Search to find an existing Run Control.

3. If no value exists, then click the Add a New Value tab to set up a new Run Control ID.

click the Add a New Value tab to set up a new Run Control ID

4. Set up Search criteria for the Staging table using the following screenshot and guidelines. Choose a minimum of one Search criterion in addition to Effective Date of Hire.

enter a search value for at least one search criteria in addition to the effective date of hire
Information and guidelines

Effective Date of Hire From/To Date
  • These search criteria are mandatory.
  • The date span cannot be more than 180 days.
  • At least one other criterion is needed to narrow the search.
New Hire
Last Name
  • Use the icon to look up available last names of the new hires. Selection is based on data loaded into the staging table
New Hire’s
Empl ID
  • Use to search for employees who already exist in CHRS.
  • If a new person currently does not exist in CHRS, you cannot use this search criterion to look up the individual.
  • Information is pulled from the Employees table. One other criteria is needed in addition to this criteria and the date range.
Process Completed by
  • Use the search tool to look up and select the criteria. Data is pulled from the security table, listing all of the campus’ processors with CSURS_Campus_Administrator and CSURS_Campus_User permission roles.
Union codes
  • Search for union codes of the positions new employees belong to.
  • Use the “Select All Union Codes” checkbox to search for all positions.
  • Search by CSU Unit of the positions new employees belong to.
Process Status filters
  • Four Process Status filters are provided for ease of searching and selection of the data:
  • Person Process Status
  • POI Process Status
  • Job Process Status
  • Profile Process Status
  • Select the Status result to filter on:
  • “Failure” – load process failed
  • “Manually resolved” – new hire person created or processed outside the integration process
  • “Not applicable” – new hire data just loaded into the staging table; no process has been run to push data into CHRS tables yet
  • “Reload” – load process failed, but corrections are made and record is now ready to be loaded again
  • “Success” – load process succeeded
As of Date
  • Date the new hire record is loaded into staging table

5. Click Find. Search results are displayed in the staging table.

  • Optional: Click Clear to clear the search criteria.

6. Click Save to save the search criteria only after there are search results returned after clicking Find.

General guidelines

Search criteria can be used in combination. For example, you can combine Department and Job Codes to limit search returns to only those you are assigned to review.

Important: If two users use the exact same data set (showing all new hires in the staging table, for example), the chance of them not being able to save their work is significantly increased.

Validate staging table data

The staging table opens below the search that you just performed. The table comprises several tabs. You must validate information on each of these tabs:

  • Person Info
  • Job Info
  • CSU Job
  • CSU Faculty

Person Info validation

The Person Info tab shows information about each person that was imported from CHRS Recruiting. For values in the SSN and Date of Birth fields, only those with CSURS_Campus_Administrator permission role can see the full data. Users with CSU_Campus_User permission role see SSN as XXXXX1234, and DOB as 01/01/XXXX.

A search/match process checks whether the person is already established in PeopleSoft in order to avoid duplication. This process utilizes Social Security Number (SSN), Campus ID, and Campus ID Source data to determine the type of search match to be performed. Upon successfully locating a match, the existing Empl ID will populate the Empl ID field.

Search Match is conducted based on SSN. If no SSN is included in the export from CHRS Recruiting, the search match does not return any useful value. To process anyone with no SSN coming from the export, refer to the error handling section.

When you view the Person Info tab, note the following Search Match Result and Campus ID values.

On the Person Info Tab, review the Search Match Result column to see if any additional actions are required.

Person Info tab

The following table explains the Search Match values.

