CHRS Knowledge Base

Retention Tenure Promotion Overview

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Table of Contents
Process Overview
Related Documents
Faculty Review Steps
Review, Approve and Load Transactions to Job
Processes in RTP
  • Department Rollup
  • Tree Requirement
  • Parameter Program Setup
  • Parameter Setup
  • Recommendation Rollover
RTP Reports
  • Review Eligbility
  • Review Status
  • RTP Analytics

Process Overview

This module is used to manage tenured/tenure-track faculty. It tracks evaluation data, tracks review cycles, schedules evaluations, and captures recommendations and evaluation outcomes at all levels of review. This modification also provides both process and output reports for faculty candidates, evaluators, and administrators.

The documents listed below are supporting materials such as test plans, test scripts, and business process guides associated with this modification. Based on the complexity of the modification, support materials will vary. Support materials are also posted on the CMS SharePoint documentation page for each application.

  • WA20001 CHRS DS Retention Tenure and Promotion

Faculty Reviews User Guide Steps

Navigation: CSU Retention, Tenure, Promo > CSU RTP Faculty Reviews > Faculty Reviews

This page is used to add faculty candidates to the Retention, Tenure and Promotion modification (RTP). The page selects and displays some of the data from other tables, including Job Data. Review results and Approval for the review are recorded in this page as well.

faculty review page

Section One of Page

  1. Most of the values are being pulled from the current row in Job Data
    1. Emplid, Empl_Rcd and Name
    2. Department
    3. Jobcode
    4. Empl Class
    5. Payroll Status
    6. Business Unit
  2. College is from the Dept Rollup table
  3. Rank is based on the Salary Grade in Job (mapped in setup table)
  4. T/T-T Start Date is from the Hire Dates Modification and specifically from the Tenure Tab DISPLAY
  5. Prior Service Credit Y1 and Y2 – are updated manually by the user
  6. There is a link to the Current Row in Job

Section Two of Page

  1. This section is for the Review Year entered when the employee was added
  2. Contains data on each Review Cycle
  3. Fields are manual
    1. Probationary
    2. Joint Deptid
    3. Deptid
  4. Fields in section two below the Review Action Section like Postponed, Probationary Period Extension and Terminal Year are manual.
  5. Postponed and Terminal Year have additional fields that become available when those check boxes are selected.
  6. Multiple Review Cycles can be added, and user must select a reason for the cycle. Reason is a translate value.

Section Three of Page

example of faculty review details page
  1. Review Actions that are loaded to Job are Promotion, Tenure and Retention/Denied (loads a term row)
  2. The user can select the Early button when the Review Action is Promotion or Tenure
  3. The Opt Out button can only be selected when the Review Action is Promotion.
    1. If Opt Out checkbox is selected, the Y/N decision fields will change to N and be display only.
    2. The Review Action of Promotion will be made display only.
    3. The Results Fields will not display. The Effective Date will be editable by the user.
  4. Promotion to Rank field will be display only when the Review Action is Promotion or Tenure.
  5. The Approval Buttons are manually set to Y. N is the default.
  6. Results fields values are in drop down.
    1. Transactions will load to job for Promotion and Tenure (when Granted/Denied) or for Tenure when serving terminal year.
    2. Retention will go to Job if it is Denied and will add a term row
  7. If the Review Action is Retention and the Results are Granted, the Years Retained field is available.
    1. User can select up to 6 years.
  8. If the Review Action is Promotion and the Review Results are Granted, the Compensation fields become available for entry.
  9. The Min Salary % can be set to the Campus requirements.
  10. The Enhancement % can be set to whatever the Campus wants.
  11. The Total % will get loaded to the Compensation Tab in Job.

Review, Approve and Load Transactions to Job

Navigation: CSU Retention, Tenure, Promo > CSU RTP Faculty Reviews > Transaction Review

Review Transactions

All transactions that will be loaded to Job must be reviewed, approved and the load process run.

transaction revview page
  1. Must enter Business Unit and Review Year
  2. Search Results are transactions that have been granted or denied and are ready to process to job
  3. User reviews transaction details
  4. Compensation changes will auto calc from/to
  5. Select transactions that are ready to move forward for Approval
  6. Select Submit for Approval Button
    1. If transactions should not be moved forward and should be deleted, Select the Transaction Status Tab, click the checkbox and select the Delete button.
    2. Transaction Status in Transaction Review is the only place transactions can be deleted from the review/approve/load tables.

Approve Transactions

Navigation: CSU Retention, Tenure, Promo > CSU RTP Faculty Reviews > Transaction Approval

transaction approval page
action and action reason page
  1. Must enter Business Unit and Review Year
  2. Search Results are transactions that have been reviewed and submitted for approval
  3. Approver reviews transaction details
  4. Select transactions that are ready to move forward for Load to Job
  5. Then either select Set All to Approved Button or
  6. Select the Checkbox for Approved on each transaction
  7. Once Approved and Saved, transactions will move forward to be loaded to Job

Load Transactions to Job

Navigation: CSU Retention, Tenure, Promo > CSU RTP Faculty Reviews > Transaction Load

transaction load page
transacation load page additional fields
  1. Load to Job is a Run Control page.
  2. Run Control ID must have Business Unit and Review Year
  3. Page has options to search when number of employees needs to be narrowed using criteria.
  4. Can Select Set all to Ready to Load or Select the checkbox for Ready to Load for each transaction.
  5. Note user can see who reviewed and who approved the transaction as well as the date both were done.
  6. Select Save and then Run
  7. The Log from the run will display the emplids and if they passed validation. It will also list who passed and failed.
example of passed validation page
example of granted tenure and promoted page

Processes in RTP

Department Rollup

Navigation: Set up HCM > CSU Product Related Set Up > CSU Workforce Admin Set Up> CSU RTP Dept Rollup

This process builds an Organizational Hierarchy by assigning groups of departments to Colleges and Colleges to Division. The process uses a tree which can be developed by the Campus, or the Campus Dept Security tree may be used if it identifies the organizational hierarchy and fits the tree requirements.

add new value fields
example of create RTP department rollup page

The process produces a log that the Campus can review.

example of log

The Campus may have to build a tree for the Dept Rollup process. Listed below are the requirements that must be followed.

