CHRS Knowledge Base

Employee Enter Elapsed Time (Time-sheet)

Updated on


This job aid shows employees how to record payable time. This job aid is for employees who enter elapsed time.

Enter Elapsed Time

Use this procedure to enter time that you worked.

Step 1: If you have multiple homepages, select the Employee Self Service Homepage.

Employee Self Service

Step 2: Click the CSU Time tile.

CSU Time tile

Step 3: From CSU Time, confirm that you are on the Enter Time page.

  • The Enter Time page is opened by default when you open CSU Time.
  • If you are on another page, expand Timesheet, then click Enter Time.
Enter time
Timesheet tab

Step 4: Enter time:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate pay period.
  2. Navigate to the appropriate week in the pay period.
  3. Select the Time Reporting Code (TRC) from the menu.
  4. Enter the number of hours worked. Ensure the hours remain when you leave the field.
    • If you have multiple jobs, select the job at the top of the page.
    • Employees are only allowed to enter time in the prior period for up to five days after the end of the period.
    • IMPORTANT – ADO is additional day off earned. ADOT is additional day off taken. If the TRC is ADO or ADOT, enter a “1” to indicate that a single day of ADO was earned or taken.
Enter Time page

Partial Hours Conversion Chart

Partial Hours Conversion Chart
Minutes Tenths
  • Optional: Click the Comments button to enter comments.
Comments button

Step 5: Optional: click the Plus button to add another time reporting code for this week.

Plus button

Step 6: Click Submit.

Submit button

Step 7: Confirm that your timesheet has been Submitted.

CSU Time: Timesheet si Submitted for the period 2023-10-01 - 2023-10-31

Step 8: If you receive an Earliest Change Date message, click OK.

  • IMPORTANT: Rules are not applied if the Earliest Change Date is more than 12 months. The rules will be applied the next time the timeadmin process runs. Timeadmin process typically runs twice each day.
Earliest Change Date is too far back to run Rules in viewed period. Limit is 12 months. The system is configured to protect against extreme long response times when you submit time. In order to get around this limitation you may bring up an earlier timesheet and work your way forward to the present, or you should request your Manager or the Time Administrator to run the Request Time Administration process to bring your Earliest Change Date forward to present time.

 Step 9: If you see the affirmation statement, click OK if you agree with the statement.

  • You might see a different message, based on your workgroup.
Employee StatementTo the best of my knowledge and belief, the information submitted is accurate and in full compliance with legal and CSU policy requirements.

 Step 10: Click OK to acknowledge the rules have been applied.

Rules have successfully been applied.Press OK to refresh your timesheet with updated payable time.

Confirm Payable Time

Use this procedure to confirm that your payable time has been reported.

Step 1: If you have multiple homepages, select the Employee Self Service Homepage.

Employee Self Service

Step 2: Click the CSU Time tile.

CSU Time tile

Step 3: Go to Payable Time.

Payable Time link

Step 4: Verify your payable time.

The from and to fields read 10/02/2023 through 10/31/2023. The Payable Time summary shows 40 regular hours worked.

End of article


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