LCD Warning Messages
During the LCD process you may encounter one or more of these warnings mentioned below. If you are unable to resolve the warnings based on the information below, please submit a ServiceNow ticket.
Message | Where in LCD Process | Meaning | Next Steps |
WARNING ------- Program Terminated successfully, but with nothing to process -- see message above. Manually Queue next program if OK to continue. |
CSU Paycheck Data Finalize Job- CSULCD20 | This occurs when a campus runs the CSU Backout YTD Balances but not the CSU Backout Paycheck Create and then runs the CSU Paycheck Data Finalize Job. The message means that there was nothing to process, and it is okay to continue. |
Warning - Journal Data not populated for adjustment listed below: | CSU LCD Labor Cost Table Refresh | The CSU LCD Labor Cost Table Refresh process gives you a warning when HR_ACCTG_LINE Adjustment rows do not have Journal Data populated. | This does not mean you need to backout the LCD Table Refresh process. All it means is that you will need to re-run the LCD Table Refresh process AFTER you populate the Journal Data in the HR_ACCTG_LINE Adjustment rows to process those rows. |
Warning- Calculated Net Pay amount does not match with the Net Pay Liability for PAYCHECK_NBR | GL Interface | This could mean that the amounts are not matching down to the penny. | This can be ignored. |
LCD Error Messages
During the LCD process you may encounter one or more of these errors mentioned below. If you are unable to resolve the errors based on the information below, please submit a ServiceNow ticket.
Message | Where in LCD Process | Meaning | Next Steps |
ERROR – Employer Ded Class Missing on PS_DEDUCTION_CLASS table for Deduction Code #### | Paycheck Create | This error means that you need to set up a ‘Non-Taxable’ tax class set up for Deduction Code ‘######’. |
Account not defined for job function $Job_Func: LON | Distribute Paycheck | The data has not been setup for your campuses Job Function mapping. Note: Job function value (example LON) can change based on the setup the campus needs to complete. The GL Account value that the Job Function maps to is determined by the campus. |
Encumbrance Control is locked with a status of “Actual Expense in Progress” | GL Interface | This means that you already attempted to run the GL Interface and then attempt to run again without completing the Backout GL Interface process. |
ERROR – Accounting Calendar Not Found | GL Interface | This could mean that the Accounting Calendar has not been setup on the CFS side. |
Message | Where in LCD Process | Meaning | Next Steps |
ERROR – Offset Account not found for Department ### and Activity FME | GL Interface | This could mean that the DEPTID values do not have a Fiscal Year row setup in the Department Budget Table. This can be caused by how data was converted or if your campus recently updated their DEPTID Values. |
ERROR: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (“SYSADAM”. “PS_HR_ACCTG_LINE”. “ACCOUNT”) | GL Interface | This could mean multiple things. The GL Interface has run into a problem trying to insert data. It could be that the DEPTID values do not have a Fiscal Year row setup in the Department Budget Table. This can be caused by how data was converted or if your campus recently updated their DEPTID Values. |
ERROR: ORA-02289: Sequence does not exist | CSU LCD Labor Cost Table Refresh | LCD Sequence Number did NOT get created | Open a ServiceNow ticket, attaching the error message, and use the high priority status. |
CSU Pre Check Audit report
- CSU Pre Check Audit report is missing deduction codes.
- To run the report successfully you need to make sure that you are entering the Pay End Date and Playgroup values in the Run Control.

- CSU Pre Check Audit report Results
While running the Pre Check Audit report, you may encounter one or more of these errors mentioned below.
Message | Meaning | Next Steps |
Jobcode #### is not an active jobcode as of DATE | The job codes is no longer active and is being attributed to a some data set in the paycheck create process for the Paytape you're looking at | These are ok to move past, because they will get corrected in the Check Errors process, where you can assign the correct Job to each |
SSN Not Found - Not in PeopleSoft | The employee in the data set is missing cannot be found in the system. | You may need to work with the appropriate group on the campus to get the employee created in the system with an SSN. |
Not Found on JOB Data | Data cannot be found in Job Data. | You may need to work with the appropriate group on the campus to get the data entered in Job Data. |
Deduction Code not found on PS_DEDUCTION_CLASS table | Deduction Class needs to be reviewed for any missing Tax Classes. | Submit a ServiceNow ticket requesting that CMS and SWHR review and add/update a deduction code (note- new deduction codes added impact all campuses in CHRS) |
Earnings Code Value not found | Earnings Code value is missing from the table and needs to be setup. |
CSU Check Creation
- CSU Check Creation Warning Message produces results:
- These warnings can be ignored. This is simply a list of the employee rows you will need to manually correct on the CSU Check Errors Correction page after you run the CSU Create Paycheck Data Job.

