CHRS Knowledge Base

Distribution Override Process Guide

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Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Processing Steps


For CSU Labor Cost Distribution (LCD) process the CSU Distribution Override step is optional. Only in certain cases would a campus complete this process.

Before the final journal is created, and once the CSU Paycheck Distribution process has completed successfully and all the CSU Paycheck Distribution Errors have been cleared, a final opportunity is provided to override LCD default distribution. A campus may wish to retrieve distribution records and override the Combination Code information before creating the accounting lines. Based on certain cases, a campus may do one of the following:

  • CSU Earning Dist
    • The user may override the Combination Code to which the earnings have been distributed. The user may split this distribution amount into multiple rows, as long as the Earnings amount sums to the original distribution amount. Changes made on this page will be stored directly on the CSU Pay Earnings Distribution table (CSU_PAY_ERN_DST).
screenshot of csu earnings dist tab
  • CSU Deduction Dist
    • The user may override the Combination Code to which the deductions have been distributed. The user may split this distribution amount into multiple rows per Deduction, as long as the Current Deduction amount sums to the original distribution amount. Changes made on this page will be stored directly on the CSU Pay Deduction Distribution table (CSU_PAY_DED_DST)
screenshot of deduction dist tab
  • CSU Tax Dist
    • The user may override the Combination Code to which the taxes have been distributed. The user may split this distribution amount into multiple rows per Tax, as long as the Current Tax amount sums to the original distribution amount. Changes made on this page will be stored directly on the CSU Pay Tax Distribution table (CSU_PAY_TAX_DST)
screenshot of csu tax dist tab

Processing Steps

  1. Navigate to CSU Distribution Override
    1. Menu > Payroll for North America > CSU Labor Cost Distribution > CSU LCD Processes > CSU Distribution Override
  2. Search
    1. Enter Company
    2. Enter CSU Payroll Tape Period
    3. Enter data in any of the additional fields to narrow down the number of results returned.
    4. Press “Search”
screenshot of search fields
search icon

E.     Once the results populate, click on each row to for the employee to change distribution information.

Splits are allowed, as long as they add back up to the original amount.

FTE will be prorated, based on the portion of the split, to the new Combo Codes provided.

example of search results
  1. Update
    1. Use this page to override (change) LCD distribution defaults.
      1. Distribution can be split to multiple Combo Codes by inserting new rows, however the total Distributed Amount must add back up to the original amount, or the page will not save.
      2. Deductions and Taxes are overwritten in the same manner on the CSU Deduction Dist and CSU Tax Dist tabs. Overrides are written directly to the PS_CSU_PAY_ERN_DST, PS_CSU_PAY_DED_DST, and PS_CSU_PAY_TAX_DST, records.
    2. Press “Save”
example of check earnings distrubtion field boxes
save icon
  1. Validate Changes
  2. Use the PS Query tool to validate changes.

End of Article


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