Search Match value
Campus ID field value

The applicant…

What you do

No Search Match Required
(formerly No Search Match Needed)
Validated Has been identified as an active employee during the offer process in CHRS Recruiting. No action required. This new hire will not have any person or POI information to be loaded into PS via integration.
Valid Employee ID
(formerly EMPLID Matched)
Self-disclosed or [blank] Entered a campus ID on the new employee data form or has self-identified as never worked at campus before. Search Match is conducted based on SSN and located a match. Validate the exported value of SSN and DOB.
Use the existing Empl ID when updating the person information.
Valid Employee ID
(formerly EmplID Matched – Name Changed)
Self-disclosed or [blank] Entered a campus ID on the new employee data form or has self-identified as never worked at campus before. Search Match is conducted based on SSN and located a match. However, the name on the export differs from the name on record. Validate SSN, DOB and names.
Use the existing Empl ID when updating the person information.
Invalid Employee ID
(formerly No Employee ID Matched)
Self-disclosed or [blank] Is a new hire with no record in PeopleSoft as a person. Verify SSN and DOB values.
When loading personal data, a new Empl ID will be created.

Determine whether the person is an active employee, new employee, or rehire, then take actions based on the table above.

Use the following guidelines for data correction:

  • If the field value is No Search Match Needed, then you do not need to validate that row.
  • Citizenship Proof 1 and 2 fields: These fields are blank because they do not come from CHRS Recruiting. They are used in PeopleSoft HCM by some campuses to record I-9 verification and/or recertification dates. If your campus uses these fields, add the applicable date; otherwise, leave blank.
  • DOB field: If the field is red, the DOB indicates the person’s age is older than 80 or younger than 18. The system does not prevent this data from being processed, but you do need to validate the DOB.
  • SSN: this field shows information that is self-disclosed by the new hire. It is also editable.
  • If SSN and DOB are blank, and Search Match Result says “No Search Match Needed” then it is an existing employee. You will not be able to update the person information in PeopleSoft for this individual.
  • If the new hire did not provide a valid SSN, then a place holder of “999999999” will be exported from CHRS Recruiting. Do NOT run person load process with this SSN. Review the Troubleshooting section to see how to resolve this issue.

When you have validated the Person Information, go on to Job Info validation.

Job Info validation

When new hire data is imported into the staging table, some fields are populated with data directly coming from CHRS Recruiting, some are loaded with default values, while others are left blank for the end user to select or enter an appropriate value. Use the following procedures, guidelines, and screenshots to validate the Job Info tab data. This guide shows the Job Info page in three parts.

  1. Click the Job Info tab.
  2. Review the Job Info tab to verify that the data is correct.

Use the following guidelines to review and correct the data.

Job Info 1 (left)

Image: Job Info tab. Details are provided in the following text.


Employee Record Number (ERN)
Based on existing EMPL records, a default is provided in the staging table, but can be revised. The value should be zero if the new employee has no previous campus employment. Stacking rules apply where student employments and special payment employments can only be stacked on themselves, and not stackable by other employment types. Validate this value based on your campus ERN rules and the Job History table.
Job History Button Link to open a job history data page. Intended to allow for quick job history research to make selections on the staging table for related fields. Use this button to verify the value in the ERN, FTE and retirement code.
Action This code comes from CHRS Recruiting Export, except when exported value is not acceptable. Example: export value is Rehire, but in PeopleSoft, the person does not have any employment record. Action will be revised to be “Hire” upon loading into the staging table. Incorrect values are highlighted in red. Validate this field against the employee history and correct errors.
Reason This code is derived from PeopleSoft based on the Action value selected. Validate this value and correct if necessary.
Expected End Date This date comes from CHRS Recruiting Export. This field is used only for temporary employees. For other types of employees, this field must be blank. Errors will prevent the record from loading into Job Data.

Compare this value with the value of the Empl Class field to the right.

If this field has a value, confirm that the Empl Class value (on the right) is Temporary.
Resolve any discrepancies.
Job Info 2 (middle)
Image: Job Info tab 2 - shows middle fields of the job info tab. Informnation is presented in the following table.


