CHRS CSU Labor Cost Distribution (LCD) User Guide |
Document Title: HCM 9.2 Business Process Guide: CSU Labor Cost Distribution
Author: CMS Central
File Reference:
Date |
By |
Action |
Section |
10/2/2023 |
LCD Team | Updated Numbering to match Flowchart, Updated Flowchart image, and Removed Distribution Override Section to develop a separate user guide | All |
9/8/2023 | LCD Team | Review and update | All |
Review/Approval History
Date |
By |
Action |
Section |
Confidentiality Statement
This document has been checked and screen shots do not contain any confidential information (staff names, addresses, social security numbers).
Publishing Date |
Name of Individual Checking Screen Shots |
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Business Process Workflow Diagram
- CSU LCD Processing Flags
- Centralized SCO Pay Tape Load – System Wide Human Resources
- CSU Load SCO Pay Tape
- CSU Pre‐Check Audit Report
- CSU Create Paycheck Data Job
- CSU Check Errors Correction
- CSU Paycheck Data Finalize
- CSU Distribute Paychecks
- CSU Distribute Paychecks
- CSU Distribution Errors
- CSU Combination Code Validation
- CSU Combo Edit Validation
- CSU General Ledger (GL) Interface
- CSU Export Accounting Lines
- CSU Labor Cost Table Refresh
- CSU Publish LCD Data to FIN
- CSU ESP Interface
- Backout Processes
- CSU LCD Backout Sequence
The CSU Labor Cost Distribution (LCD) Business Process Guide will guide the user through running the LCD sequence. The primary goal of the LCD model for the CMS Baseline is to transmit a CSU payroll expenditure journal from the CMS Human Capital Management (HCM) application to the CMS Finance application.
This guide covers the following functionality:
- CSU LCD Processing Flags
- Centralized SCO Pay Tape Load – System Wide Human Resources
- Load SCO Pay Tape Data
- Create Paycheck Data
- Create (Preload) Job Data
- Create Paychecks
- Correct ‘Create Paycheck’ errors online.
- Finalize Paycheck Data
- Finalize Create Paycheck Data
- Update YTD Balances
- Distribute Paychecks
- Correct ‘Distribute Paycheck’ errors online.
- Combination Code Validation
- Combo Code Validation
- General Ledger (GL) Interface
- Export Accounting Lines
- Refresh CSU Labor Cost Reporting Table
- CSU Publish LCD Data to FIN
- ESP Interface Extract
Related Documentation
In addition to this business process guide, users can review the following documents related to this process:
- Configure Labor Cost Distribution – CSU LCD Guide
Process Prerequisites/Assumptions
Prerequisite/Assumption |
Detail |
Payroll for North America is enabled |
Payroll for North America is checked on the installation table |
CSU LCD is setup | Setup has been completed for the CSU Labor Cost Distribution processes |
Business Process Workflow Diagram
The Business Process diagram for Labor Cost Distribution is posted in the CHRS Library.
Navigation: CHRS Library > CHRS Training > Administrators > Labor Cost Distribution > Process Flows: Process Diagrams > CHRS LCD Flowchart (PDF)
CSU LCD Processing Flags
The CSU LCD Processing Flags page is designed to help campuses know where they are in the LCD process. Each time a campus completes a step within the LCD process a box is checked next to that step. Anytime that a campus runs the LCD Backout process for a step that has already been completed, the box will become unchecked for that step. Each process must be run and/or backed out in sequence.
Navigation: Menu > Payroll for North America > CSU Labor Cost Distribution > CSU LCD Processes > CSU LCD Processing Flags
Processing Steps
- Enter the Company
- Enter the pay tape period
- Press “Search”
- Review the flags.
Centralized SCO Pay Tape Load – System Wide Human Resources
This process is the first step of the LCD process and completed by System Wide Human Resources. THIS IS NOT A CAMPUS STEP. Once this step has been completed a listserv of campus users will receive an email with their campus count. At that point campus can begin processing the LCD process.
CSU Load SCO Pay Tape
This process is the first step completed by the campus once they receive the email from System Wide Human Resources. The Load SCO Data Completed flag on the CSU LCD Processing Flag page is updated to “Y”, and the Pay tape Staging tables ‘PS_CSU_SCO_%’ will be updated by this process.
Navigation: Menu > Payroll for North America > CSU Labor Cost Distribution > CSU LCD Processes > CSU Load SCO Pay Tape
Processing Steps
- Enter Run Control then press “Search.”
- Enter
- Company
- Business Unit
- Pay Tape Period
- Click “RUN”.
- Go to Process Monitor and wait for process to show “Success.”
- Review the output report CSULCD12.

