This job aid shows Campus Project Managers how to access, use and manage ServiceNow during CHRS testing.
Testing Workflow

Testing Management

Before you Start
- Have DUO installed on your cell phone.
- Have your cell phone nearby.
- Install Cisco AnyConnect on your workstation.
- Get Cisco AnyConnect installed Review test with original tester.
- Cisco AnyConnect is a virtual private network that you must authenticate with to access CHRS test systems.
- Navigate to ServiceNow
- Select your campus, then click Login

- Click Send Me a Push.

- Approve the DUO push on your cell phone.

- Click on All > Dashboards

- Click on star to add dashboards to Favorites

- Click on Wave # Dashboard (this is your wave 3, 4, or 5)

ServiceNow Dashboard
- Service Now Dashboard shows all tests assigned to campus
- Each test will have a status
- Dashboard will show status of Wave testing
- Unexecuted: The original state of the test.
- In Progress: You are still working on the test.
- Passed: Finished. The actual results match the expected results.
- Failed: Test failed because the system is not working. A ServiceNow ticket opens automatically.
- Blocked: Test cannot be completed at this time. Work with your campus and the testing team to resolve the issue so you can continue testing.
- Retest: The test failed previously. The issue was fixed. The status is set to retest so you can re-attempt the test.
- Campus Review: Use this status if your campus requires a review before determining the test results.
- Bar graph of tests
- Click on status to view module cases – you can change view by group and/or how stacked
- Viewing Tests
- Click to view tests by module or status
- Next page will list all tests based on status or module
- Examples:
Management of Statuses
- Campus Review
- A tester will change status of a test if they are unable to complete the test.
- PM to review test with original tester and module SMEs if applicable to determine issue
- Blockage – does tester have correct permissions, correct employee ID, etc. Work with campus team and/or CO team to determine reason for block
- User Error – Confirm that tester completed the correct steps
- Failure – all steps completed in test and the test results did NOT match expected results
- Tester to retest if blockage removed or User error has been corrected
- Failed – PM will change status on test to failed
- Failed
- Failed test will result in automatic generated ServiceNow ticket
- Complete all fields in form Click on Update
- ServiceNow Ticket is generated and sent to appropriate team
- Blocked
- A test may be blocked and not deemed a failed test if:
- Tester may not have correct permission
- Wrong employee ID
- Process not being run
- Prerequisite not completed
- PM to work with Campus team and CO team to resolve blocked test
- A test may be blocked and not deemed a failed test if:
Management of Testing Action
- Monitor Dashboard Daily
- Statuses
- What are you reviewing?
- Campus Reviews
- Are any tests in campus review?
- Schedule time to meet with tester?
- Determine next steps
- Unexecuted?
- Follow up with tester if tests have been stagnant
- Determine if tests need to be moved to another tester
- Provide support to tester if needed o Blocked tests
- Follow up with campus team and/or CO team on status of blockage being removed
- Retests
- Follow-up with tester that they will need to retest
- Campus Reviews
- Assess overall status of campus testing
- Percentage of tests completed
- Number of days left in testing period
- Reach out to CO PM if any questions or concerns
- Tips
- Schedule specific group testing sessions in addition to the Test Labs scheduled by the CO.
- Discuss time management with testers
- Encourage testers to block out time on calendar
- Begin testing immediately do not procrastinate
- Anticipate any conflicts that may arise with day to day job
- Schedule short periods of time for testing each day versus blocking an entire day for testing
- Send reminders to testers
- Send update of overall campus progress to all testers
- Encourage questions
- Schedule 1:1 time if needed with a tester
- Reach out to CO PM with any questions and/or concerns
- People want to know what they do and what they think matter, celebrate successes throughout this project
- Highlight progress
- Send thank you notes
- Send appreciate note to testers and their supervisors at end of testing
- Plan a campus end of testing celebration
End of Article
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