Position Number
CSU Unit
Department ID
Department Name
Job code
Job Code Description
Position Number comes from the CHRS Recruiting Export. CSU Unit, Department, and Job Code are pulled from PeopleSoft Position Management based on the Position Number. If any of these values are incorrect, go into PeopleSoft Position Management to correctly set up the position.
Delete the incorrect row from the staging table, reload the export into staging table to trigger the correct value to show here.
Job Info 3 (right)
Job Info tab, right side. The fields and guidelines are described in the following table.
Field Information Guidelines

Empl Class
The value comes from CHRS Recruiting export, but can be revised here. If the Expected End Date field has a value, this field must be set to Temporary.
FTE The value comes from CHRS Recruiting export. Validate against the New Hire Report from CHRS Recruiting.
Pay Group The value comes from CHRS Recruiting export. Validate against the New Hire Report from CHRS Recruiting.
Absence System Default value is absence management (default value), except for E99 students. If your campus is not using Absence Management for this specific employee, select “Other.”
If you select Other, then data from the Absence Management Pay Group field does not get entered when loading the job information, (and can be ignored).
Absence Management Pay Group User to input appropriate value.
AM Eligibility Group A default value is coded, but not for all job codes. The logic is based on Union Code, FLSA status and Pay Group.
If these values cannot establish a single option, then the field is left open for selection.
Validate the default and correct when necessary.
Salary Grade and Step Grade and Step (behave the same way) values are exported from CHRS Recruiting. If the value exported was incorrect (invalid value for the specific job code), then it will appear in red in staging table, with the value showing as “invalid.”
Use the drop down to select a correct value.
Comp Rate Code and Comp Rate Both values come from CHRS Recruiting export. In the scenario where CHRS Recruiting provides an hourly rate, where PIMS processing requires both monthly and hourly rate on the PPT, the Comp Rate Code will be used to record the monthly rate, with the Comp Rate value calculated based on the hourly rate. Both values will be loaded into the Pay Components area in Job Data. Validate rate value.
Job Comp Frequency This field is a calculated field. Job Code table identifies a job code as requiring a monthly comp rate, while the export has only an hourly comp rate, this field will be used to distinguish different rate types.
is displayed in this field to record an hourly rate in the Job comp frequency field for Job Data.
Validate rate value.

When you have validated the information, go on to CSU Job Tab validation.

CSU Job Tab validation

Most values need to be selected from the drop-down list. CSUEU job codes are defaulted to be “eligible” for Anniversary Code, Anniversary Month and Year. If your campus does not follow this practice, revise the fields to be blank.

  1. Click the CSU Job tab.
  2. Review the table to verify that the data is correct.

Use the following guidelines to review and correct the data.

CSU Job tab 1 (left)
Image: CSU Job tab. The fields and information are provided in the following table.


PPT Status
Determines whether or not a PPT is to be generated.
  • Select the appropriate value based on the type of hire you’re processing.
Probation Code Probation Code is a required field. When Probation End Date exists, this field cannot be “none.” If no probation end date exists, this field must have a value of “none.” If Probation End Date has a value, select a value based on the job and campus rules.
Probation End Date If probation code is selected as “none” this field will no longer be editable. The value comes from CHRS Recruiting export. Review and validate.
CSU Job tab 2 (middle)
Job tab 2 shows the middle part of the job tab. The following table provides information about the fields.