CSU Pre‐Check Audit Report
The purpose is to view potential errors caused by bad or missing data and allow the user to correct these errors prior to running Paycheck Create. Some of the errors produced in the report are fatal and can be potential showstoppers, while others are minor and can be ignored.
This is an optional step; however, it is highly recommended.
Navigation: Menu > Payroll for North America > CSU Labor Cost Distribution > CSU LCD Reports and Inquiries > CSU Pre Check Audit Report
Processing Steps
- Enter Run Control and press “Search.”

- Some data will be prepopulated. Make sure to review/enter
- Default Company
- Default Business Unit
- Pay Tape Period
- Default Pay Group
- Default Pay End Date
- Click “RUN”.
- Go to Process Monitor and wait for process to show “Success.”
- Review the output report CSUPY01A

- Clean up the errors produced in the report.
CSU Create Paycheck Data Job
Launch the CSU Create Paycheck Data JOB to kick off the CSU Preload Job Data process and the CSU Create Paychecks process. This creates the paychecks preliminary. The Create Paychecks Started flag on the CSU LCD Processing Flags page will be set to “Y” by this process.
Navigation: Menu > Payroll for North America > CSU Labor Cost Distribution > CSU LCD Processes > CSU Create Paycheck Data Job
Processing Steps
- Enter Run Control and press “Search.”
- The data may be prepopulated make sure to review/enter
- Company
- Business Unit
- Pay Tape Period
- Click “RUN”.
- Go to Process Monitor and wait for process to show “Success.”
- Review the output reports


CSU Check Errors Correction
This next step is very important as it reflects the error trapped by the CSU Create Paycheck process in the CSU_CHECK_ERROR table, the user must supply missing information for the Paycheck tables. At a minimum, the Earnings Code and Department must always be supplied. Additionally, if the error message is 090003 Future Dated Transaction, the Combination Code must also be supplied.
It is the campus’s responsibility to clean up ALL errors before moving to the next step.
Navigation: Menu > Payroll for North America > CSU Labor Cost Distribution > CSU LCD Processes > CSU Check Errors Correction
Processing Steps
- Search for Errors
- Enter Company
- Enter the Pay Tape Period
- This can be done by using the magnify class or manually entering.
- Select an Error Status from the pull-down options.
Code |
Value |
Description |
- Enter data in any of the additional fields to narrow down the number of results returned.
- Name Search is the Last Name
- Heading in the grid will be changed depending on what is selected. (E.g., If more than one name is returned, the NAME column will be shown)
- Click “Search”

- Review the Results
- The information can be viewed as one large page (requires scrolling to the right) or through tabs that break the page into 3 smaller sections.
- Review all Columns.
- Click on the expander button to show all columns.
- Review by tab
- Click through each tab to review the results.
- Different ways to Search.
- The Expand Search box.
- Searching through the Expanded Search box has no restriction on what data is displayed.
- It is a pure JOB and related data search.
- All rows will be shown.
- SCO Search Page
- This page is for research only – no changes can be made.
- It displays the data the SCO sent for the current SSN. There may be multiple SCO rows for an SSN.
- Access to this page is through the SCO button on the main JOB page.
- TL Search Page
- This page is for research only – no changes can be made.
- It displays the Time and Labor information for the current EmplID being reviewed. Information is displayed in 2 separate boxes. Payable Time and TL Distribution.
- It will show information for the current and the prior month only.
- Access to this page is through the TL button on the main JOB page.
- Resolve Errors
- Note:
- Remember ALL errors must be corrected before moving on.
- It is recommended that campuses with large number of errors complete their cleanup in batches and press save frequently.
- Based on the type of Error there are different actions that may need to occur.
- Job
- Identify the row you are resolving the error for
- The most common error that generates for campuses is regarding “Job Record Not Found.”
- Click the magnify glass under Job Search to pull up the employee’s record.
- A Job Data Selection Page will appear. Review the information.
- Choose the correct Job record by clicking the radio button to the left of the Name.

