Update Your Address Information
This job aid shows employees how to update their personal address information.
Check your mailing address
Always keep your mailing address correct and current. If your mailing address is not current or incorrect, take one of the following actions as soon as possible:
- Change your mailing address to your current home address.
- Contact your Human Resources department to request that your mailing address be made inactive.
Navigate to the Addresses page
Step 1: On the Employee Self Service Homepage, click the CSU Personal Details tile.

If you are on a different homepage, click the Homepage menu to select the Employee Self Service homepage.

Step 2: From the navigation panel, click Addresses if it is not already selected.

Update an Address
On the Addresses page, use this procedure to update your home or mailing address.
Step 1: Click the address to update.
- Your home address is where you live.
- Your mailing address is where you receive mail.

Step 2: Edit the address fields.
- If you need to add an apartment number or other information, include it in Address 1: Example “1235 Mystreet Apt 3.”
- See Appendix: Address Abbreviations for help with this field.
- Address 1 has a 30 character limit.

Step 3: Click Save.

Your address information is updated.
Add a Mailing Address
On the Addresses page, use this procedure to add a mailing address if you do not already have one.
Step 1: If you have no mailing address, click Add Mailing Address.

Step 2: Complete the address fields.
- If you need to add an apartment number or other information, include it in Address 1: Example “1235 Mystreet Apt 3.”
- See Appendix: Address Abbreviations for help with this field.
- Address 1 has a 30 character limit.

Step 3: Click Save.,

Your address information is saved. You can click the address to change it later.
Appendix: Address Abbreviations
Follow the US Postal Service standards for abbreviations. Do not use periods after the abbreviation. Refer to the table below for common address abbreviations.
Name, | Suffix to Use | Name | Suffix to Use |
Alley | Aly | Field | Fld |
Annex | Anx | Floor | Fl |
Arcade | Arc | Freeway | Fwy |
Apartment | Apt | Gateway | Gtwy |
Avenue | Ave | Highway | Hwy |
Beach | Bch | Harbor | Hbr |
Boulevard | Blvd | Heights | Hts |
Branch | Br | Junction | Jct |
Bridge | Brg | Lane | Ln |
Camp | Cp | Mail Stop | MS |
Canyon | Cyn | Manor | Mnr |
Center | Ctr | Meadows | Mdws |
Circle | Cir | Mission | Msn |
Cliffs | Clfs | Mountain | Mtn |
Club | Clb | Orchard | Orch |
Corner | Cor | Parkway | Pkwy |
Court | Ct | Place | Pl |
Courts | Cts | Point | Pt |
Cove | Cv | Ranch | Rnch |
Creek | Crk | Road | Rd |
Crescent | Cres | Room | Rm |
Crossing | Route | Rt | |
Dale | Dl | Springs | Spgs |
Dam | Dm | Square | Sq |
Department | Dept | Street | St |
Divide | Dv | Suite | Ste |
Drive | Dr | Terrace | Ter |
Estates | Est | Trial | Trl |
Expressway | Expy | Valley | Vly |
Extension | Ext | View | Vw |
Ferry | Fry | Way | Wy |
End of Article
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