Anniversary code
Default to “none”, except for tenure track faculty hires (job code of 2360 and 2361), which will get the “Eligible” default. If your campus does not follow this practice, manually remove the values.
Anniversary Month/Year Field will not be editable if Anniversary code field is “none.” If Anniversary code is “Eligible,” Anniversary Month/Year can be entered.
If anniversary date is set to be Eligible, then Anniversary Month/Year fields’ defaults to the following rules:
1. If there is less than 11 days of work in the hiring month base on the hiring date, then Anniversary month is hire month +1.
2. if there is 11 or more days of work in the hiring month based on hiring date, then Anniversary month is the month of hire.
3. Anniversary year = year of the hire effective date+1.
Review and validate based on your campus’ practice.
Retirement Code This field is required. It has no default value. It is used to identify pension plan the new hire is eligible for and can be impacted by prior PERS membership. Select the appropriate value.
Legal Reference This field is related to the type of hire. If you hire someone who is retired from the CalPERS system, you must select a value for this field. Check Empl Class field. If it says Rehired Annuitant, then this field needs a value.
Otherwise, leave this field blank.
Pay End Date Used for special payment type hires. Enter a value that is consistent with your campus practices.
AY Duration of Appointment This field is for temporary faculty only. It identifies the initial appointment duration for a temp faculty appointment. Select the appropriate value.
CSU Job tab 3 (right)
Image: job tab 3 shows part of the job tab. Field information is provided in the following table.


Employment History Remark
Feeds into PPT.
Follow PIMS rules when keying a value here.
See PIMS Manual for more information.
Comments Free text field that prints to PPT Comments field. Follow campus rules for using this field.
FICA Status Default value based on standard default setup and student process defaults. Go into job data to make a correction if the FICA status for a specific new hire is NOT “subject.”

For faculty positions, move on to CSU Faculty tab validation; otherwise, skip to the Process Status tab.

CSU Faculty tab validation

The CSU Faculty tab is used to capture data specifically for faculty positions.

  1. Click the CSU Faculty tab.
  2. Review the table to verify that the data is correct.

Use the following guidelines to review and correct the data.

CSU Faculty tab 1
Image: CSU Faculty Tab shows fields on the left side of the Faculty tab. Field information is provided in the following table.


Faculty Fraction Numerator
The value comes from CHRS Recruiting export, but can be revised here. When loaded into Job, faculty fraction overrides FTE, if both values exist. Verify that the value is correct.
Faculty Fraction Denominator The value comes from CHRS Recruiting export, but can be revised here. When loaded into Job, faculty fraction overrides FTE, if both values exist. Verify that the value is correct.
DIP Month Month when the employee is eligible for Difference In Page (DIP). DIP is an entitlement for a selected group of faculty. If employee is eligible, then value defaults to be the same month as effective date of hire. Verify that the value is correct.
DIP Year Year when the employee is eligible for Difference In Page (DIP). DIP is an entitlement for a selected group of faculty. If employee is eligible, then value defaults as the year of hire plus six (6). Verify that the value is correct.
CSU Faculty tab 2 (middle)
Image: CSU Faculty tab. The columns are described in the following table.


Sabbatical Month
Indicates the month when the employee is eligible for sabbatical. If employee is eligible, then value defaults to be the same as the month of hire. Verify that the value is correct.
Sabbatical Year Indicates the year when the employee is eligible for sabbatical. If employee is eligible, then value defaults to be the year of hire plus six (6). Verify that the value is correct.
Remaining SSI SSI stands for Service Salary Increase. This indicator is for eligible faculty only. Value defaults to 8 for new hires. Verify that the value is correct.
Term Unique identifier for semester or quarter. Data is imported from CHRS Recruiting. Value will not automatically load into PeopleSoft HCM. If your campus uses CSU Temp Faculty module, use this value to manually key the term information for temp faculty hires.
WTU Weighted Teaching Units imported from CHRS Recruiting. Value will not automatically load into PeopleSoft HCM. If your campus uses CSU Temp Faculty module, use this value to manually key the WTU information for temp faculty hires.

After you have validated all of the data, move on to the Process Status Tab.

Process Status Tab

This tab is designed to identify processing steps for the new hire. You will use the checkboxes to indicate whether new hire data is to be loaded into Person, POI, Job or Profile tables.

These processes can be checked one at a time or concurrently.

When saving the staging table, a validation process will run, based on the checkbox identified, to evaluate if all required fields are completed for the identified process. Those on the staging table, but do not have the specific process checked will not go through the validation process. For example, there are two records on the staging table, you only checked the “Load Person” process for one of them. When you click Save, PeopleSoft validates the data according to PeopleSoft rules for creating or updating a person, for each individual. If any of the required fields are blank, it displays an error message and you will need to resolve the issue before the staging table can be saved.