- Click "Ok"

- Review the data that populated in the row based on your selection.
- EmplID
- If the SSN has been located in the system, EmplID will be displayed from PS_PERSONAL_DATA. Otherwise, it will be blank.
- This field may be left blank.
- Empl Rcd#
- If the EmplID field is populated, this lookup will display a view of all JOB rows for the employee, based on the effective date per the Charge Period.
- This field may be left blank.
- Selection of a Rec# will cause auto population of the following fields:
- Department – from the JOB record. Can be overwritten. This field may NOT be left blank.
- Position # - if tied to the JOB record. Can be overwritten. This field may be left blank.
- Pool – from the Position #, if tied to the JOB record. Can be overwritten. This field may be left blank.
- Pay Group and Pay End Dt – will be updated from JOB and the Pay Calendar and cannot be overwritten. These fields may NOT be left blank.
- Department
- Can be overwritten.
- This field may NOT be left blank.
- Position Number
- Can be overwritten.
- This field may be left blank.
- Pool ID (will filter based on Position Number)
- Can be overwritten.
- This field may be left blank.
- Press "Save"
- Codes
- Identify the row you are resolving the error for
- Errors will be encountered if the system is not able to look up an Earnings Code from the CSU_ERNCD_MAP table. Errors will also occur if the charge period of the transaction is greater than the pay tape period pay end date for the pay group of the JOB record being processed, the system will record the error message 090003 Future Dated Transaction. The Combination Code must be supplied under these conditions.
- Enter the missing Earnings Codes
- Enter the missing Combination Codes
- This will override LCD default funding, or for Future Dated Transaction errors.
- Press "Save"

- Company

- Identify the row you are resolving the error for
- Errors will be encountered because of a failure to retrieve the JOB record will be temporarily assigned to the Company, Pay Group, and Pay End Date belonging to the Master Pay Group (MST) for the pay tape period being processed. The user will have an opportunity to override this default in the online CSU Check Creation Errors pages. Only the defaulted records where EMPL_REC# is blank will allow override to the Pay Group field. Company and Pay End Date will default based on Pay Group picked.
- Enter the Pay Group if “MST” is not the correct value.
- Press "Save"

CSU Paycheck Data Finalize
Launch the Paycheck Data Finalize JOB to kick off the final CSU Create Paychecks process and the CSU Update YTD Balances process. The Create Paychecks Completed and Update YTD Balances Completed flags on the CSU LCD Processing Flags page will be set to “Y”.
Navigation: Menu > Payroll for North America > CSU Labor Cost Distribution > CSU LCD Processes > CSU Paycheck Data Finalize Job
Processing Steps
- Enter Run Control and press “Search.”

- The data may be prepopulated make sure to review/enter
- Company
- Business Unit
- Pay Tape Period
- Click “RUN”.
- Go to Process Monitor and wait for process to show “Success.”
- Review the output reports CSULCD30.

CSU Distribute Paychecks
The Distribute Paychecks Completed flag on the CSU LCD Processing Flag page is updated to “Y by this process.
Navigation: Menu > Payroll for North America > CSU Labor Cost Distribution > CSU LCD Processes > CSU Distribute Paychecks
Processing Steps
- Enter Run Control and press “Search.”

- The data may be prepopulated make sure to review/enter.
- Company
- Business Unit
- Pay Tape Period
- Click “RUN”.
- Go to Process Monitor and wait for process to show “Success.”
- Note: This process will take a while to complete, as it is creating and formatting the actual paychecks for each individual employee.
- Review the output reports CSULCD40.

CSU Distribution Errors
Valid Combo Codes must be supplied before the final journal can be created. If the Distribution Process was unable to lookup a Combo Code, errors will be collected here. It is the campus’s responsibility to clean up ALL errors before moving to the next step.
Navigation: Menu > Payroll for North America > CSU Labor Cost Distribution > CSU LCD Processes > CSU Distribution Errors
Processing Steps
- Search for Errors
- Enter
- Company
- CSU Payroll Tape Period begins with
- Pay Run ID

- Press “Search”

- Once the results populate, click on each row to clean up the errors.

- Resolve Errors
- Note:
ALL errors must be corrected before moving on.
- Identify the row you are resolving the error for
- Enter the Combo Code
- Be sure to use the correct expenditure GL Account. Dynamic Account Swap does not work on this page.

