CHRS Knowledge Base

EE Group Appointment Data Entry Guide

Updated on

01 - Lecturers

12 Month
Job Code Appt Types Required Fields Auto Updating Fields Formulas
002-12 Month Appt Type
Eff Dt
End Dt
WTU (if FTE entered)
FTE (if WTU entered)
Actual Comp Rate (Based on Formula)
Base rate x FTE = Actual Comp Rate


  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time
Academic Year (AY)
001-Acad Year
003-Ent Y1
014-Ent 1 of 3
015-Ent 2 of 3
016-Ent 3 of 3
017-Multi AY
Session (if outside regular session 1)
Appt Type
Eff Dt (Based on Term/Session Entered)
End Dt (Based on Term/Session/Appt Type Entered)
Multi Term End Dt (Based on Term/Session Entered)
WTU (if FTE entered)
FTE (if WTU entered)
Actual Comp Rate (Based on Formula)
Term Rate (Based on Formula)

Base Rate x FTE = Actual Comp Rate

Actual Comp Rate x Number of pay checks (comes from the term table) = Term Rate


  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. Use the Adjust field to open up the Effective Date/Term End Date fields
  3. Late Start/Early Term:
    • Daily Rate x FTE x Number of Days= Late Start (Total Term)
    • Daily Rate x FTE x Number of Days= Early Term (Total Term)
  4. Remember: The daily rate is different per term, as the number of days in the term can differ. So the calc would be days work divided by days in the term times the term total = late start/early term total
  5. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time

02 - Counselors

12 Month
Job Code Recommended Appt Types Required Fields Auto Updating Fields Formulas
002-12 Month Appt Type
Eff Dt
End Dt
WTU (if FTE entered)
FTE (if WTU entered)
Actual Comp Rate (Based on Formula)
Base Rate x FTE = Actual Comp Rate
  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time
Academic Year (AY)
001-Acad Year
017-Multi AY
Session (if outside regular session 1)
Appt Type
Eff Dt  (Based on Term/Session Entered)
End Dt  (Based on Term/Session/Appt Type Entered)
Multi Term End Dt (Based on Term/Session Entered)
WTU (if FTE entered)
FTE (if WTU entered)
Actual Comp Rate (Based on Formula)
Term Rate (Based on Formula)
  1. Base Rate x FTE = Actual Comp Rate
  2. Actual Comp Rate x number of payments = Term Rate
  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. Use the Adjust field to open up the Effective Date/Term End Date fields
  3. Late Start/Early Term:
    • Daily Rate x FTE x Number of Days= Late Start (Total Term)
    • Daily Rate x FTE x Number of Days= Early Term (Total Term)
    • Remember: The daily rate is different per term, as the number of days in the term can differ.   So the calc would be days work divided by days in the term times the term total = late start/early term total
  4. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time

03 - Librarian

12 Month
Job Code Recommended Appt Types Required Fields Auto Updating Fields Formulas
012-10 Month Appt Type
Eff Dt
End Dt
Months Off #1
Months Off #2
Hours (if FTE entered)
FTE (If hours entered)
Actual Comp Rate (based on formula)
  1. Base rate x FTE = Actual Comp Rate
  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time
Academic Year (AY)
 002-12 Month Appt Type
Eff Dt
End Dt
Hours (if FTE entered)
FTE (If hours entered)
Actual Comp Rate (based on formula)
  1. Base Rate x FTE = Actual Comp Rate
  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time

04 - Coaches

10 Month
Job Code Recommended Appt Types Required Fields Auto Updating Fields Formulas
012-10 Month Appt Type
Eff Dt
End Dt
Months Off #1
Months Off #2
Actual Comp Rate (Based on Formula)
  1. Base rate x FTE = Actual Comp Rate
  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time
12 Month
 002-12 Month Appt Type
Eff Dt
End Dt
Actual Comp Rate (Based on Formula)
  1. Base Rate x FTE = Actual Comp Rate
  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time
Academic Year (AY)
001-Acad Year
017-Multi AY
Appt Type
Session  (if outside regular session 1)
Eff Dt  (Based on Term/Session Entered)
End Dt  (Based on Term/Session/Appt Type Entered)
Actual Comp Rate  (Based on Formula)
  1. Base Rate x FTE = Actual Comp Rate
  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. Use the Adjust field to open up the Effective Date/Term End Date fields
  3. Late Start/Early Term:
    • Daily Rate x FTE x Number of Days= Late Start (Total Term)
    • Daily Rate x FTE x Number of Days= Early Term (Total Term)
    • Remember: The daily rate is different per term, as the number of days in the term can differ.   So the calculations would be days work divided by days in the term times the term total = late start/early term total
  4. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time