Changing Offset Account Values:
- Offset Account values are used by the LCD process for “zero-balance accounting”. Most campuses set their Offset Account values once for their Department Offset Group and leave them alone. However, if Offset Account values need to be changed or updated, campuses must:
- Navigate to Menu > Set Up HRMS > Product Related > Commitment Accounting > Budget Information > Department Offset Groups
- Enter a new Effective Dated row by pushing the ‘+’ button on the top right.
- Under the Payroll Information scroll, enter the new Offset Account values for each row of Payroll Activity. Optional: enter even more detailed information down to the Plan Type or Deduction Code level.
- Press “Save”
PS_CSU_LCD_JOB_DTL and PS_JOB are not in synch
- The PS_CSU_LCD_JOB_DTL and PS_JOB are not in synch and therefore, the wrong department is populated in PS_PAY_CHECK.
- A possible reason for this is that the CSU_UNIT value does not match when it comes in on the SCO Pay Tape file. This value either gets set directly in the SCO system or is transmitted to the SCO (depending on how the employees time gets entered). To correct this, you need to have the CSU_UNIT values match.
Question: What is the difference between the 9.0 LCD process and the CHRS LCD process?
- Answer: The biggest difference is the first step. Instead of campuses loading the SCO Pay Tape this will be handled centrally by System Wide Human Resources (SWHR). Another change is the Expenditure adjustments will now have a preliminary view flag.
Question: How are campuses notified once SWHR has loaded the SCO Pay Tape?
- Answer: A listserv of campus users will receive an email with their campus count.
Question: What is the timeline for SWHR to load the SCO Pay Tape?
- Answer: SWHR is aware of the urgency of this process and will do their best to process as soon as the file is available.
Question: Who will be on the listserv the SWHR is emailing?
- Answer: Campuses will be responsible for submitting who they want for their campus.
Question: In CHRS where can I go to see the status of my campus’s LCD processing?
- Answer: GO to the CSU LCD Processing Flags page and enter your campus company and Pay Tape Period. (Navigation: Menu > Payroll for North America > CUS Labor Cost Distribution > CSU LCD Process > CSU LCD Processing Flags)
Question: Is the CSU Check Creation Warning Messages new to CHRS?
- Answer: The CSU Check Creation Warning Messages do exist currently in production and will remain the same in CHRS.
Question: How and when does the CSU_LCD_JOB_DTL get populated?
- Answer: The CSU_LCD_JOB_DTL record is dynamically created every month by the CSULCD15 App Engine program (the first half of the CSU Create Paycheck Data Job, prior to CSULCD20).
Question: For Additional Pay and Time & Labor entries, where an account code override exists, when and where does the LCD process look for account code? Does the entry have to exist on a specific table, other than ps_tl_payable_time, ps_tl_rptd_time, or ps_addl_pay_data?
- Answer: Time & Labor entries come in via the TL_PAYABLE_TIME record. The campus then must run the CSU TL Earnings Distribution process (CSUTL09A.SQR) for that data to get populated into the CSU_TL_ERN_DIST record. From there, Paycheck Create program (CSULCD20.SQR) picks up the Combo Code from the CSU_TL_ERN_DIST record. For Additional Pay, that gets entered on the Additional Pay page into the ADDL_PAY_DATA record, which should also get picked up in the Paycheck Create program (CSULCD20.SQR).
Question: What is the Account Code Level Hierarchy used in the LCD Distribution Process?
- Answer: The table below shows the order in which the LCD Distribution process tries to find the correct combo code to distribute funds to. If no Combo Code is assigned on the Paycheck Creation Error Online Page, the LCD Distribution program (CSULCD40) tries Account Code Levels 2-9 from the table below. The CSU Distribution program will take the first Combo Code it can find, and once a Combo Code is found, it will not continue with the subsequent steps. If a Combo Code is still not assigned in the CSU Distribution program, it should be assigned manually using the CSU Distribution Errors online page.