  1. Load Person – Loads the records into the PeopleSoft Person Data table.
  2. POI Relationship – Create a POI relationship for the person.
  3. Load Job – Depending on the type of hire, this option inserts a row or adds an employment instance into job data table.
  4. Load Profile – Adds or updates profile data in the person profile table. Profile data includes self-reported degree and license information. These data are exported from CHRS Recruiting but are not visible in the staging table because there is nothing for you to validate.
  5. Bulk Action: Bulk processing function designs to quickly process a large number of rows at the same time. Under the Bulk Action section, clicking on any checkboxes will automatically translate to checking all of the same checkboxes below in the staging table. However, it only impacted those rows shown on the page and will not carry over to other pages of the staging table. Select Load Job for All will enable the checkbox under Load Job for all individuals in the staging table.

Image: Bulk Action options with checkboxes.
  1. Select the applicable check-boxes.
  2. Click Save.

What happens next

  • If there are incomplete fields, the page displays an error message and the field is highlighted in red.
  • Individuals on the staging table are ready to be loaded into PeopleSoft tables based on the identified process.
  • You can run the New Hire Load processes.

Load new hire data into PeopleSoft

You run three processes under Run Control to load new hire data into appropriate PeopleSoft tables.

Some processes are dependent on data from other processes, so you must run these processes in the following order:

  1. Person and POI
  2. Job
  3. Profile

Each process pushes data from the staging table into the appropriate PeopleSoft database tables to create or update employee records. An error table captures problems during the saving and loading processes.

If your campus schedules the process to run automatically or assigns another person run it, then skip this section.

When to load new hire data into PeopleSoft

New Hire data is reviewed and validated on the staging table.

Prerequisites and assumptions

  • You have loaded data into the staging table.
  • You have validated the data in the staging table.
  • You have identified which processes to run on the staging table.
  • You have a run control ID.

How to load data into the Person/POI database

1. Navigate to:
Recruiting > CSU Recruiting Process > CSU Recruiting Inbound Process > New Hire Load Run Control

2. Search for an existing Run Control ID or Add a New Value.

CSU RS User Interface Run search page.

3. Click Run. A Process Scheduler Request page opens.

Image: Run button.

4. Select A] Person Data & POI Rel.

Information: If both Load Person and Load POI check boxes are completed on the New Hire Review page, this process will complete both tasks. If only one of these check boxes are completed, this process will only complete the identified task.

Image: Process scheduler request

5. Click OK. You return to the Process Scheduler Request page.

6. Click Process Monitor to verify the process has completed. This process usually takes no more than a minute. Record the Instance ID, as it is used in the Error table and you might need the Instance ID when reviewing errors.

Image: Process Monitor

You can also review the process log by clicking the Details link.

7. Verify that the process has run successfully on the New Hire Review page.

  1. Navigate to:
    Recruiting > CSU Recruiting Process > CSU Recruiting Inbound Process > New Hire Review
  2. Go to the Process Status tab, and confirm the following:
    1. Load Person check box is now disabled.
    2. Process Status column displays Success.

Image: Process Status tab.
  • If the Process Status field shows Failure, go to the Errors table to review and find out the issues. Correct the data, change the process status to be “Reload,” save, and then re-run the New Hire Load process.
Job process status reload option

If your campus process instructs that data corrections NOT be made on the staging table, select Manual. Follow your campus instructions to go directly into Job Data/Person Data to make the correction.

If the status shows N/A, it means no loading process has been run for this individual.

8. After a successful import, go back to New Hire Load RunControl page to run the next process.

How to load data into the Job database

The procedure is the same as loading data into Person/POI except that you select B] Job Data instead of Person/POI.