05 - Summer

Job Code Recommended Appt Types Required Fields Auto Updating Fields Formulas
010-Summer Ses Term
Session  (if outside regular session 1)
Appt Type
Rate Per WTU (if not 2360 job code)
Eff Dt  (Based on Term/Session Entered)
End Dt  (Based on Term/Session/Appt Type Entered)
WTU (if employees primary job code is 2360)
Reduce Rate (Based on Student Count entered, if student count is not entered field will be blank and the Total Comp Field will populate instead)
Total Comp Field (Based on Formula)
  1. Monthly AY x 12/number of units in the term table = Rate Per WTU
  2. Rate Per WTU x WTU = Total Comp
  3. Rate Per WTU x WTU X % of Full Pay=Reduced Rate
  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time
  3. Immediate pay should have no more than 1 decimal place

06-Substitute Faculty

Job Code Recommended Appt Types Required Fields Auto Updating Fields Formulas
2356 005-Immediate Pay Grade
Appt Type
Eff Dt
End Dt
Lec/Lab Hrs
Lec/Lab Rate (Based on what was entered in the Grade field and whether Lab/Lec was selected, the amount pulls from CSU TAE Substitute Appt Tbl)
Lec/Lab Total Amt (Based on formula)
  1. # of Hours x Lec/Lab Rate= Lec/Lab Tot Amt
  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. No more than two(2) appointments can be entered at a time
  3. Base Rate Field is not used to process any calculations, but is still required. If the employee is new, then a rate must be entered. 
    • It is recommended that the user enter the same amount in the Base Rate field as the Lab/Lecture Rate.
  4. Immediate pay should have no more than 1 decimal place

07 - Extension

Job Code Recommended Appt Types Required Fields Auto Updating Fields Formulas
005-Immediate Pay Term
Session (if outside regular session 1)
Appt Type
Rate Per WTU
Eff Dt  (Based on Term/Session Entered)
End Dt  (Based on Term/Session/Appt Type Entered)
WTU (if FTE entered)
FTE (if WTU entered)
Total Comp (Based on Formula)
  1. WTU X Rate Per WTU= Total Comp
  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time
  3. Immediate pay should have no more than 1 decimal place

08 - Additional Employment

16th Unit
Job Code Recommended Appt Types Required Fields Auto Updating Fields Formulas
2403 020-AE-16th WTU Term
Session (if outside regular
Appt Type
AY Monthly Base Rate (if applicable)

  • AY Monthly Base Rate (if employee has an active 2358 appt in the same department)
  • Eff Dt  (Based on Term/Session Entered)
  • End Dt  (Based on Term/Session Entered)
  • FTE (Based on WTU)
  • Total Comp Rate (Based on Formula)
  • 2403 Base Rate (Based on Formula)
  1. Total Comp = (AY Monthly Base X 12 /30) x WTU
  2. 2403 Base Rate= Total Comp Rate/ FTE x (1/( # of Days working in January/ # of day in January Pay Period) + (# of Days working in February/ # of day in February Pay Period) + (# of Days working in March / # of day in March Pay Period) + (# of Days working in April/ # of day in April Pay Period) + (# of Days working in May / # of day in May Pay Period) + (# of Days working in June/ # of day in June Pay Period) + (# of Days working in July / # of day in July Pay Period) + (# of Days working in August / # of day in August Pay Period) + (# of Days working in September / # of day in September Pay Period) + (# of Days working in October / # of day in October Pay Period) + (# of Days working in November / # of day in November Pay Period) + (# of Days working in December / # of day in December Pay Period))
  3. Monthly Actual Pay Amount = ((2043 Base Rate/Days in Pay Period) x FTE) x # of Days Working 
  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time
Lump Sum
 021-AE-Lump Sum Appt Type
Eff Dt
End Dt
Total Comp Rate
2403 Base Rate (Based on Formula)
  1. 2403 Base Rate= Total Comp Rate/ FTE x (1/( # of Days working in January/ # of day in January Pay Period) + (# of Days working in February/ # of day in February Pay Period) + (# of Days working in March / # of day in March Pay Period) + (# of Days working in April/ # of day in April Pay Period) + (# of Days working in May / # of day in May Pay Period) + (# of Days working in June/ # of day in June Pay Period) + (# of Days working in July / # of day in July Pay Period) + (# of Days working in August / # of day in August Pay Period) + (# of Days working in September / # of day in September Pay Period) + (# of Days working in October / # of day in October Pay Period) + (# of Days working in November / # of day in November Pay Period) + (# of Days working in December / # of day in December Pay Period))
  2. Lump Sum = 2403 Base Rate x FTE
  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time
  3. FTE cannot be greater than .25
AY Daily Rate
022-AE AY Daily Rate-172 Appt Type
Eff Dt
End Dt
AY Month (if applicable)
AY Monthly Base Rate (if employee has an active 2358 appt in the same department or an active 2360 in any department)
Total Comp Rate (Based on Formula)
2403 Base Rate (Based on Formula)
  1. Daily Rate= Monthly Base x 12 / by the number of days (Can be 170 or 172)
  2. Total Comp= Daily Rate x # of days need to pay
  3. 2403 Base Rate= Total Comp Rate/ FTE x (1/( # of Days working in January/ # of day in January Pay Period) + (# of Days working in February/ # of day in February Pay Period) + (# of Days working in March / # of day in March Pay Period) + (# of Days working in April/ # of day in April Pay Period) + (# of Days working in May / # of day in May Pay Period) + (# of Days working in June/ # of day in June Pay Period) + (# of Days working in July / # of day in July Pay Period) + (# of Days working in August / # of day in August Pay Period) + (# of Days working in September / # of day in September Pay Period) + (# of Days working in October / # of day in October Pay Period) + (# of Days working in November / # of day in November Pay Period) + (# of Days working in December / # of day in December Pay Period))
  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time

