CHRS Knowledge Base

Employee Self-Service

Self-Service system for Employees to manage profile, time and benefits

Manager Self-Service

Self-Service for Managers for time management and workforce administration

Faculty Self-Service

Self-Service for Faculty to manage profile, time, benefits, and appointment notifications

CHRS Navigation

Brief video of how to navigate in CHRS

CHRS Implementation Resources

Materials and resources in this category is for campus implementation teams, testers, project managers, change managers and other campus stakeholders involved in the implementation of CHRS. 

Peoplesoft Resources

Online resources and documentation from Peoplesoft Website.

Maintenance Packs (MP) Releases

FOR USE IN TESTING ONLY!  Job aids that are related to maintenance pack releases will be updated and stored in this location during testing. Once MP is pushed to production job aids and other materials will be moved to live knowledge base. 

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