CHRS Knowledge Base

Access CHRS Reports

Updated on


What’s new

  • CHRS Reporting is available in Amazon QuickSight.
  • Amazon QuickSight has a two-tiered access structure that includes Readers and Authors.
  • Readers can read, filter, and sort pre-built reports.
  • Authors can create new reports.
  • Pre-built reports are created by Business Intelligence/Data Operations (BI/DO) team per CHRS requirements and Campus Change Control requests

Log in to Amazon QuickSight

You can log in to Amazon QuickSight if you have Amazon QuickSight Reader or Author security roles assigned in PeopleSoft. If you need access to QuickSight, contact your campus CHRS security administrator. After you obtain access, you will be able to log in with Single Sign-On.

Step 1: Navigate to CHRS Reporting Home.

CHRS Reporting Home page

Step 2: Click the CHRS Reporting link.

CHRS Reporting
  • You are directed to the CHRS Reporting website.
  • If the link does not work, contact the BI/DO team at [email protected].

Find Reports

Reports are contained in a folder structure. To find reports, navigate through the folder structure.

Step 1: Click Shared folders.

Shared Folders`

Step 2: Click CHRS.

CHRS folder

Step 3: Click Name to organize the folders by name.  The folders are arranged alphanumerically, by module.

Name heading

Step 4: Click the folder to open it.

Shared folders

Step 5: Click a report to open it.

Report title: Retired Employees 180 days

Step 6: Optional - Use the Search function to find reports. The search term can be anywhere in the title of the report or folder.

Search matches to the word Position

Tips: Viewing the Report

QuickSight includes some features for easier viewing.

Tip: Click a row to focus on it.

Report row

Other rows are faded. Click the row again to remove the highlight.

Tip: Click a column header to organize the column.

Sort a to z or z to a
  • Report data is displayed in a visual.
  • Select the visual to expose tools.
  • The selected visual has a blue outline.

Step 1: Click a visual to select it. The selected visual shows visual tools.

The selected table on the left has a blue frame highlight. The table on the right has no highlight.

Step 2: Use the visual tools to:

  1. Expand the visual
  2. View existing filters
  3. Export the report to CSV or Excel
  4. Navigate the report data
Visual tools are highlighted to the right of the visual. The navigation tools are highlighted below the table.

Use Controls to filter a report

  • Controls are pre-defined filters.
  • Controls are at the top of the page.
  • Use controls to filter the visuals.

Step 1: Click one of the controls above the visual.

Controls include Business Unit (all) and Department (all).

The Controls area expands.

Step 2: Select the value to filter.

Selected: STCMP

After you select your value, the visual is automatically updated.

Search for filter values

If the filter list is too long to scroll through, you can search for filter values.

Step 1: On the Filter menu, clear Select all.

Cleared Select All option

Step 2: Type a string to search. Only values that contain the string are shown.

Filter search for job codes starting with 18.

Step 3: Select the values that you want to see in the report.

Job codes 1800, 1868, 1869 are selected.

Filter on a single value

You can quickly filter on a single value that is displayed by clicking it.

Step 1: Right-click on a value in the visual.

10002245 - Student Assistant

Step 2: Select a focus option:

  • Focus only on the value
  • Exclude the value
Options: Focus only on 10002245 - Student Assistant,Exclude 10002245 - Student Assistant

Clear filters

Step 1: Check the Select all check box to clear a single filter.

Select all check box

Step 2: Click Reset to clear all filters.


The filters are cleared.

Exit the Report

Step 1: Click the QuickSight logo to return to the QuickSight landing page.

QuickSight logo

Step 2: From the main landing page, you can select another report.

Sign out from QuickSight

Step 1: Click your account name in the top right of the page.

QuickSite user name

Step 2: Select Sign out.

Sign out link


End of Article


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