09 - TA

12 Month
Job Code Recommended Appt Types Required Fields Auto Updating Fields Formulas
2353 002-12 Month Appt Type
Eff Dt
End Dt
WTU (if FTE entered)
FTE (if WTU entered)
Actual Comp Rate (Based on Formula)
  1. Base Rate x FTE = Actual Comp Rate
  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time
Academic Year (AY)
2354 001-Acad Year
Session (if outside regular session 1)
Appt Type
Eff Dt  (Based on Term/Session Entered)
End Dt  (Based on Term/Session/Appt Type Entered)
Multi Term End Dt (Based on Term/Session Entered)
WTU (if FTE entered)
FTE (if WTU entered)
Actual Comp Rate (Based on Formula)
Term Rate (Based on Formula)
  1. Base Rate x FTE = Actual Comp Rate
  2. Actual Comp Rate x number of payments = Term Rate
  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. Use the Adjust field to open up the Effective Date/Term End Date fields
  3. Late Start/Early Term:
    • Daily Rate x FTE x Number of Days= Late Start (Total Term)
    • Daily Rate x FTE x Number of Days= Early Term (Total Term)
    • Remember: The daily rate is different per term, as the number of days in the term can differ.   So the calculations would be days work divided by days in the term times the term total = late start/early term total
  4. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time

10 - GA

12 Month
Job Code Recommended Appt Types Required Fields Auto Updating Fields Formulas
002-12 Month Appt Type
Eff Dt
End Dt
Hours (Based on FTE)
FTE (Based on Hours)
Actual Comp Rate (Based on Formula)
  1. Base Rate x FTE = Actual Comp Rate
  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time
Academic Year (AY)
2355 001-Acad Year
Session (if outside regular session 1)
Appt Type
Eff Dt  (Based on Term/Session Entered)
End Dt (Based on Term/Session/Appt Type Entered)
Multi Term End Dt (Based on Term/Session Entered)
WTU (if FTE entered)
FTE (if WTU entered)
Actual Comp Rate (Based on Formula)
Term Rate (Based on Formula)
  1. Base Rate x FTE = Actual Comp Rate
  2. Actual Comp Rate x number of payments = Term Rate
  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet
  2. Use the Adjust field to open up the Effective Date/Term End Date fields
  3. Late Start/Early Term:
    • Daily Rate x FTE x Number of Days= Late Start (Total Term)
    • Daily Rate x FTE x Number of Days= Early Term (Total Term)
    • Remember: The daily rate is different per term, as the number of days in the term can differ.   So the calculations would be days work divided by days in the term times the term total = late start/early term total
  4. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time

11 - ISA

Job Code Recommended Appt Types Required Fields Auto Updating Fields Formulas
011-ISA Term
Eff Dt (only if Term/Session not used)
End Dt (only if Term/Session not used)
Appt Type
Hourly Rate
Min Hours
Max Hours
Eff Dt  (Based on Term/Session Entered)
End Dt  (Based on Term/Session Entered)
  1. Hourly- no formula

  1. There are additional fields that can be completed but not noted on spreadsheet.
  2. No more than three(3) appointments can be entered at a time
  3. If Appt Type Semester or AY are used, then Final Approver will need to make sure that the AY Duration field is blank on the My Approval page.

End of Article


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