How to load data into the Profile database

The procedure is the same as loading data into Person/POI except that you select C] Profile Data instead of Person/POI.

What happens next

  • Review the process status to observe the updates.
  • Troubleshoot any errors that occur.


Data import failures can occur when fields are missing values, have incorrect values, or conflicting information is being entered.

When the process runs, any errors are added to the New Hire Load Error table. If you see a failure, open the table to review the information.

When to troubleshoot

  • Loading process failed.
  • Loading process ran to success but no data was loaded into the appropriate PeopleSoft tables.

Prerequisites and assumptions

You validated the data accuracy prior to starting the New Hire data loading process.

How to correct errors from the error log

  1. Navigate to:
    Recruiting > CSU Recruiting Process > CSU Recruiting Inbound Process > New Hire Load Errors
new hire Load Errors navigation
  1. Review the error table:
    1. Verify that the process instance is the instance that you recently ran.
    2. Scroll to the right and read the messages in the Error Text column.
    3. Fix the errors based on the error information.

Common errors

Error messages indicate what must be done. You may need to read multiple related rows of messages to identify the issue. A comprehensive list of common errors and resolutions is beyond the scope of this guide. However, some examples are shown below.

Message Message Number Created Date/Time Number 15 91 15 91 15 15 11 06/17/2019 34 06/17/2019 11 06/17/2019 34 06/17/2019 54 06/17/2019 54 06/17/2019 Error Text Invalid value press the prompt button or hyperlink for a list of valid values (15, 11) Error changing value. (91 ,34) Invalid value press the prompt button or hyperlink for a list of valid values (15, Il) Error changing value. (91 ,34) The field ).DEPTID} is required. You must enter a value for it before proceeding. (15,54) The field ).JOBCODE} is required. You must enter a value for it before proceeding. (15,54)
Error message

Warning – {…}
You can disregard Warning messages, as the integration will still run.
Try-Catch- Save failed (0,0) An incorrect field value is preventing the interface from saving. Read through the related error rows to identify the issue.
Invalid Value – Press the prompt button or hyperlink for a list of valid values (15,11)
  1. Go to the Staging table.
  2. Find the invalid value (usually highlighted in red).
  3. Enter the correct value.
The field {…} is required (15,54)
  1. Go to the Staging table.
  2. Find the blank field.
  3. Enter the value.

Complex error types

Some error types require that you interface with external systems for resolution. You might need to change something in CHRS Recruiting or find someone with CHRS Recruiting access to make the change for you. To solve these issues, you must understand the underlying cause and take appropriate action.

Error 1: An offer was accepted in CHRS recruiting, but no new hire data was exported

Cause: Offer card or new hire data form has data errors.

Procedure to resolve:

  1. Request New Hire Export Exception report from your CHRS Recruiting Campus Reports Administrator.
  2. Take appropriate actions according to the following table.
What you do

If the person is in the report
Go into the Offer Card and New Employee Data Form to review for errors.
If the person is NOT on the report Contact your Campus Administrator to enlist CSU Superuser’s help to problem solve.
Error 2: Blank values for CSU Unit, Department ID, and other properties
Image: Review table showing a Position Number, but blank CSU Unit, Department ID, epartment Name, Job Code, and Job Code Description values.

Cause: The position exists in the export but does not exist in PeopleSoft Position Management.

Procedure to resolve:

  1. In PeopleSoft, navigate to:
    Organizational Development > Position Management > Maintain Positions/ Budgets > Add/Update Position Info
  2. Add the specific position.
  3. Delete the data row from the staging table.
  4. Run data import process again to reload this data into the staging table.
Error 3: No files with today’s date found in [filename] (25100, 47)

Cause: No data is imported from CHRS Recruiting. Export file does not exist.

Procedure to resolve:

  1. In CHRS Recruiting, review the Offer Card to ensure all fields are correctly completed for a new hire.
  2. If necessarily, revise the offer to re-trigger the data export in CHRS Recruiting.