$Acct_Cd_Lvl | Description |
1 | Paycheck Creation Error Online Page (before CSULCD40) |
2 | Time and Labor |
3 | Additional Pay (Immediate Pay or PIP transactions) |
4 | Job Earnings Distribution Page (Only checked if earnings code = REG) |
5 | Job Data Page |
6 | Department Budget Table – Appointment |
7 | Department Budget Table – Position |
8 | Department Budget Table – Position Pool |
9 | Department Budget Table – Department |
10 | Distribution Error Online Page (after CSULCD40) |
11 | Distribution Override Online Page (after CSULCD40) |
Question: Will the CO have a centralized process for ESP going forward? Or is this something we will have in the future?
- Answer: Currently there are no plans to change the ESP process.
Question: Can we use pool positions?
- Answer: Yes, the functionality in CHRS will be the same as it is in 9.0.
Question: Is there a recommendation on how often should the Combo Code Sync be ran?
- Answer: It is recommended that the Combo Code Sync process be ran each month right before you begin monthly LCD processing
Question: If I want to get the “Chartfield” or “cost accounting code” related to a student’s payment, (from a given list of student employee), what table would I find this information?
- Answer: CSU_LABOR_DIST, which is an LCD Reporting Table.
Question: Is the CSU Combo Code Validation report obsolete in CHRS?
- Answer: No.
Question: Does CMS support campus create LCD queries?
- Answer: No.
Question: Are you also able to confirm whether CFS Data Warehouse reports are impacted by the LCD Table Refresh and Publish Data to FIN?
- Answer: Yes, CFS Data Warehouse reports are impacted by the LCD Table Refresh and Publish Data to FIN. The CSU_LABOR_DIST record is the primary LCD reporting record that gets sent to CFS and Data Warehouse.
Question: If my campus has custom reports in 9.0 for LCD, will those be in CHRS?
- Answer: Campuses can recreate their custom reports as queries in CHRS or in CHRS Reporting.
Question: What reports will be available in CHRS?
Answer: The following reports will be available:
- CSU Combo Code Validation
- CSU Combo Edit Validation
- CSU Pay Recon Summary (Clear)
- CSU Pay Recon Summary (Fund)
- CSU Paycheck Distribution Detail
- CSU Paytape Balance (Agency)
- CSU Paytape Balance (Clear)
- CSU Paytape Detail Balance
- CSU Pre Check Audit Report
Answer: The following reports will be available:
Question: Will LCD be delivering any queries in CHRS?
- Answer: No, but campuses will have the ability to create their own queries.
Question: Who is responsible for setting up and updating the Department Budget Table?
- Answer: Campuses are responsible for setting up and updating.
Question: Who is responsible for setting up and updating the CSU Combo Code Build?
- Answer: Campuses are responsible for setting up and updating.
Question: Who is responsible for setting up and updating the Position Pool Table?
- Answer: Campuses are responsible for setting up and updating.
Question: Who is responsible for setting up different Job Functions in CHRS?
- Answer: Campuses are responsible for setting up and updating.
Question: Where do I go to setup a Job Function in CHRS?
- Answer: Navigation: Menu > Set Up HCM > CSU Product Related Setup > CSU LCD Setup > CSU Acct Mapping - Job Function.
Question: Who is responsible for setting up and updating Deduction Codes?
- Answer: SWHR will be responsible for Deduction Codes.
Question: What should I do if I need a new Deduction Code added?
- Answer: Submit a ServiceNow ticket to SWHR detailing what you need.
Question: Why are campuses not given access to setup or update Deduction Codes in CHRS?
- Answer: Deduction Codes are NOT defined by campus and therefore, any deduction added or updated affects ALL campuses.
Question: When the ChartField is modified in CFS, will it still go through integration to update CHRS and CS?
- Answer: Yes
Question: When the Journal ID (HR_ACCTG_LINE-JOURNAL_ID), Journal Date (HR_ACCTG_LINE-JOURNAL_DATE), Journal Line (HR_ACCTG_LINE-JOURNAL_LINE) are updated in CFS, will it still go through integration to update CHRS?
- Answer: Yes
Question: When the Accounting Period (HR_ACCTG_LINE-ACCOUNTING_PERIOD) and Fiscal Year Line (HR_ACCTG_LINE-FISCAL_YEAR) are updated in CFS, will it still go through integration to update CHRS?
- Answer: Yes
End of Article
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