- Optional: Department, Position #, Pool Id, and Bud Level can also be supplied.
- Press “Save”

CSU Combination Code Validation
This report should be run after CSU Distribution has been processed. The report will validate that Combination Codes are valid in the PS_VALID_COMBO_TBL as of the pay end date of the charge period per distribution line; further, it will validate that the Chartfield used for distribution are valid in both the HR and Finance Chartfield tables as of the derived journal date.
This step is not required but highly RECOMMENDED to ensure your combo codes are correct.
Navigation: Menu > Payroll for North America > CSU Labor Cost Distribution > CSU LCD Reports and Inquiries > CSU Combo Code Validation
Processing Steps
- Enter Run Control and press “Search.”

- Enter
- Company
- SetID
- Pay Tape Period
- Click “RUN”.
- Go to Process Monitor and wait for process to show “Success.”
- Review the output reports.
- The report will notify the user of any potential errors.
CSU Combo Edit Validation
This report can be run at any time. This process compares the Chartfield combinations from the PS Valid Combo Table's most current row of data = < system date (i.e., ‘today’) against the General Ledger combo edit table rules. A report will print that will advise of any Combo Codes that are found invalid by the GL Combo Edit rules.
This step is not required but highly RECOMMENDED to ensure your combo codes are correct.
Navigation: Menu > Payroll for North America > CSU Labor Cost Distribution > CSU LCD Reports and Inquiries > CSU Combo Edit Validation
Processing Steps
- Enter Run Control and press “Search.”

- Enter
- Business Unit
- Ledger Group
- Click “RUN”.
- Go to Process Monitor and wait for process to show “Success.”
- Review the output report
- *Select the Ledger Group value that is associated with the ‘Actuals’ Ledger Group from the Ledger Group table in the Finance database. The record name is PS_LED_GRP_TBL.
- The report will notify the user of any potential errors.
CSU General Ledger (GL) Interface
CSU General Ledger (GL) Interface creates the accounting lines that will be published to the Financials application. This process requires a live database link to a Financials application.
The Actuals GL Interface Completed flag on the CSU LCD Processing Flag page is updated to “Y” by this process.
Navigation: Menu > Payroll for North America > CSU Labor Cost Distribution > CSU Actuals GL Interface
Processing Steps
- Enter Run Control and press “Search.”

- Enter
- Company
- Business Unit
- Pay Tape Period
- Click “RUN”.
- Go to Process Monitor and wait for process to show “Success.”
- Review the output report CSULCD50

CSU Export Accounting Lines
CSU Export Accounting Lines uses Integration Broker to publish HR Accounting Lines from the HCM database to the financials application (CFS). This process should be run each time a journal is created, either through loading a pay tape and processing LCD, or through processing expenditure adjustments. Functionality is provided to allow the HCM user to re-publish previously published accountings lines, however the first journal must be abolished from the financials application or else there will be a Unique Constraint error on the finance side.
The run control launches a JOB that runs SQR and initiates an application engine program. Once this process has been launched, the process instance number of the SQR will be recorded in the PS_HR_ACCTG_LINE.PROCESS_INSTANCE field.
Navigation: Menu > Payroll for North America > CSU Labor Cost Distribution > CSU LCD Processes > CSU Export Accounting Lines
Processing Steps
- Enter Run Control and press “Search.”

- Enter Business Unit
- Click a Radio Button
- Click the New radio button to publish a new journal (where PS_HR_ACCTG_LINE.PROCESS_INSTANCE = '0’). The Journal Template may be specified (for either Actuals or Expenditure Adjustments) or left blank to publish all new accounting lines.
- Click the Rerun radio button and specify the Process Instance number to republish a previously exported journal.
- Click “RUN”.
- Go to Process Monitor and wait for process to show “Success.”
- Review the output reports CSULCD60