If you do not have CHRS Recruiting access, ask the recruiter to review the Offer Card.

Error 4: Campus Source Validated, but EMPL ID does not exist in PeopleSoft HCM

Cause: The export from CHRS Recruiting came with a validated campus ID, but PeopleSoft shows that this ID does not exist. This issue can have two causes:

  • CAUSE A: The person exists in PeopleSoft and the EMPL ID field on the Offer Card is incorrect.
  • CAUSE B: The person does not exist in PeopleSoft and employee was incorrectly categorized as an active employee.

The diagram provides an overview of the procedure, which is described in more detail below.

Flowchart showing validation process

Procedure to resolve:

  1. Determine whether the person exists in PeopleSoft.

If the person exists do the following steps:

  1. In CHRS Recruiting, open the Offer Card (or communicate the information to the recruiter).
  2. Verify that the EMPL ID field has incorrect value.
  3. Change the application status to be “Revise Offer”
  4. Go into the Offer Card to enter the correct value in the EMPL ID field.
  5. Submit the offer and revise the application status to be “Final offer” (to trigger online offer to the new hire again)
  6. After the applicant accepts the new offer, wait for the export to load into the Staging table. There will be two rows for this applicant.
  7. On the Processing Status page, look at the File Name and find the date. For example if the filename is csu_pageup_in_sd_2019061109346.txt, the date is 20190611, read as YYYYMMDD.
 file name with embedded date.
  1. Delete the old row and keep the new one.

Do not delete the old row until you have reloaded the new one so that you do not forget this applicant.

If the new hire was mistakenly identified as an active employee, do the following steps:

  1. In CHRS Recruiting, change the application status to be “Revise Offer” (or communicate the information to the recruiter).
  2. Edit the Offer Card.
  • Remove the EMPL ID field.
  • Under Onboarding Section, select the Base New Employee Data Form as the Onboarding Form.
  1. Submit the revised offer.
  2. Change the application status to be “Final Offer,” to trigger a new on-line offer for the applicant to accept.
  3. Then follow the last step in the prior method.
Error 5: The load person, POI, or Job was successful, but the User ID is blank

This issue occurs when a new hire is an active employee at a different campus. The information broker from CHRS to CS is stopped to prevent information going to the current campus.

Use this procedure to identify employees with no User ID.

  1. Navigate to Menu > Recruiting > CSU Recruiting Process > CSU Recruiting Inbound Process > EmplID-UserID-ApplicantID Map
  2. Sort the list on the User ID column to show rows with blank User IDs
Sort on the User ID column, identify Employees with blank User ID

If the employee has a POI record, use this procedure to correct the issue:

  1. In CHRS, navigate to Menu > Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Organizational Relationships > Maintain POI Relationship.
  2. Search for the employee.
  3. Make a negligible correction (add a space, delete a space) then click Save.

If the employee has a Job record, use this procedure to correct the issue:

  1. In CHRS, navigate to Menu > Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Biographical > Modify a Person.
  2. Search for the employee.
  3. Open the contact Information tab.
  4. Click Correct History.
  5. Click Edit/View Address Detail.
  6. Click Update/View Address.
  7. Make a negligible correction (add a space, delete a space) then click OK.
  8. Click OK again to leave the Address History page.
  9. Click Save.

How to reload new hire data into the staging table

Use this procedure whenever you need to load new hire data into the staging table manually.

  1. Log into PeopleSoft HCM .
  2. Navigate to: Recruiting > CSU Recruiting Process > CSU Recruiting Inbound Process > Data Import
 CSU CHRS Import page showing the Search feature.


  1. Find an Existing Run Control ID, or Create a New Run Control ID.
  2. Click Run.
Run button.

What happens next

  • Errors are resolved.
  • You can reload the new hire.

CHRS Recruiting to PS Integration Design Specification - New Hire Data Processing_v3.docx


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