Benefits Officers
19 Articles (job aids)
- Benefits Officer Basics (Lessons 1-18) Full eBenefits
- Course Introduction (Lesson #1)
- System Overview (Lesson #2)
- Your Responsibilities (Lesson #3)
- Verify Benefits Primary Campus (Lesson #4)
- Enable New Hire Benefits (Lesson #5)
- Enroll in Benefits (Lesson #6)
- Prepare to Finalize Events (Lesson #7)
- Update Marital Status (Lesson #8)
- Set Finalize Flags (Lesson #9)
- Finalize BAS Events with ODEM (Lesson #10)
- Generate Confirmation Statements (Lesson #11)
- View BAS Events (Lesson #12)
- Manage BAS Events (Lesson #13)
- Reprocessing Flagged Events (Lesson #14)
- Daily CSUBAS Logs (Lesson #15)
- Daily Reports (Lesson #16)
- Troubleshooting (Lesson #17)
- Avoiding Mistakes (Lesson #18)