CSU Labor Cost Table Refresh
AFTER the Export Accounting Lines process runs and BEFORE the Labor Cost Table Refresh process runs, the Journal Generation process should be completed in CFS. Campuses should validate that journal data was populated in the HR_ACCTG_LINE record in CHRS.
Only AFTER validating that the journal data was populated, campuses should continue with this step. The LCD Reporting Table Completed flag on the CSU LCD Processing Flag page is updated to “Y” by this process.
The CSU Labor Cost Table is provided for campus reporting purposes. This process consists of three SQR programs named CSUBE009.SQR, CSUBE010.SQR and CSUBE011.SQR that must be run in order as listed:
- CSUBE009.SQR - Actuals and Actuals Adjustments Load
- CSUBE010.SQR - Budget and Budget Adjustments Load
- CSUBE011.SQR – Encumbrance / Projection Load
- Unless your campus specifically uses future Budget / Budget Adjustments or Encumbrance / Projection (this is rare), you should only run the Actuals / Actuals Adjustments program (CSUBE009.SQR). This should be the case for most campuses. The Actuals / Actuals Adjustments program is the only one of these three programs that is required for monthly LCD processing.
- Running the process as a JOB will execute all three programs in sequence.
- The table is refreshed by Fiscal Year (so that expenditure adjustments from previous periods are included), however the backout functionality is controlled by a single pay tape period.
- Updates can be validated in the PS_CSU_LABOR_DIST record.
Navigation: Menu > Payroll for North America > CSU Labor Cost Distribution > CSU LCD Processes > CSU Labor Cost Table Refresh
Processing Steps
- Enter Run Control and press “Search.”

- Enter
- SetID
- Business Unit
- Company
- Fiscal Year
- Click “RUN”.
- Select one of the checkboxes under the Process List
- Labor Cost Rpt Refresh Actuals
- Note: This is the recommended item to select. The Actuals / Actuals Adjustments program is the only one of these three programs that is required for monthly LCD processing. Unless your campus specifically uses future Budget / Budget Adjustments or Encumbrance / Projection (this is rare), you should only run the Actuals / Actuals Adjustments program (CSUBE009.SQR). This should be the case for most campuses.
- Labor Cost Rpt Refresh Budget
- Note: This should only be selected if your campus specifically uses future Budget / Budget Adjustments.
- Labor Cost Rpt Refresh Encumb
- Note: This should only be selected if your campus specifically uses future Encumbrance / Projection.
- CSU nVision Payroll Refresh
- Note: If you select this, it will run all three of these processes mentioned above. This is not necessary, and will take more time for the process to compete.
- Click “OK”
- Go to Process Monitor and wait for process to show “Success.”
- Review the output reports.
- CSUBE009.SQR - Actuals and Actuals Adjustments Load

- CSUBE010.SQR - Budget and Budget Adjustments Load

- CSUBE011.SQR – Encumbrance / Projection Load

CSU Publish LCD Data to FIN
Navigation: Menu > Payroll for North America > CUS Labor Cost Distribution > CSU LCD Process > CSU Publish LCD Data to FIN
Processing Steps
- Enter Run Control and press “Search.”

- Enter
- Company
- Business Unit
- Pay Tape Period
- Click “RUN”.
- Go to Process Monitor and wait for process to show “Success.”
- Review the output reports CSULCD70

CSU ESP Interface
This should be the same value that has been established by the campus as the default for FIRMS financial reporting. This value will be used during FIRMS program derivation by Rule #1. Data that has been collected, calculated, derived, and stored in the history tables will be extracted and written into flat files in a file format that emulates the legacy data structures.
Navigation: Menu > Payroll for North America > CSU Labor Cost Distribution > CSU ESP Processes > CSU ESP Interface
Processing Steps
- Enter Run Control and press “Search.”

- Enter information in ALL fields
- HR Business Unit
- Company
- Payroll Tape Period
- Campus Code
- Agency Code
- Default Program Code

- Click “RUN”.
- Go to Process Monitor and wait for process to show “Success.”
Backout Processes
Navigation: Menu > Payroll for North America > CSU Labor Cost Distribution > CSU LCD Backouts >
CSU LCD Backout Sequence
In the event that data committed to the LCD tables needs to be removed, either for one step of the process or for the entire pay tape period, each of the main LCD processes is accompanied by backout capability. As each step of LCD must be run in sequence, so must each of the backout steps be run in sequence. The CSU LCD Processing Flag page can be used as a roadmap to determine where in the sequence the process is standing (refer to CSU LCD Processing Flags section of this document). Flags must be unset in the following sequence order:
- CSU Backout LCD Table Refresh
- CSU Backout GL Interface
- CSU Backout Check Distribution
- CSU Backout YTD Balances
- CSU Backout Paycheck Create
- CSU Backout SCO Tape Load
End of Article
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