Tree Requirements.
  1. Tree can only consist of Nodes – it cannot have Leafs.
  2. The tree must be a minimum of 4 levels.
    1. Campus – Level 1
      1. Division – Level 2
        1. College – Level 3
          1. Department – Level 4 or greater
  3. Division is always Level 2.
  4. College is always Level 3.
  5. Division or College must have been active in Dept Tbl at one time.
    1. Current row does not have to be active.
  6. Deptid must be active to build the tree but can then be inactivated.
  7. Division or College cannot be character must be a Deptid.
  8. The Departments (level 4 or greater) must be valid/active in Dept Tbl, or the Node/Department will not be processed by program.
  9. Tree branch’s depth/levels is not limited to 4 levels. Level 4 and below is for Departments.
  10. There are view pages for the current Dept Rollup or to view History. Includes the ability to search for a Deptid
example of department rollup page

Parameter Program Setup

Navigation: CSU Retention, Tenure, Promo > CSU RTP Processes

Table is used to identify programs that need the FTP technical tool which is the Recommendation Rollover process.

example of program ID setup page

Parameter Setup

Identifies the File Path for the Campus FTP folder. The path is the same for all Campuses except for the folder itself which is the Campus Business Unit. This folder is used for the CSU RTP Recommendation Rollover process.

example of program table setup page

Recommendation Rollover

Navigation: CSU Retention, Tenure, Promo > CSU RTP Processes

  1. The Recommendation Rollover process uses export/import functionality.
  2. The fields on the run control identify the Campus, Current Review Year, Next Review Year and whether this is the export or the import.
  3. User must also enter the file name which must include the extension .CSV.
    1. User must remember the file name for both the export and import parts of the process.
example of process recommendation rollover page
example of exporting file page
  1. The process exports the current row from the Faculty Review tables that have the Current Review Year.
    1. There are 3 tables used in the Faculty Review pages.
  2. If there is more than one Review Cycle, the most recent Review Cycle is exported.
  3. If the employee already has a row in the Next Review Year, the employee will be skipped on the export.
  4. Once the process completes successfully and the user has reviewed the logs for issues, navigate to the FTP Tech Tool or select CSU File Utilities link on run control page and download the file from the Campus FTP folder.
  5. User will review file and revise as necessary.
    1. The Campus may need to delete some rows or update some flags.
    2. At a minimum, the review year must be updated to the value entered on the run control for the Next Review Year.
  6. The import process will reset the flags in the Review Action and Decisions part of the page.
    1. It will also reset the Review Cycle to 1.
  7. If the employee Postponed the Review in the Current Review Year, those flags would need to be set to N in the file.
  8. If the employee was offered a Terminal Year, that flag will need to be reset to N.
  9. Once the user is satisfied with the file, they will go to the FTP Utility and upload the file.
    1. Please note, the filename to be uploaded must be the same as the export file and must include the .CSV extension. Otherwise, the FTP utility will not be able to find the file.

Navigation: CSU Tech Mods > FTP Utility or Select Link on Run Control Page

example of CSU FTP utility page
  1. CSV File for Review
    1. Change CSU Review year to next academic year
    2. The postponed flags will need to reset manually if used in the current review year.
example of CSV file
  1. CSV File for Review
    1. Terminal year flags will need to reset manually if used in the current review year.
CSV file additional fields

Before running the Import process, upload the file using the FTP Utility.

example CSU FTP utility page upload

Select the Import Check box

  1. Reset the run control and make sure the Import File radio button is selected.
  2. The import will insert all rows into the CSU_RTP_REVW_ tables where a row for the Next Review Year entered on the run control does not exist.
  3. As mentioned previously, the import process will reset all the Review Action and Decision fields on the new row.
  4. The user will need to review the logs and logs will tell the user what employees failed the validation to be reloaded.
example of process recommendation rollover and selecting import field

Review Log to ensure there were no failures or skips. The log should contain 3 rows for each employee.

example of review log

Note row for 2023-2024 has been inserted and all previous reviews for employee are reset

example of how there are new rows inserted into faculty review page

RTP Reports

The RTP module delivers multiple reports to look at the data.

Review Eligibility

Navigation: Menu > Retention, Tenure, Prom > CSU RTP > Review Eligibility

  • Report different outputs of candidate profile requires the input of employee ID
    • Select the type of report
    • Professional Development Plan
    • Evaluation of Tenured Faculty
    • Promotion
    • Retention
    • Serving Terminal Year
    • Tenure
    • Periodic "Mini" Evaluation
review eligibility report page

Review Eligibility

example of review eligibility report

Opt Out of Promotion

example of opt out of promotion report

Review Postponed

example of review postponed report

Candidate Profile

example of candidate profile report

Review Status

Navigation: Menu > Retention, Tenure, Prom > CSU RTP > Review Status

example of review status report page

Review Status

example of review status report

Outstanding Reviews

example of outstanding reviews report


Navigation: Menu > Retention, Tenure, Prom > CSU RTP > Analytics

example of the RTP Analytics Report

End of Article


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